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Created March 13, 2017 19:21
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Create a new user on CentOS 7 and prep for SSH
# The new user's username (prompt for input)
# Will be stored in variable newUserName
echo -e "\e[92mWhat username should be created? Please Enter:\e[37m"
read -p "Enter new username (no spaces): " newUserName;
echo -e "\n\e[92mNew user will be called: ${newUserName}\e[37m\n"
# Create new user
echo -e "\e[92mCreating the new user as ${newUserName}\e[37m"
sudo adduser -d /home/"${newUserName}" "${newUserName}"
# Generate a random password and store it
echo -e "\e[92mGenerating new password, storing in /home/${newUserName}/your_password\e[37m"
sudo sh -c "head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32 > /home/"${newUserName}"/your_password"
# Use that password as the user's password
echo -e "\e[92mAdding generated password to the new user\e[37m"
sudo cat /home/"${newUserName}"/your_password | sudo passwd "${newUserName}" --stdin
# Add the user to the wheel group, giving them sudo access
echo -e "\e[92mAdding user to wheel group (for sudo access)\e[37m"
sudo gpasswd -a "${newUserName}" wheel
# Create new directories & files for key-based SSH
echo -e "\e[92mCreating .ssh directory in user's home\e[37m"
sudo mkdir /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh
echo -e "\e[92mChanging .ssh permissions to 700\e[37m"
sudo chmod -Rf 700 /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh
echo -e "\e[92mChanging .ssh owner\e[37m"
sudo chown -Rf "${newUserName}:${newUserName}" /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh
echo -e "\e[92mCreating authorized_keys file\e[37m"
sudo touch /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo -e "\e[92mChanging authorized_keys permissions to 600\e[37m"
sudo chmod -Rf 600 /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo -e "\e[92mChanging authorized_keys owner\e[37m"
sudo chown -Rf "${newUserName}:${newUserName}" /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Additional steps needed
echo -e "\n\n\e[91mFinal step:\n\nFor key-based SSH, add your public key string to /home/"${newUserName}"/.ssh/authorized_keys\e[37m\n\n"
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