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Created July 22, 2020 00:42
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Using Pandas in an Apache Beam PTransform
# Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This software is provided as-is,
# without warranty or representation for any use or purpose.
# Your use of it is subject to your agreement with Google.
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import apache_beam as beam
import fastrand
import pandas as pd
KT = TypeVar("KT")
@beam.typehints.with_input_types(Union[Dict, Tuple[KT, Dict]])
class PandasOverDicts(beam.PTransform):
PTransform to allow users to bring logic from the familiar pandas
Dataframes API over PCollections of dicts. In situations where the data
volume per window (per key) can fit in memory on a single worker.
Sharding Input:
There 3 Options for this tranform to shard the input Dicts within a
Window into individual pandas Dataframes.
1. Specify a `split_by` key which will extract the split value for the given
key and use this to split up Dataframes.
2. Specify a `num_shards` which will split into the specified number of
Dataframes by sharding input elements by a random key.
3. Use default sharding by 50 random keys
Within a window, even a single shard based on the above logic could get
large. To avoid creating very large Dataframes we use a GroupIntoBatches
to set an upper bound on the number of records that will be part of a single
dataframe. This is configurable with `df_max_batch_size` which defaults to
Guidance on How to Choose Sharding and `df_max_batch_size`
for Popular Use Cases:
1. "Pandas logic does not do aggregation"
Use the defaults.
2. "Pandas logic does aggregation but this can be sharded on a known key"
Your requirements dictate that we use a single DataFrame per Window
per key. This requires fitting all this data in memory on a single
Be warned this is not very scalable for very hot keys and you should
consider using expressing your aggregation logic as Beam SQL or a
split_by=<your-key>, skip_batching=True
3. "My pandas logic specifies aggregation that should operate on all inputs
in the window and I do not have a reasonable key to shard on."
Your requirements dictate that we use a single DataFrame per Window.
Be warned this is not very scalable for large windows and you should
consider using expressing your aggregation logic as Beam SQL or a
num_shards=1, skip_batching=True
pandas_fn: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame] Function specifying a
pandas DataFrame -> DataFrame transformation.
split_by: The key in the input dicts on which to shard. This takes
precedence over random sharding methods.
num_shards: int Configurable number of random batches. This should not
be specified when using `split_by`.
skip_sharding: bool skip sharding by split_by or num_shards because
input PCollection is already key-value Tuples.
skip_batching: bool skip batching elements (per window per key) into
dataframes of a fixed size because all these elements are required
for the aggregation logic specified in your pandas_fn
max_df_rows: int maximum number of elements to be collected in a
single DataFrame. Default is 10000.
DEFAULT_NUM_SHARDS = 100 # type: ClassVar[int]
def __init__(self,
pandas_fn: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame],
split_by: KT = None,
num_shards: int = None,
skip_sharding: bool = False,
skip_batching: bool = False,
max_df_rows: int = 10000,
self.pandas_fn = pandas_fn
self.max_df_rows = max_df_rows
self.split_by = split_by
self.num_shards = num_shards
self.skip_sharding = skip_sharding
self.skip_batching = skip_batching
if self.skip_sharding and any({self.split_by, self.num_shards}):
raise ValueError(
f"skip_sharding should not be used with split_by or num_shards."
f"got skip_sharing {skip_sharding}, split_by: {split_by}, "
f"and num_shards: {num_shards}")
if self.split_by and (self.num_shards or self.skip_sharding):
raise ValueError(
"split_by cannot be used with num_shards or skip_sharding")
def expand(self, input_or_inputs: beam.pvalue.PCollection):
pandas_wrapper = partial(_pandas_over_dict, pandas_fn=self.pandas_fn)
_num_shards = self.num_shards if self.num_shards else \
_random_shard = partial(fastrand.pcg32bounded, _num_shards)
if self.skip_sharding:
keyed_values = input_or_inputs
elif self.split_by:
keyed_values = (
| "Extract key" >> beam.WithKeys(lambda x: x.get(self.split_by))
keyed_values = (
| "Pair with random key" >> beam.WithKeys(_random_shard)
grouped_values = (keyed_values
| "Parallelize Dataframe by Key" >> beam.GroupByKey())
if self.skip_batching:
prepared_input = grouped_values
prepared_input = (
| "Avoid Large Dataframes" >> beam.GroupIntoBatches(
return (prepared_input
| "Apply Pandas Logic" >> beam.Map(pandas_wrapper)
| "Flatten results and drop key" >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x: x))
def _pandas_over_dict(
keyed_data: List[Tuple[KT, Dict]],
pandas_fn: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame] = None) -> List[Dict]:
"""Executes a DataFrame to DataFrame transformation over a List of Dicts.
keyed_data: List[Tuple[KT, List[Dict]] input data on which to apply
pandas_fn: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame] transformation logic
if not pandas_fn:
raise ValueError("pandas_fn must not be None")
df_in = pd.DataFrame.from_records(keyed_data[0][1])
return pandas_fn(df_in).to_dict("records")
# BELOW HERE would be in separate unit test file included for completeness of gist
import apache_beam as beam
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that, equal_to
from calculate_margin.transforms.pandas_transforms import PandasOverDicts
def foo_pandas_fn(df: pd.DataFrame):
df["avg"] = df.groupby('id').transform(np.mean)
return df
def test_pandas_over_dicts():
test_dicts = [
{"id": 0, "count": 1},
{"id": 0, "count": 3},
{"id": 1, "count": 4},
{"id": 1, "count": 6},
expected_dicts = [
{"id": 0, "count": 1, "avg": 2},
{"id": 0, "count": 3, "avg": 2},
{"id": 1, "count": 4, "avg": 5},
{"id": 1, "count": 6, "avg": 5},
with TestPipeline() as p:
output = (p
| beam.Create(test_dicts)
| PandasOverDicts(foo_pandas_fn, split_by="id"))
assert_that(output, equal_to(expected_dicts))
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