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Created May 24, 2016 22:31
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How to install Manjaro on a raid 0 array with EFI
Create a 100 MiB FAT32 partition with Gparted, name the label ESP, apply operations and give it boot and esp flags
Create a swap partition with gparted and give it the label swap
# cfdisk /dev/sdb
Create a swap type partition and give it a Linux RAID type for each disk
sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --metadata=1.2 --chunk=64 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
# mkfs.ext4 -v -L myarray -m 0.5 -b 4096 -E stride=16,stripe-width=32 /dev/md0
Stride = (chunk size/block size). In this example, the math is (64/4) so the stride = 16.
Stripe-width = (# of physical data disks * stride). In this example, the math is (2*16) so the stripe-width = 32.
Run Calamares and go though the installation process until you get to disk partitioning
Select "Manual partitioning"
Select /dev/md0 under Linux Software RAID Array and click Edit and make the Mount Point /
Select the FAT32 ESP partition under the other drive and make the mount point /boot/efi
Select the swap partition and click format
Go next and continue the rest of the installation
After the installation
# mdadm --detail --scan
example: ARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 name=manjaro:0 UUID=2402538e:c1a5d525:56a39724:3712e56c
place this in /etc/mdadm.conf under the line DEVICE partitions and get rid of metadata and name
# nano /etc/mdadm.conf
# mount /dev/md0 /mnt
# cp /etc/mdadm.conf /mnt/etc/mdadm.conf
# for f in proc sys dev ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f ; done
# chroot /mnt
# nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
add mdadm_udev to the HOOKS array in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
for example: HOOKS="base udev autodetect block mdadm_udev filesystems usbinput fsck"
# mkinitcpio -p linux44
Regenerate the initramfs image
Reboot and enjoy raid 0
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