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Notes on bash

Notes on bash

This is just a random collection of commands which I have found useful in Bash. This Gist is expected to grow over time (until I have mastered the whole of Bash). Another useful resource is this list of Unix commands on Wikipedia. Hyperlinked bash commands in general lead to relevant Man (manual) pages.


Get the current date and time and generate timestamped filenames with date

The command date can be used to print the current date and time on the command line, or to get a string variable containing the current date and time which can be used in future commands, for example:

$ date
Fri Feb 11 14:53:37 GMT 2022
$ echo $(date) > ~/temp.txt
$ cat ~/temp.txt
Fri Feb 11 14:53:39 GMT 2022

It can also be used to generate a timestamped filename on the command line, for example:

$ mkdir ./temp && cd ./temp
$ ls
$ echo "Hello, world!" > "Info $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S').txt"
$ ls
'Info 2022-09-06 13-35-13.txt'

Display date and time in bash history using HISTTIMEFORMAT

Using the command history 10 will display the last 10 bash commands that were used, but not when they were used (date and time). To include this information in the bash history in the current bash terminal, use the command export HISTTIMEFORMAT="| %Y-%m-%d %T | ". Note that using the command history 10 will now display the date and time of commands that were used both before and after setting HISTTIMEFORMAT. To make this behaviour persist in future bash terminals, use the following commands (source):

echo 'export HISTTIMEFORMAT="| %Y-%m-%d %T | "' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile


$ history 5
   94  | 2022-05-17 15:48:24 | ls /
   95  | 2022-05-17 15:48:28 | df -h
   96  | 2022-05-17 15:48:33 | cd ~
   97  | 2022-05-17 15:48:36 | ps
   98  | 2022-05-17 15:48:40 | history 5

Calculate running times of commands using time

Prepend a bash command with time to print the running time of that command, EG time ls /. Note that arguments to the command being timed don't need to be placed in quotation marks (as is the case with running commands over ssh). time displays 3 statistics, which are described below (source):

  • real: wall clock time, from start to finish of the command being run, including time that the process spends being blocked
  • user: amount of CPU time spent in user-mode code (outside the kernel), NOT including time that the process spends being blocked, summed over all CPU cores
  • sys: amount of CPU time spent in the kernel within the process (IE CPU time spent in system calls within the kernel, as opposed to library code, which is still running in user-space), NOT including time that the process spends being blocked, summed over all CPU cores

Note that time can be used to time multiple sequential commands, including commands which are themselves being timed using time, by placing those commands in brackets. For example:

$ time (time ps && time ls /etc/cron.daily)
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 1035 tty1     00:00:00 bash
 1156 tty1     00:00:00 bash
 1157 tty1     00:00:00 ps

real    0m0.024s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.016s
apport  apt-compat  bsdmainutils  dpkg  logrotate  man-db  mdadm  mlocate  passwd  popularity-contest  ubuntu-advantage-tools  update-notifier-common

real    0m0.026s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.016s

real    0m0.052s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.031s

Run script in the current shell environment using source

Given a script called ./script, running the command source script will run script in the current shell environment. This means that any environment variables etc set in script will persist in the current shell. This is different from running ./script or bash script or bash ./script, which will execute the commands in script in a new shell environment, so any changes to the shell environment made by script will not persist in the current shell (EG if script changes an environment variable or sets a new one, the value of that environment variable will not persist once script has finished running).

This can be useful EG if making a change to ~/.bashrc (bashrc stands for "Bash Run Commands", which are run every time a bash shell is started) using nano, and wanting to apply those changes to the current shell without closing it and starting a new one:

$ nano ~/.bashrc
$ # <Make changes to the shell in the nano text editor>
$ source ~/.bashrc

Updating and upgrading packages using apt update and apt upgrade

To update apt package lists, use the command sudo apt update. This command doesn't modify, upgrade or install any new or existing packages, but should be run before upgrading or installing any new or existing packages, to make sure that the most recent versions of those packages are used.

To upgrade all existing packages to their most recent versions, use the command sudo apt upgrade. This should be called before installing any new packages using sudo apt install package-name, to avoid any dependency issues.

These commands are often used one after the other, before installing a new package, as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Seeing available disk space (using df) and disk usage (using du)

To see how much disk space is available, use the command df. To view the output in a human-readable format which chooses appropriate memory units for each file system (GB, MB, etc.), use the -h flag:

df -h

To see the size of a file or directory, use the du command (du stands for disk usage) (again, use the -h flag for human-readable format). This program can accept multiple files and/or directories in a single command:

du -h file1 [file2 dir1 dir2 etc]

If a directory is given to du, du will recursively search through the directory and print the size of all files in the directory. To only print the total size of the directory, use the -s flag (short for --summarize).

du can also accept wildcards. For example, to print the sizes of all files and directories in the user's home directory (printing the size of directories, but not the files and subdirectories within), use the following command:

du -sh ~/*

Note that this is different to du -sh ~ or du -sh ~/, which would only print the size of the home directory.

