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Last active July 4, 2019 07:13
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I play a board game with my daughter called "Count Your Chickens". At the start, little chick tokens are scattered throughout the board and the objective is to get them all back in the coop. Each turn you spin a wheel with a number of farm-related items, which determines the number of spaces you move. The number of spaces you move determines the…
import numpy as np
# Create spinner function
def spin():
return np.random.randint(0,5)
spin_categories = {
0: 'pig',
1: 'dog',
2: 'sheep',
3: 'tractor',
4: 'cow',
5: 'fox'
# Define the playing board
space_labels = ['start', 'blank', 'sheep', 'pig', 'tractor', 'cow', 'dog', 'pig', 'cow', 'dog',
'sheep', 'tractor', 'blank', 'cow', 'pig', 'blank', 'blank', 'blank', 'tractor','blank',
'tractor', 'dog', 'sheep', 'cow', 'dog', 'pig', 'tractor', 'blank', 'sheep', 'cow',
'blank', 'blank', 'tractor', 'pig', 'sheep', 'dog', 'blank', 'sheep', 'cow', 'pig',
spaces = [x for x in range(41)]
board = dict(zip(spaces, space_labels))
# Define the board bonus spaces. If you land on one, you get an additional chick.
bonuses = [0] * len(board)
bonuses[4] = 1
bonuses[8] = 1
bonuses[22] = 1
bonuses[35] = 1
bonuses[39] = 1
# Set up the simulation loop
wins = 0
trials = int(1e5)
for i in range(trials):
turns = 0
position = 0
chicks = 0
while position < len(board) - 1 and chicks < 40:
turns += 1
spin = spin_categories[np.random.randint(0,len(spin_categories))]
#spin = 'sheep'
if spin == 'fox':
if chicks > 0:
chicks -= 1
for x in range(position+1, len(board)):
if board[x] == spin or board[x] == 'end':
chicks += (x - position + bonuses[x])
position = x
x += 1
#print("turn: " + str(turns).ljust(2), "spin: " + spin.ljust(7), "chicks: " + str(chicks).ljust(2), "position: " + str(position))
if position <= 40 and chicks >= 40:
wins += 1
# Print the results
print("num wins: " + str(wins))
print("num trials: " + str(trials))
print("win ratio: " + str(wins/trials))
print("win/loss ratio: " + str((wins/(trials-wins))))
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