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Eschew delegation. Embrace composition.
// ComposableTableView.swift
// Created by Jake Hawken
import UIKit
class ComposableTableView<Item, SectionTypeID: Hashable>: UIView {
typealias Section = SectionViewModel<Item, SectionTypeID>
private let tableView: UITableView = UITableView()
private let delegate = TableViewDelegate()
private lazy var dataSource = TableViewDataSource()
.numberOfSections { [weak self] _ -> Int in
let count = self?.sections.count
return count ?? 0
.numberOfRowsInSection { [weak self] _, sectionIndex -> Int in
self?.sections[sectionIndex].items.count ?? 0
.titleForHeaderInSection { [weak self] _, sectionIndex -> String? in
private var sections = [Section]()
/// - parameter cellTypes: An array of the cell types that will be used in the tableView.
required init(cellTypes: [UITableViewCell.Type]) {
super.init(frame: .zero)
cellTypes.forEach { self.tableView.registerCellType($0) }
tableView.delegate = delegate
tableView.dataSource = dataSource
tableView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
tableView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor),
tableView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor),
tableView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor),
tableView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor),
override init(frame: CGRect) {
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
print("Do not use ComposableTableView from interface builder.")
private static func failInit(initName: String = #function) -> Never {
return fatalError(
"\(initName) has not been implemented. Please use .init(cellTypes:headerViewTypes:) instead."
var separatorColor: UIColor? {
get {
set {
tableView.separatorColor = newValue
var allowsSelection: Bool {
get {
set {
tableView.allowsSelection = newValue
// MARK: - main interface
extension ComposableTableView {
var sectionCount: Int {
var itemCount: Int {
sections.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.items.count }
func updateSections(_ newSections: [Section]) {
sections = newSections
func updateSection(atIndex sectionIndex: Int, newSection: Section) {
if sections.indices.contains(sectionIndex) {
sections[sectionIndex] = newSection
else if sectionIndex == sections.count {
else {
assertionFailure("Invalid index passed to \(#function).")
// MARK: - Composition / Declaration interface
extension ComposableTableView {
@discardableResult func cellForIndexPathWithItem(
_ implementation: @escaping (Item, SectionTypeID, IndexPath, UITableView) -> UITableViewCell
) -> Self {
dataSource.cellForRowAtIndexPath { [weak self] tv, indexPath in
guard let self else {
let selfString = String(describing: ComposableTableView<Item, SectionTypeID>.self)
fatalError("Instance of \(selfString) accessed by underlying tableView after being released from memory.")
guard let section = sections[safe: indexPath.section],
let item = section.items[safe: indexPath.row] else {
fatalError("Bad data. No \(Item.self) found at IndexPath: \(indexPath)")
return implementation(item, section.sectionType, indexPath, tv)
return self
@discardableResult func canEditRowAtIndexPathWithItem(_ implementation: @escaping (IndexPath, Item, UITableView) -> Bool) -> Self {
dataSource.canEditRowAtIndexPath { [weak self] tableView, indexPath -> Bool in
guard let item = self?.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row] else {
return false
return implementation(indexPath, item, tableView)
return self
@discardableResult func commitEditingStyleAtIndexPathWithItem(
_ implementation: @escaping (UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, IndexPath, Item, UITableView) -> Void
) -> Self {
dataSource.commitEditingStyleAtIndexPath { [weak self] tableView, editingStyle, indexPath in
guard let item = self?.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row] else {
implementation(editingStyle, indexPath, item, tableView)
return self
@discardableResult func didSelectRowWithItem(_ implementation: @escaping (Item, IndexPath, UITableView) -> Void) -> Self {
delegate.didSelectRowAtIndexPath { [weak self] tableView, indexPath in
guard let item = self?.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row] else {
implementation(item, indexPath, tableView)
return self
@discardableResult func heightForRowWithItem(_ implementation: @escaping (Item, IndexPath, UITableView) -> CGFloat) -> Self {
delegate.heightForRowAtIndexPath { [weak self] tableView, indexPath -> CGFloat in
guard let item = self?.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row] else {
return 0
return implementation(item, indexPath, tableView)
return self
typealias SectionIndex = Int
@discardableResult func heightForHeaderInSection(_ implementation: @escaping (Section, SectionIndex, UITableView) -> CGFloat) -> Self {
delegate.heightForHeaderInSection { [weak self] tableView, sectionIndex -> CGFloat in
guard let section = self?.sections[sectionIndex] else {
return 0
return implementation(section, sectionIndex, tableView)
return self
@discardableResult func heightForFooterInSection(_ implementation: @escaping ((Section, SectionIndex, UITableView) -> CGFloat)) -> Self {
delegate.heightForFooterInSection { [weak self] tableView, sectionIndex -> CGFloat in
guard let section = self?.sections[sectionIndex] else {
return 0
return implementation(section, sectionIndex, tableView)
return self
/// Adds a refresh control and sets the action to be triggered when the user pulls to refresh.