To print the sizes of all directories in the root directory (note that this command runs surprisngly quickly compared to searching through the filesystem on Windows):

sudo du -sh /*

To sort the output from du, pipe the input into sort, and as described here, if using the -h flag for du, then also provide the -h flag to sort, so that sort will sort according to human-readable file-sizes, as shown below:

du -sh /path/to/dir/* | sort -h

To view the N biggest file-sizes, pipe the output from the previous command into tail, for example:

du -sh /path/to/dir/* | sort -h | tail -n10

View the return code of the most recent command using $?

View the return code of the most recent command run in the current bash process using the following command:

echo $?

It is also possible to use $? as a regular bash variable, EG it can be compared in logical conditions.

Use stdout from one command as a command-line argument in another using $() notation

The stdout from one command can be used as a command-line argument in another using $() notation, as shown in the following examples:

$ echo $(ls -p)
gui_testing_data/ package.json package-lock.json requirements.txt src/
$ wc -l $(ls -p | grep -v "/")
    24 package.json
  9671 package-lock.json
     0 requirements.txt
  9743 total

The next example automatically finds the name of the serial device to use with minicom:

$ minicom --device $(ls -d /dev/serial/by-id/*) --baudrate 115200

(Note that the -p flag in ls -p is used "to append / indicator to directories", so that this can be piped into the grep -v "/" which removes all directories from the list, and the -d flag is used along with the * wildcard to print the full path to the serial device, instead of the relative path to /dev/serial/by-id/)

Serial communication using minicom

To install minicom:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install minicom

To use minicom with a device whose name is $DEVICE_NAME in the /dev/ folder and with a baud-rate of $BAUD_RATE:

minicom --device /dev/$DEVICE_NAME --baudrate $BAUD_RATE

Change users using su

To change to the root user, use the command sudo su. This can alleviate some permission problems that are not solved even by using the sudo command. To return to the previous user, either use the command sudo <username>, or just use the command exit, EG:

$ tail -n1 /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
103 vlan3
$ sudo echo "105 vlan5" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
bash: /etc/iproute2/rt_tables: Permission denied
$ sudo su
root# echo "105 vlan5" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
root# exit
$ tail -n1 /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
105 vlan5

Finding access permissions using stat

Use the stat command to find the status of a file, including its access permissions, EG:

$ stat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
  File: /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
  Size: 87              Blocks: 0          IO Block: 512    regular file
Device: 2h/2d   Inode: 1125899908643251  Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2019-05-21 15:43:05.544609577 +0100
Modify: 2018-01-29 16:08:52.000000000 +0000
Change: 2020-02-06 15:48:13.093754700 +0000
 Birth: -

For the permissions (next to access):

  • As described in Unix file types on Wikipedia:
    • The first character describes the file type
  • As described in the chmod man page:
    • The next three characters (characters 2-4) describe read/write/execute permissions for the user who owns the file
    • The next three characters (characters 5-7) describe read/write/execute permissions for other users in the file's group
    • The next three characters (characters 8-10) describe read/write/execute permissions for other users NOT in the file's group

Therefore, -rw-r--r-- says that this is a regular file, which is readable and writeable for the user who owns the file, and readable for everyone else.

Changing access permissions using chmod

Use chmod ("change mode") to change the access permissions of a file or folder. As described in the chmod man page, the access permissions can be specified using letters (as described above in "Finding access permissions using stat") or in octal.

Alternatively, chmod can be used in symbolic mode, EG:

  • chmod u+x file to make a file executable by the user/owner
  • chmod a+r file to allow read permission to everyone
  • chmod a-x file to deny execute permission to everyone
  • chmod go+rw file to make a file readable and writable by the group and others

The examples above are taken from the chmod man page.

To make a file executable for all users, use the command chmod +x /path/to/file.

