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Created October 15, 2017 04:48
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extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Equatable {
/// Computes the indices of different elements between two collections. This is useful for updating table views
/// with row deletions and insertion
/// - Parameter other: the collection to compute the index difference
/// - Returns: a tuple with indices to delete and insert on `self` to create a collection equivalent to `other`
/// - Discussion: This algorithm does not work for collections with duplicate elements.
public func indexDifference(with other: Self) -> (deleted: [Index], inserted: [Index]) {
var (deleted, inserted): ([Index], [Index]) = ([], [])
for (offset, element) in self.enumerated() where !other.contains(element) {
let i = index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(offset))
for (offset, element) in other.enumerated() where !self.contains(element) {
let i = index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(offset))
return (deleted, inserted)
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