/// - parameter refreshAction: The closure that will be executed on pull to refresh. A nil value
/// will remove any existing refresh control. A non-nil value will add a refresh control if one
/// does not exist, or will replace the action of an existing refresh control.
/// - returns: `@discardableResult self` to allow for operator chaining, to aid in composition.
@discardableResult func onPullToRefresh(_ refreshAction: (() -> Void)?) -> Self {
guard let refreshAction else {
tableView.refreshControl = nil
return self
if let control = tableView.refreshControl as? ClosureBasedRefreshControl {
control.refreshAction = refreshAction
} else {
return self
// MARK: - tableview helpers
extension UITableView {
var registeredClasses: [String: Any] {
let dict = value(forKey: "_cellClassDict") as? [String: Any]
return dict ?? [:]
func reuseIdForCellType(_ cellType: UITableViewCell.Type) -> String {
String(describing: cellType)
func registerCellType(_ cellType: UITableViewCell.Type) {
if hasRegisteredClass(cellType) {
let reuseID = reuseIdForCellType(cellType)
register(cellType, forCellReuseIdentifier: reuseID)
func hasRegisteredClass(_ cellClass: UITableViewCell.Type) -> Bool {
registeredClasses.values.contains { value -> Bool in
guard let cellType = value as? UITableView.Type else {
return false
return cellType == cellClass
func dequeueCell<T: UITableViewCell>(_ cellType: T.Type = T.self, indexPath: IndexPath) -> T {
let reuseID = reuseIdForCellType(cellType)
guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: reuseID, for: indexPath) as? T else {
fatalError("A cell of type \(cellType) could not be dequeued for this TableView.")
return cell
func dequeueCell<T: UITableViewCell>(_ cellType: T.Type = T.self) -> T {
let reuseID = reuseIdForCellType(cellType)
guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: reuseID) as? T else {
fatalError("A cell of type \(cellType) could not be dequeued for this TableView.")
return cell
// MARK: - TableView data source -
class TableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {
typealias NumberOfSectionsClosure = ((UITableView) -> Int)
private var numberOfSectionsCallback: NumberOfSectionsClosure?
typealias NumberOfRowsInSectionClosure = ((UITableView, Int) -> Int)
private var numberOfRowsInSectionCallback: NumberOfRowsInSectionClosure?
typealias CellForRowAtIndexPathClosure = ((UITableView, IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell)
private var cellForRowAtIndexPathCallback: CellForRowAtIndexPathClosure?
typealias TitleForHeaderInSectionClosure = ((UITableView, Int) -> String?)
private var titleForHeaderInSectionCallback: TitleForHeaderInSectionClosure?
typealias CanEditRowAtIndexPathClosure = ((UITableView, IndexPath) -> Bool)
private var canEditRowAtIndexPathCallback: CanEditRowAtIndexPathClosure?
typealias CommitEditingStyleAtIndexPathClosure = ((UITableView, UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, IndexPath) -> Void)
private var commitEditingStyleAtIndexPathCallback: CommitEditingStyleAtIndexPathClosure?