Change ownership of a file using chown

Change the ownership of a file or directory using chown. If changing ownership of a directory, use the -R flag to also recursively change ownership of all subdirectories within that directory (source). Example:

$ sudo chown username:groupname filename
$ sudo chown -R username:groupname dirname
$ sudo chown -R jake:jake dirname

Recursively find word counts of all files with a particular file ending

The following command can be used to recursively find line counts of all files with a particular file ending (in this case .py for Python), excluding all files in the venv directory (or more specifically, any files containing the substring venv in their path). This is achieved by using a $ character in the regular expression to match a line-ending, and using \ to escape the . character. The sum of the line counts for all matching words is displaying at the bottom:

find |  grep "\.py$" | grep -v venv | xargs wc -l

TODO: turn this into a slightly more sophisticated Python scripy that accepts command line arguments specifying what filename ending to look for, and specifically ignoring directories containg the excluded words, and not filenames as well

View all of the most recent bash commands using history

The history command prints out all of the previously recorded bash commands (source). To view the most recent bash commands, the output from history can be piped into tail. For example, to print the 20 most recent bash commands:

history | tail -n20

To search for a specific command, the output from history can be piped into grep, EG:

$ history | grep realpath
  493  realpath ~
  505  history | grep realpath

View the full path to a file using realpath

To view the full path to a file, use the realpath command, EG:

$ realpath ~

Fixing $'\r': command not found error when running a bash script in WSL using dos2unix

As described here, this is because of a carriage return used in DOS-style line endings. The problem can be solved as follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dos2unix

Extract (unzip) a .tar.gz file using tar -xvzf

A .tar.gz file can be unzipped easily in bash on Linux or in WSL.

To extract a file or direcrory (source):

tar -xvzf compressed_file_name.tar.gz

To extract into a particular directory:

tar -xvzf compressed_file_name.tar.gz -C output_dir_name

Description of flags:

  • x: tar can collect files or extract them. x does the latter.
  • v: makes tar talk a lot. Verbose output shows you all the files being extracted.
  • z: tells tar to decompress the archive using gzip
  • f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.
  • C: means change to the directory specified by the following argument (NB this directory must already exist, if it doesn't then first create it using mkdir)

Compress (zip) a file or directory using tar -czvf

A .tar.gz file can be created easily in bash on Linux or in WSL.

To zip up a file (source):

tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file

Here’s what those switches actually mean:

  • c: Create an archive.
  • z: Compress the archive with gzip.
  • v: Display progress in the terminal while creating the archive, also known as "verbose" mode. The v is always optional in these commands, but it’s helpful.
  • f: Allows you to specify the filename of the archive.

Viewing available memory and swap files using free

The free command can be used to view available RAM, RAM usage, and available/used memory in swap files. More information about how to create a swap file can be found in this tutorial. The -h flag can be used with the free command to produce a more human-readable output:

$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            15G        8.8G        6.8G         17M        223M        6.9G
Swap:           29G         56M         29G

View running processes using ps aux

ps and top are two commands which can be used to view running processes, their CPU usage, process ID, etc. They differ mainly in that "top is mostly used interactively", while "ps is designed for non-interactive use (scripts, extracting some information with shell pipelines etc.)", as described in this Stack Overflow answer (see here for more differences).

One thing to notice in top is that some processes are suffixed by d to denote that they are daemon processes (as described here), and some processes are prefixe by k to denote that they are kernel threads (as described here).

When using ps, the following flags are useful, as described here:

  • a - show processes for all users
  • u - display the process's user/owner
  • x - also show processes not attached to a terminal

It is often useful to pipe the output from ps into grep to narrow down the list of processes to those of interest, for example:

ps aux | grep -i cron

Useful grep commands

grep stands for Global (-ly search for a) Regular Expression (and) Print (the results). It is especially useful for filtering the outputs of other command-line tools or files. Here are some useful features of grep (TODO: make this into a separate Gist?):

  • The -v ("invert") flag can be used print only the lines which don't contain the specified string (this is the opposite of the normal behaviour of grep, which prints out lines which do contain the specified string). This can be useful when piping together grep commands, to include some search queries and exclude others, EG in the command sudo find / | grep tensorrt | grep -v cpp

    • Hint: put the inverted expression before the non-inverted expression to get the results of the non-inverted expression highlighted in the bash terminal output, if this feature is available and preferred
  • The -i flag can be used for case-insensitive pattern-matching, IE grep -i foo will match foo, FOO, fOo, etc.

  • grep can be used to search for strings within a file, using the syntax grep <pattern> <file> (source)

  • The outputs from grep can be used as the input to a program which doesn't usually accept inputs from stdin using the xargs command, EG find | grep svn | xargs rm -rfv will recursively delete all files and folders in the current directory that contain the string svn (good riddance!) (the -v flag will also cause rm to be verbose about every file and folder which it deletes)

  • ...

