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Created May 1, 2021 08:40
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# Ported from
# Credit goes to Micah Elliott
using Colors
using OrderedCollections
CLUT = Tuple{String, String}[ # color look-up table
# 8-bit, RGB hex
# Primary 3-bit (8 colors). Unique representation!
("00", "000000"), ("01", "800000"), ("02", "008000"), ("03", "808000"), ("04", "000080"), ("05", "800080"), ("06", "008080"), ("07", "c0c0c0"),
# Equivalent "bright" versions of original 8 colors.
("08", "808080"), ("09", "ff0000"), ("10", "00ff00"), ("11", "ffff00"), ("12", "0000ff"), ("13", "ff00ff"), ("14", "00ffff"), ("15", "ffffff"),
# Strictly ascending.
("16", "000000"), ("17", "00005f"), ("18", "000087"), ("19", "0000af"), ("20", "0000d7"), ("21", "0000ff"), ("22", "005f00"), ("23", "005f5f"), ("24", "005f87"), ("25", "005faf"), ("26", "005fd7"), ("27", "005fff"), ("28", "008700"), ("29", "00875f"), ("30", "008787"), ("31", "0087af"), ("32", "0087d7"),("33", "0087ff"), ("34", "00af00"), ("35", "00af5f"), ("36", "00af87"), ("37", "00afaf"), ("38", "00afd7"), ("39", "00afff"), ("40", "00d700"), ("41", "00d75f"), ("42", "00d787"), ("43", "00d7af"), ("44", "00d7d7"), ("45", "00d7ff"), ("46", "00ff00"), ("47", "00ff5f"), ("48", "00ff87"), ("49", "00ffaf"), ("50", "00ffd7"), ("51", "00ffff"), ("52", "5f0000"), ("53", "5f005f"), ("54", "5f0087"), ("55", "5f00af"), ("56", "5f00d7"), ("57", "5f00ff"), ("58", "5f5f00"), ("59", "5f5f5f"),("60", "5f5f87"), ("61", "5f5faf"), ("62", "5f5fd7"), ("63", "5f5fff"), ("64", "5f8700"), ("65", "5f875f"), ("66", "5f8787"), ("67", "5f87af"), ("68", "5f87d7"), ("69", "5f87ff"), ("70", "5faf00"), ("71", "5faf5f"), ("72", "5faf87"), ("73", "5fafaf"), ("74", "5fafd7"), ("75", "5fafff"), ("76", "5fd700"), ("77", "5fd75f"), ("78", "5fd787"), ("79", "5fd7af"), ("80", "5fd7d7"), ("81", "5fd7ff"), ("82", "5fff00"), ("83", "5fff5f"), ("84", "5fff87"), ("85", "5fffaf"), ("86", "5fffd7"), ("87", "5fffff"), ("88", "870000"), ("89", "87005f"), ("90", "870087"), ("91", "8700af"), ("92", "8700d7"), ("93", "8700ff"), ("94", "875f00"), ("95", "875f5f"), ("96", "875f87"), ("97", "875faf"), ("98", "875fd7"), ("99", "875fff"), ("100", "878700"), ("101", "87875f"), ("102", "878787"), ("103", "8787af"), ("104", "8787d7"), ("105", "8787ff"), ("106", "87af00"), ("107", "87af5f"), ("108", "87af87"), ("109", "87afaf"), ("110", "87afd7"), ("111", "87afff"), ("112", "87d700"), ("113", "87d75f"), ("114", "87d787"), ("115", "87d7af"), ("116", "87d7d7"), ("117", "87d7ff"), ("118", "87ff00"), ("119", "87ff5f"), ("120", "87ff87"), ("121", "87ffaf"), ("122", "87ffd7"), ("123", "87ffff"), ("124", "af0000"), ("125", "af005f"), ("126", "af0087"), ("127", "af00af"), ("128", "af00d7"), ("129", "af00ff"), ("130", "af5f00"), ("131", "af5f5f"), ("132", "af5f87"), ("133", "af5faf"), ("134", "af5fd7"), ("135", "af5fff"), ("136", "af8700"), ("137", "af875f"), ("138", "af8787"), ("139", "af87af"), ("140", "af87d7"), ("141", "af87ff"), ("142", "afaf00"), ("143", "afaf5f"), ("144", "afaf87"), ("145", "afafaf"), ("146", "afafd7"), ("147", "afafff"), ("148", "afd700"), ("149", "afd75f"), ("150", "afd787"), ("151", "afd7af"), ("152", "afd7d7"), ("153", "afd7ff"), ("154", "afff00"), ("155", "afff5f"), ("156", "afff87"), ("157", "afffaf"), ("158", "afffd7"), ("159", "afffff"), ("160", "d70000"), ("161", "d7005f"), ("162", "d70087"), ("163", "d700af"), ("164", "d700d7"), ("165", "d700ff"), ("166", "d75f00"), ("167", "d75f5f"), ("168", "d75f87"), ("169", "d75faf"), ("170", "d75fd7"), ("171", "d75fff"), ("172", "d78700"), ("173", "d7875f"), ("174", "d78787"), ("175", "d787af"), ("176", "d787d7"), ("177", "d787ff"), ("178", "d7af00"), ("179", "d7af5f"), ("180", "d7af87"), ("181", "d7afaf"), ("182", "d7afd7"), ("183", "d7afff"), ("184", "d7d700"), ("185", "d7d75f"), ("186", "d7d787"), ("187", "d7d7af"), ("188", "d7d7d7"), ("189", "d7d7ff"), ("190", "d7ff00"), ("191", "d7ff5f"), ("192", "d7ff87"), ("193", "d7ffaf"), ("194", "d7ffd7"), ("195", "d7ffff"), ("196", "ff0000"), ("197", "ff005f"), ("198", "ff0087"), ("199", "ff00af"), ("200", "ff00d7"), ("201", "ff00ff"), ("202", "ff5f00"), ("203", "ff5f5f"), ("204", "ff5f87"), ("205", "ff5faf"), ("206", "ff5fd7"), ("207", "ff5fff"), ("208", "ff8700"), ("209", "ff875f"), ("210", "ff8787"), ("211", "ff87af"), ("212", "ff87d7"), ("213", "ff87ff"), ("214", "ffaf00"), ("215", "ffaf5f"), ("216", "ffaf87"), ("217", "ffafaf"), ("218", "ffafd7"), ("219", "ffafff"), ("220", "ffd700"), ("221", "ffd75f"), ("222", "ffd787"), ("223", "ffd7af"), ("224", "ffd7d7"), ("225", "ffd7ff"), ("226", "ffff00"), ("227", "ffff5f"), ("228", "ffff87"), ("229", "ffffaf"), ("230", "ffffd7"), ("231", "ffffff"),
# Gray-scale range.
("232", "080808"), ("233", "121212"), ("234", "1c1c1c"), ("235", "262626"), ("236", "303030"), ("237", "3a3a3a"), ("238", "444444"), ("239", "4e4e4e"), ("240", "585858"), ("241", "626262"), ("242", "6c6c6c"), ("243", "767676"), ("244", "808080"), ("245", "8a8a8a"), ("246", "949494"), ("247", "9e9e9e"), ("248", "a8a8a8"), ("249", "b2b2b2"), ("250", "bcbcbc"), ("251", "c6c6c6"), ("252", "d0d0d0"), ("253", "dadada"), ("254", "e4e4e4"), ("255", "eeeeee"),
_str2hex(hexstr::String) = parse(Int, hexstr, base = 16)
_strip_hash(rgb::String) = startswith(rgb, '#') ? rgb[2:end] : rgb
SHORT2RGB_DICT = OrderedDict{String, String}(CLUT)
RGB2SHORT_DICT = OrderedDict{String, String}(reverse(p) for p in SHORT2RGB_DICT)
short2rgb(short::String) = SHORT2RGB_DICT[short]
function print_all()
for (short, rgb) in CLUT
println("\033[48;5;$(short)m$(short):$(rgb)\033[0m \033[38;5;$(short)m$(short):$(rgb)\033[0m")
println("Printed all codes.")
println("You can translate a hex or 0-255 code by providing an argument.")
return nothing
"Find the closest xterm-256 approximation to the given RGB value."
function rgb2short(rgb::String)
rgb = _strip_hash(rgb)
incs = (0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff)
# Break 6-char RGB code into 3 integer vals.
parts = Int[parse(Int, h, base = 16) for h in match(r"(..)(..)(..)", rgb).captures]
res = Int[]
for part in parts
i = 1
while i < length(incs)
s, b = incs[i], incs[i + 1] # smaller, bigger
# println("$s $b")
if s <= part <= b
s1 = abs(s - part)
b1 = abs(b - part)
s1 < b1 ? push!(res, s) : push!(res, b)
i += 1
res = join(String[string(i, base = 16, pad = 2) for i in res])
equiv = RGB2SHORT_DICT[res]
return equiv, res
function main_exact(i::String)
rgb = short2rgb(i)
println("xterm color \033[38;5;$(i)m$(i)\033[0m -> RGB exact \033[38;5;$(i)m$(rgb)\033[0m\033[0m")
return nothing
function main_approx(i::String)
short, rgb = rgb2short(i)
println("RGB $(i) -> xterm color approx \033[38;5;$(short)m$(short) ($(rgb))\033[0m\033[0m")
return nothing
main() = print_all()
main(i::String) = length(i) < 4 && parse(Int, i) < 256 ? main_exact(i) : main_approx(i)
main(i1::Float64, i2::Float64, i3::Float64) = main(hex(RGB(i1, i2, i3)))
main(i1::Int, i2::Int, i3::Int) = all(i -> 0 .≤ i .< 256, (i1, i2, i3)) ? main(i1 / 255, i2 / 255, i3 / 255) : error("RGB values out of bounds")
main(i1::String, i2::String, i3::String) = main(parse.(Real, (i1, i2, i3))...)
main(i...) = length(i) < 4 ? main(i...) : error("It's \"RGB\", not \"$("RGB" * join(map(_ -> rand("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 1:(length(i) - 3))))\"")
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