// MARK: - number of sections
// Set
@discardableResult func numberOfSections(_ closure: @escaping NumberOfSectionsClosure) -> Self {
numberOfSectionsCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
numberOfSectionsCallback?(tableView) ?? 0
// MARK: - number of rows in section
// Set
@discardableResult func numberOfRowsInSection(_ closure: @escaping NumberOfRowsInSectionClosure) -> Self {
numberOfRowsInSectionCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
numberOfRowsInSectionCallback?(tableView, section) ?? 0
// MARK: - cell for row at index path
// Set
@discardableResult func cellForRowAtIndexPath(_ closure: @escaping CellForRowAtIndexPathClosure) -> Self {
cellForRowAtIndexPathCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cellForRow = cellForRowAtIndexPathCallback else {
"Implementation for \(#function) not provided to instance of \(CollectionViewDataSouce.self)."
return cellForRow(tableView, indexPath)
// MARK: - title for header in section
// Set
@discardableResult func titleForHeaderInSection(_ closure: @escaping TitleForHeaderInSectionClosure) -> Self {
titleForHeaderInSectionCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
titleForHeaderInSectionCallback?(tableView, section)
// MARK: - can edit row at index path
// Set
@discardableResult func canEditRowAtIndexPath(_ closure: @escaping CanEditRowAtIndexPathClosure) -> Self {
canEditRowAtIndexPathCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
canEditRowAtIndexPathCallback?(tableView, indexPath) ?? false
// MARK: - commit editing style at index path
// Set
@discardableResult func commitEditingStyleAtIndexPath(_ closure: @escaping CommitEditingStyleAtIndexPathClosure) -> Self {
commitEditingStyleAtIndexPathCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
commitEditingStyleAtIndexPathCallback?(tableView, editingStyle, indexPath)
// MARK: - TableView delegate -
class TableViewDelegate: NSObject, UITableViewDelegate {
typealias DidSelectRowAtIndexPathClosure = ((UITableView, IndexPath) -> Void)
private var didSelectRowAtIndexPathCallback: DidSelectRowAtIndexPathClosure?
typealias HeightForRowAtIndexPathClosure = ((UITableView, IndexPath) -> CGFloat)
private var heightForRowAtIndexPathCallback: HeightForRowAtIndexPathClosure?
typealias HeightForHeaderInSectionClosure = ((UITableView, Int) -> CGFloat)
private var heightForHeaderInSectionCallback: HeightForHeaderInSectionClosure?
typealias HeightForFooterInSectionClosure = ((UITableView, Int) -> CGFloat)
private var heightForFooterInSectionCallback: HeightForFooterInSectionClosure?
typealias DidScrollClosure = (UIScrollView) -> Void
private var didScrollCallback: DidScrollClosure?
// MARK: - did select row at index path
// Set
@discardableResult func didSelectRowAtIndexPath(_ closure: @escaping DidSelectRowAtIndexPathClosure) -> Self {
didSelectRowAtIndexPathCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
didSelectRowAtIndexPathCallback?(tableView, indexPath)
// MARK: - height for row at index path
// Set
@discardableResult func heightForRowAtIndexPath(_ closure: @escaping HeightForRowAtIndexPathClosure) -> Self {
heightForRowAtIndexPathCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
heightForRowAtIndexPathCallback?(tableView, indexPath) ?? UITableView.automaticDimension
// MARK: - height for header in section
// Set
@discardableResult func heightForHeaderInSection(_ closure: @escaping HeightForHeaderInSectionClosure) -> Self {
heightForHeaderInSectionCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
heightForHeaderInSectionCallback?(tableView, section) ?? UITableView.automaticDimension
// MARK: - height for footer in section
// Set
@discardableResult func heightForFooterInSection(_ closure: @escaping HeightForFooterInSectionClosure) -> Self {
heightForFooterInSectionCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
heightForFooterInSectionCallback?(tableView, section) ?? UITableView.automaticDimension
// MARK: did scroll
// Set
@discardableResult func didScroll(_ closure: @escaping DidScrollClosure) -> Self {
didScrollCallback = closure
return self
// Get
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
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