Useful gcc flags (including profiling with gprof)

Flag Meaning
-H "Print the full path of include files in a format which shows which header includes which" (note that the header file paths are printed to stderr) (source)
-M "Output a rule suitable for make describing the dependencies of the main source file. The preprocessor outputs one make rule containing the object file name for that source file, a colon, and the names of all the included files" (the dependencies include both the header files and source files) (source 1, source 2)
-MM "Like -M but do not mention header files that are found in system header directories" (source)
-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fno-sanitize-recover "Enable AddressSanitizer, a fast memory error detector", and other useful Program Instrumentation Options (source 1) (source 2). Note that it is necessary "to add -fsanitize=address to compiler flags (both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS) and linker flags (LDFLAGS)" (source)
-pg "From the man page of gcc": "Generate extra code to write profile information suitable for the analysis program gprof. You must use this option when compiling the source files you want data about, and you must also use it when linking." After compiling and linking using the -pg flags, execute the program, EG ./name_of_exe, which should produce a file called gmon.out, and then use gprof to generate formatted profiling information as follows: gprof name_of_exe gmon.out > analysis.txt (source)
-Xlinker Use these flags while linking to generate a map file called, describing the data and instruction memory usage in the executable (source)

Counting the number of lines in a file using wc

Use the program wc (which is a mandatory UNIX command, and stands for "word count") can be used to count the number of words, lines, characters, or bytes in a file. To count the number of lines in a file, use the -l flag, for example in the file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf:

wc -l /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

wc can also accept a list of files as separate arguments (separated by spaces).

As described on the Wikipedia page for wc, the -lflag prints the line count, the -c flag prints the byte count, the -m flag prints the character count, the -L flag prints the length of the longest line (GNU extension), and the -w flag prints the word count. Example:

$ wc -l /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
54 /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
$ wc -w /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
207 /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
$ wc -c /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
1735 /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
$ wc -m /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
1735 /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

The wc -l command is useful for counting the number of lines in a file before printing the first or last N lines of the file using the head or tail commands (see below), where N ≤ the number of lines in the file.

Viewing the first/last n lines of a file using head/tail

To view the first n lines of a text file, use the head command with the -n flag, EG:

$ head -n5 /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
# Configuration file for /sbin/dhclient.
# This is a sample configuration file for dhclient. See dhclient.conf's
#       man page for more information about the syntax of this file
#       and a more comprehensive list of the parameters understood by

Similarly, use the tail command to view the last n lines of a text file.

Changing the bash prompt

The bash prompt can be changed by simply setting a new value to the PS1 variable; here is an example using WSL:

PS C:\Users\Jake\Documents> bash
jake@Jakes-laptop:/mnt/c/Users/Jake/Documents$ PS1="$ "
$ echo test
$ date
Fri Apr 24 18:17:17 BST 2020

In order to change the prompt back to its previous value, store the value in a different variable before changing it:

PS C:\Users\Jake\Documents> bash
jake@Jakes-laptop:/mnt/c/Users/Jake/Documents$ DEFAULT=$PS1
jake@Jakes-laptop:/mnt/c/Users/Jake/Documents$ PS1="$ "
$ date
Fri Apr 24 18:25:49 BST 2020

apt-get update vs apt-get upgrade

Regarding the difference between these commonly used commands, as described in this Stack Overflow answer:

  • apt-get update downloads the package lists from the repositories and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies, for all repositories and PPAs (doesn't actually install new versions of software)
  • apt-get upgrade will fetch new versions of packages existing on the machine if APT knows about these new versions by way of apt-get update
  • apt-get dist-upgrade will do the same job which is done by apt-get upgrade, plus it will also intelligently handle the dependencies, so it might remove obsolete packages or add new ones

You can combine commands with && as follows:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

As described in this Stack Overflow answer, as to why you would ever want to use apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade:

Using upgrade keeps to the rule: under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed. If that's important to you, use apt-get upgrade. If you want things to "just work", you probably want apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure dependencies are resolved

In summary, apt-get upgrade is likely to be safer if it works, but if not, apt-get dist-upgrade is more likely to work.

Checking the version of an installed apt package using apt list

To view the version of a installed package which is available through apt (Advanced Package Tool), use the command apt list <package-name> for a concise description, or apt show <package-name> for a more verbose output. (A similar command, apt policy <package-name> is also available, although currently I'm not sure what the difference is between apt show and apt policy is).

To view a list of all installed packages, use the command

apt list --installed

This list can be very large, so it might be sensible to redirect the output into a text file. To do this and then display the first 100 lines of the text file:

apt list --installed > aptlistinstalled.txt && head -n100 aptlistinstalled.txt

To achieve the same thing but without saving to a text file:

apt list --installed | head -n100

To list all installed packages which contain the string "cuda":

apt list --installed | grep cuda

Clear the console window using clear

The console window can be cleared using the command clear.

