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Created October 5, 2014 16:22
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Bing It on
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<meta name="description" content="Bing It On is a side-by-side Bing versus Google search-off challenge. 5 rounds, one winner. People chose Bing results over Google nearly two to one in blind comparison tests. Try for yourself." />
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<div id="foot-desc">*Based on a comparison of web search results pane only; excludes ads, Bing's Snapshot pane and Google's Knowledge Graph. The same format has been applied equally to enable a blind comparison of results.<a id="learn-about-study" title="Learn about the Bing vs. Google study" href=";publ=BGITON&amp;crea=TEXT_MFESOC_Challenge_Desktop-Landing_prblog-desktop-upper_1x1" target="_blank">Learn About the Study</a>
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