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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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* ** SUMMARY **
* App._router._route should not be empty, but contain a Route object, with the currently mapped URL parameters
* App._router._route could be accessed as App.getRoute()
* App._router._route could be accessed as App.getRoutes()
* Is there an event which fires internally on a successful route change?
* I realise this would set a precedence, so window events can be used instead. It is just a nice feature, but not 100% needed.
* The proposed changes would make creation of RBAC type systems simpler, as well as common web elements such as breadcrumbs, and contextual common views like meta/social tags
* Finally as a thought, when you specify a route, there could be a way of defining the regex associated with a parameter, to only allow numbers or a specific format
* If a regex was notmet, it could return false. Optional params would not return if not present in URL.
* Proposed format:
* options: {
url: AppPath + 'views/tag.html',
route: AppPath +'tag/{{tagID}}',
routeFormat: { tagID: '[0-9]{3}'}
* blocks.route('Product/{{type}}').format({type: '[a-zA-Z]'})
// an application property with the current route would enable common non-routed views to have contextual output
// in the case below (a breadcrumb),it would be a chore to create a breadcrumb view for each routing option
// So the next best thing is an observable in the breadcrumb view, which all views update after routing, or by seeting an event callback for history change on the body
App.View('Breadcrumb', {
// this would be the current route string
// this could be extended with a formatter which turns the string coming in into an array of URL parts so the breadcrumb view can display them nicely with an each()
currentPath: blocks.observable()
App.View('Tags', {
options: {
url: AppPath + 'views/tag.html',
route: AppPath +'tag/{{tag}}'
tag: 'default',
routed: function (params) {
this.tag = params.tag;
// this would then update the Breadcrumb.currentPath property
// alternatively you could explode the route here into its part, and not extend the currentPath observable
App.Breadcrumb.currentPath = this.options.route;
// but it would be nice to have a simpler way off accessing the current route/registered routes from the app
// the examples below use App._router. Is there an argument for attatching the getRoute() and getRoutes() methods directly to App?
App.View('Breadcrumb', {
currentRoute: blocks.observable(),
updatePath: function () {
// would return the current route object containing app route, params, and seperated parts of the route
// the current App._router._route object is empty, and should return an instance of Route()
// it is important that this also returns an object containing currently mapped URL params to avoid duplication of this task.
this.currentRoute = App._router._route._routePath;
// could also be accessed as:
this.currentRoute = App.getRoute();
// here I used this generic event.
// Does jsblocks have an internal event that fires when it routes successfully? So hash changes could also be caught with one event.
// the event could pass the current Route object as a parameter
// if App._router._route was not empty, or if there was an App.getRoute() method, there would be no reason for an internal event as the data could easily found usinghistory/hashchange events
window.onpopstate = function () {
// From this property it should remain easy to access the route object for the parameter options and individual parts of a route
routes: App._router._routes
// with the proposed new method
routes: App.getRoutes()
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