Iterating through files which match a file pattern

It is possible to iterate through files which match a file pattern by using a for/in/do/done loop, using the * syntax as a wildcard character for string comparisons, and using the $ syntax to access the loop-variable (source). For example, the following loop will print out all the files whose names start with cnn_mnist_:

for FILE in cnn_mnist_*; do echo $FILE; done

Recursively git add-ing files (including files hidden by .gitignore)

To recursively add all files in the current directory and all its subdirectories, use the following command (the -f flag instructs git to add files even if they included in .gitignore, which is useful EG for committing specific images):

git add ** -f

git-moving files in a loop

The example above about "iterating through files which match a file pattern" can be modified to git-move all the files that start with cnn_mnist_ into a subfolder called cnn_mnist. The -n flag tells git to do a "dry-run" (showing what will happen/checking validity of the command without actually executing the command); remove the -n flag to to actually perform the git mv command:

for FILE in cnn_mnist_*; do git mv -n $FILE cnn_mnist/$FILE; done

The following will do the above, but removing the cnn_mnist_ from the start of each string using a bash parameter expansion:

for FILE in cnn_mnist_*; do NEW_FILE=${FILE//cnn_mnist_/}; git mv -n $FILE cnn_mnist/$NEW_FILE; done

Iteratively and recursively git-moving files one directory up

Following the examples above, to recursively git-move all files and folders in the current directory up by one directory (the -n flag is included here again to perform a dry run; remove the -n flag to perform an actual git-move command):

for FILE in ./*; do git mv -n $FILE ../$FILE; done

Note that git will recursively move the contents of any subdirectories by default.

Search for files anywhere using find

To search for a file file_to_search_for in the directory path/to/search, use the find command, EG:

sudo find path/to/search -name file_to_search_for

Note that the find command will automatically search recursively through subdirectories; sudo must be used to allow access to restricted directories. Patterns can be used, EG to search for any filename ending or file extension, but it may be necessary to put the names argument in single-quotes, to prevent a wildcard expansion to be applied before the program is called, as described in this Stack Overflow answer:

sudo find path/to/search -name 'file_to_search_for*'

Similarly, to check for Python scripts or shared object files:

sudo find path/to/search -name '*.py'
sudo find path/to/search -name '*.so'

To search the entire filesystem, replace path/to/search with /; this can be useful to check if a library is installed anywhere on the system, and return the location of that library, in case it is not on the system path (if it is on the system path, it can be found with which).

Note that an alternative to using the -name flag is to pipe the output from find into grep, EG:

sudo find / | grep nvcc

Unlike using -name, grep will match the search query anywhere in the filename or directory (instead of an exact filename), without further modifications.

To only return paths to files from find and not include paths to directories, use the -type f option, EG:

sudo find / -type f | grep nvcc | grep -v docker  | wc -l

If no args are passed to find then it will recursively search through the current directory and print out the names of all files and subdirectories, EG find | grep svn.

Connect to a WiFi network from the command line using nmcli

As described in Part 3 of this Stack Overflow answer, a WiFi network can be easily connected to from the command line using the nmcli command:

nmcli device wifi connect ESSID_NAME password ESSID_PASSWORD

To simply view a list of available WiFi networks:

nmcli device wifi

To view a list of all available internet connections (ethernet, wifi, etc):

nmcli device

Note that when running nmcli commands, device, dev, and d are all synonymous, and can be used interchangeably.

View the hostname and IP address using hostname

To view the hostname, use the following command:


An alternative command is:


To view the IP address, use the following command (see this Stack Overflow answer for details):

hostname -I

Viewing the properties of a file using file

The file command can be used to view the properties of a file, EG whether a shared library is 32-bit or 64-bit, and which platform it was compiled for:

$ file lib.c
lib.c: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ file lib.dll
lib.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
$ file lib64.dll
lib64.dll: PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64, for MS Windows

Viewing and editing the system path

To view the system path (directories in which executables can be run from any other directory without need to specify the path to the executable):

echo $PATH

This will print every directory on the system path, separated by a colon. To print each directory on a new line, there are multiple options; one option is to use a global (g) regular-expression substitution (s) using the Unix program sed (short for Stream EDitor) as follows, where : is the regular expression to be matched, and \n is what it is to be replaced with:

echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g'

Another option is to use a shell parameter expansion:

echo -e "${PATH//:/'\n'}"

To add a new directory to the path (source):


Viewing the Linux distribution details using lsb_release

The command lsb_release is used to view details about the current Linux distribution under the Linux Standard Base (LSB), and optionally any LSB modules that the system supports. Using this command with flags lsb_release -irc will show the distributer ID of the Linux distribution which is running, the release number of the distribution, and the code name of the distribution, EG:

$ lsb_release -irc
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic


WSL is the Windows Subsytem for Linux, which "allows Linux binaries to run in Windows unmodified", by adding a compatability layer which presumably allows Windows to interpret Linux binary Executable Formats and Application Binary Interfaces.

To open a Windows path in WSL, open a Windows command prompt (Powershell or CMD) in that location, and run bash (with no arguments).

Connecting to a serial device using WSL

To connect to a serial device using WSL (see above), the COM port for the serial device must be found in Windows Device Manager. Say the device is connected to COM3, it can be connected to from WSL with a baud rate of 115200 using the following command (source 1, source 2):

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyS3 && stty -F /dev/ttyS3 115200 && sudo screen /dev/ttyS3 115200

View filesize using ls -l

The command ls will list files and subdirectories in the directory that is specified as an argument (with no argument, the current directory is used by default). The -l flag is used to specify a long-list format, which gives extra data such as permissions, file-size in bytes, time of last edit, and more. The option --block-size MB can be used with the -l flag to specify file-sizes in megabytes. In this case, a single filename can be used as the main argument to ls, in which case only the details for the specified file will be listed. In summary, the syntax for viewing the size of a file in megabytes is:

ls -l --block-size MB path/to/file

Reboot/restart machine using reboot

A machine can be rebooted from terminal using reboot:

sudo reboot

Shutdown machine

A machine can be shut down from terminal using shutdown:

sudo shutdown now

This is useful for example for a Coral Dev Board; as stated at the bottom of the getting started guide, the power cable should not be removed from the Dev Board while the device is still on, because this risks corrupting the system image if any write-operations are in progress. The Dev Board can be safely shutdown by calling in terminal sudo shutdown now; when the red LED on the Dev Board turns off, the power cable can be unplugged.

Add user to group

To add a user to a group (which may be necessary for obtaining permissions to complete other tasks), use usermod:

sudo usermod -aG groupname username

Check if user is part of a group

To see the groups of which a user is a member of, use the id command:

id -nG username

To see if the user is a member of a particular group, pipe the output from the id command into grep followed by the name of the relevant group; if the user is a member of this group, then a line of text from the output of id containing the name of that group will be printed; otherwise nothing will be printed. NB this can be used as an if condition, EG (source):

if id -nG "$USER" | grep -qw "$GROUP"; then echo $USER belongs to $GROUP; fi

NB the q and w flags are being used to make grep quiet, and only match whole words.

View directory contents in a single column

To view directory contents in a single column (as opposed to the default table view of ls), using the -1 flag (as in numerical one, not a letter L or I):

ls -1

Storing git credentials

As stated in this StackOverflow answer to the question entitled Visual Studio Code always asking for git credentials, a simple but non-ideal solution to the problem is to use the following command:

git config --global credential.helper store

Note that this method is unsafe, because the credentials are stored in plain text in the file ~/.git-credentials, and these credentials can become compromised if the system becomes hacked. Another solution, as stated in this answer, is to use the git credential helper to store the credentials in memory with a timeout (default is 15 minutes), EG:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)

Yet another solution, as stated in this answer to a post on Reddit, is to use "Git Credential Manager Core (GCM Core)", as described in these instructions.

This StackOverflow answer provides instructrions for how to unset the git credentials, using the following command:

git config --global --unset credential.helper

Note that the command rm ~/.git-credentials should also be used after the above command in order to delete the saved credentials.

This answer also states that:

You may also need to do git config --system --unset credential.helper if this has been set in the system configuration file (for example, Git for Windows 2).

Automatically providing password to sudo

As stated in this StackOverflow answer, sudo can be used with the -S switch, which causes sudo to read the password from stdin:

echo <password> | sudo -S <command>

Sort $PATH and remove duplicates

These Python commands can be used on Linux to organise $PATH into alphabetical order and remove duplicates, and print the result to stdout:

import os

path_list = os.getenv("PATH").split(":")
no_final_slash = lambda s: s[:-1] if (s[-1] == "/") else s
unique_path_set = set(no_final_slash(os.path.abspath(p)) for p in path_list)
sorted_unique_path_list = sorted(unique_path_set, key=lambda s: s.lower())

print("*** Separated by newlines ***")
print("*** Separated by colons ***")

Download VSCode


sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo snap install --classic code # or code-insiders

Get the absolute path to the current bash script and its directory using $BASH_SOURCE

Use the variable $BASH_SOURCE to get the path to the current bash script. Use this with realpath and dirname to get the absolute path of the script, and its parent directory. For example:

X2=$(realpath $BASH_SOURCE)
X3=$(dirname $(realpath $BASH_SOURCE))
echo $X1
echo $X2
echo $X3


To open a terminal session on a remote Linux device on a local network, use the following command on the host device:

ssh username@hostname

After using this command, ssh should ask for the password for the specified user on the remote device.

If stdout is not being flushed over ssh, this problem can be fixed by passing the -t command to ssh, EG ssh -t username@hostname (source)

Passwordless ssh terminals

To configure ssh to not request a password when connecting, use the following commands on the local device, replacing $(UNIQUE_ID) with a string which is unique to username@hostname (the password for ssh-keygen can be left blank, whereas the correct password for username@hostname needs to be entered when running ssh-copy-id):

ssh-keygen  -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_$(UNIQUE_ID)
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_$(UNIQUE_ID) username@hostname

Now username@hostname can be connected to over ssh without needing to enter a password, using the command ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_$(UNIQUE_ID) username@hostname. To automate this further such that the path to the SSH key doesn't need to be entered when using ssh, edit ~/.ssh/config using the following command:

nano ~/.ssh/config

Enter the following configuration, replacing $(SHORT_NAME_FOR_REMOTE_USER) with a short name which is unique to username@hostname:

   User username
   Hostname hostname
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_$(UNIQUE_ID)

Save and exit nano. username@hostname can now be connected to over ssh using the following command, without being asked for a password (source):


This should also allow rsync to run without requesting a password, again by replacing username@hostname with $(SHORT_NAME_FOR_REMOTE_USER).

If the above steps don't work and ssh still asks for a password, the following tips may be useful:

  • Make sure that the ~ and ~/.ssh directories and the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote machine have the correct permissions (source 1) (source 2) (source 3):
    • ~ should not be writable by others. Check with stat ~ and fix with chmod go-w ~
    • ~/.ssh should have 700 permissions. Check with stat ~/.ssh and fix with chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys should have 644 permissions. Check with stat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and fix with chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • If the permissions were wrong and have been changed and passwordless ssh still doesn't work, consider restarting the ssh service with service ssh restart (source)
  • Make sure that the line PubkeyAuthentication yes is present in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote device, and not commented out with a # (as in #PubkeyAuthentication yes) (source).
  • Call ssh-copy-id with the -f flag on the local device
  • Consider checking the permissions of the id_rsa files on the local machine (source 1) (source 2)

Scripting individual ssh commands

To run individual commands on a remote device over ssh without opening up an interactive terminal, use the following syntax (the quotation marks can be ommitted if there are no space characters between the quotation marks):

ssh username@hostname "command_name arg1 arg2 arg3"

It may be found that commands in ~/.bashrc on the remote device are not run when using the above syntax to run single commands over ssh on the remote device, which might be a problem EG if ~/.bashrc adds certain directories to $PATH which are needed by the commands which are being run over ssh. This might be because the following lines are present at the start of ~/.bashrc on the remote device:

# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
    *i*) ;;
      *) return;;

These lines cause ~/.bashrc to exit if it's not being run interactively, which is the case when running single commands over ssh. To solve this problem, either put whichever commands that need to be run non-interactively in ~/.bashrc before the line case $- in, or comment out the lines from case $- in to esac (inclusive) on the remote device (source).

Displaying graphical user interfaces over ssh using Xming

From WSL on a Windows PC, it is possible to display graphical user interfaces which are running on a remote Linux device using X11 forwarding. To do so:

  • Install Xming on the Windows machine from here
  • Make sure Xming is running on the Windows machine (there should be an icon for Xming in the icon tray in the Windows taskbar when Xming is running)
  • Use the -X flag when connecting over ssh, EG ssh -X username@hostname
  • Test that X11 forwarding is running succesfully by entering the command xclock in the ssh terminal, which should cause a clock face to appear on the Windows machine
  • If this doesn't work, it may be necessary to use the command export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 in WSL, and/or to add this command to the bottom of ~/.bashrc (EG using the command echo "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" >> ~/.bashrc) and restart the WSL terminal
  • If an error message is displayed from the remote machine saying connect localhost port 6000: Connection refused, then make sure that Xming is running on the local machine

Jump over intermediate ssh connections using ProxyJump

  • Sometimes it is desirable to connect to username@hostname over ssh, but to do so it is necessary to first connect to username_proxy@hostname_proxy over ssh, and from username_proxy@hostname_proxy connect to username@hostname over ssh
  • This can be automated by adding entries into ~/.ssh/config (see section "Passwordless ssh terminals and commands" above) for username@hostname and username_proxy@hostname_proxy with aliases shortname and shortname_proxy, and under the configuration for shortname, add the line ProxyJump shortname_proxy (following the indentation of the lines above)
  • Now, when using the command ssh shortname, ssh will automatically connect to shortname_proxy first, and from shortname_proxy connect to shortname over ssh
  • Note that if using ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id to log into username@hostname without a password (described above), then an entry for username@hostname should first be added to ~/.ssh/config on the local machine (including the ProxyJump entry described above), then ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id should be used on the local machine (not from username_proxy@hostname_proxy) to enable passwordless access to username@hostname directly from the local machine

Enable ssh server on remote machine

Install ssh server using the following command (source):

sudo apt install openssh-server

Activate the ssh server (source):

sudo service ssh start

Synchronise remote files and directories with rsync

To synchronise a local directory with a remote directory, use the following command:

rsync -Chavz /path/to/local/dir username@hostname:~/path/to/remote

Description of flags:

Flag Meaning
-C Automatically ignore common temporary files, version control files, etc
-h Use human-readable file sizes (EG 65.49K bytes instead of 65,422 bytes)
-a Sync recursively and preserves symbolic links, special and device files, modification times, groups, owners, and permissions
-v Verbose output is printed to stdout
-z Compress files (EG text files) to reduce network transfer

(source 1) (source 2)

  • To configure rsync to not request a password when synchronising directories, follow the instructions in the previous section "Passwordless ssh terminals and commands".
  • rsync can be used with the --delete option to delete extra files in the remote directory that are not present in the local directory (source).
  • To ignore certain files (EG hidden files, .pyc files), use the --exclude=$PATTERN flag
    • Multiple --exclude flags can be included in the same command, EG rsync -Chavz . hostname:~/target_dir --exclude=".*" --exclude="*.pyc"
  • To copy the contents of the current directory on the local machine to a subdirectory of the home directory called target_dir on the remote machine, use the command rsync -Chavz . hostname:~/target_dir (note no / character after target_dir)
  • To copy the contents of a subdirectory of the home directory on the remote machine called target_dir to the current directory on the local machine, use the command rsync -Chavz hostname:~/target_dir/ . (note that there is a / character after target_dir)

Create an alias

Use alias to create an alias, EG alias gcc-7=gcc. This means that every time bash tries to use the command gcc-7, instead it will replace gcc-7 with gcc (but the rest of the command will remain unchanged). This might be useful EG if a shell script assumes that gcc-7 is installed, and keeps trying to call this version specifically with the command gcc-7, but instead a later version of gcc is installed that works equally well. Instead of installing an earlier version of gcc, using the command alias gcc-7=gcc will mean that every call to gcc-7 is replaced with an equivalent call to gcc. This can be placed in ~/.bashrc (short for bash Run Commands, which is run every time bash starts up) using the command echo "alias gcc-7=gcc" >> ~/.bashrc, and then either restarting the console, or running source ~/.bashrc.

echo "alias gcc-7=gcc" >> ~/.bashrc

Create a symbolic link using ln -s

Use ln with the -s flag to create a symbolic link. This could be useful EG in the scenario described above in the context of alias, if alias is not working because the commands are not being run in bash (this might be the case in a makefile which uses sh instead of bash, see here). Instead of using alias gcc-7=gcc, an alternative is to use sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7, which creates a symbolic link in /usr/bin/ from gcc-7 to gcc, which is more likely to be portable between different shells (not just bash).

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7

Find CPU details (including model name) using lscpu


$ lscpu
Architecture:        x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):      32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:          Little Endian
CPU(s):              8
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7
Thread(s) per core:  2
Core(s) per socket:  4
Socket(s):           1
Vendor ID:           GenuineIntel
CPU family:          6
Model:               126
Model name:          Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz
Stepping:            5
CPU MHz:             1498.000
CPU max MHz:         1498.0000
BogoMIPS:            2996.00
Virtualization:      VT-x
Hypervisor vendor:   Windows Subsystem for Linux
Virtualization type: container
Flags:               fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave osxsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid avx512f avx512dq rdseed adx smap avx512ifma clflushopt intel_pt avx512cd sha_ni avx512bw avx512vl avx512vbmi umip pku avx512_vbmi2 gfni vaes vpclmulqdq avx512_vnni avx512_bitalg avx512_vpopcntdq rdpid ibrs ibpb stibp ssbd
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