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Having a solid API is becoming more necessary with the rise of JavaScript
frameworks and mobile apps. Structuring your API response to handle growth
and edge cases can be a daunting task. With JSON API, you have defined spec
for handling related resources, pagination, sorting, filtering, and tools/libraries.
In this session we will cover API responses, hypermedia linking, handling
errors, and serializing your data.
Do new team members struggle to gain traction in your code base? Do you have a certain
section of their code base that no one speaks of, and where all estimates grow exponentially.
This talk provides a guidline for identifying complex/confusing code and transforming it
into a comprehendible code base. We will cover variable/method naming, coding standards, and
finding/fixing complex code.
Our bodies are just like a legacy code base, we are old in internet years! Just like most legacy
code bases rewriting isn't an option, so you have to slowly refactor. We, developers, spend the majority
of our time sitting and possibly with terrible posture. Our schedules lead to poor eating choices and
physical exercise falls to the wayside. I will discuss the way I refactored my physical body and the incremental
changes that has lead to a more enjoyable life. You will leave with a plan to improve your overall health.
jakefolio / Collection.php
Created May 27, 2016 16:01
Low memory usage collection
namespace jakefolio;
class Collection implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate
protected $items;
public function __construct($items = [])
jakefolio / Form.rb
Created July 6, 2016 14:48
Custom validation
validation :campaign_date_range, if: :default do
# start and end date have been coerced to DateTime
required(:starts_at, &:valid_start_date?)
required(:ends_at, &:valid_end_date?)
def valid_start_date?(value)
value > form.ends_at
def valid_end_date?(value)
jakefolio / durations.php
Created October 17, 2016 19:27
Add duration strings into DateInterval
$durations = [
function getDateIntervalFromString($duration) {
$i = 0;

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jakefolio on github.
  • I am jakefolio ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCOleJr1TygYSfVcj60YjwYUTIcfWTzQlwy9VoFjgaKPwo

To claim this, I am signing this object: