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Created July 10, 2019 09:08
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Rayshader Test | Scotland Inpatients (Oct – Dec 2018)
# remotes::install_github("tylermorganwall/rayshader")
library(rayshader) # rayshader_0.11.4
#### DATA IMPORT ####
# inpatient numbers, by health board, Oct-Dec 2018
inpats <- read_csv("trend_data_multiple_location.csv") %>%
filter(Quarter == "Oct - Dec-18") %>%
mutate(Location = str_sub(Location, start = 5),
Location = str_replace(Location, "&", "and")) # remove "NHS" prefix + replace ampersands for matching purposes
#### MAP SETUP ####
scot <- st_read("SG_NHS_HealthBoards_2019") %>%
ms_simplify(., drop_null_geometries = TRUE, keep = 5e-4) %>% # simplifed polys looks better in 3D
ms_filter_islands(., min_area = 1e7) %>% # goodbye Millport
st_transform(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84") %>% # reproject onto decimal lat/long w' WGS84 spheroid reference
left_join(select(inpats, Location, Number), by = c("HBName" ="Location")) # attach inpatient data
#### GGPLOT SETUP ####
gg_scot = ggplot(scot) +
geom_sf(mapping = aes(fill = Number), color = NA) + # set color="black" for extruded facets to be black
scale_fill_viridis("inpatients", direction = 1,
breaks = c(1e4, 2e4, 3e4, 4e4),
labels = c("10,000", "20,000", "30,000", "40,000")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),panel.border = element_blank())
# gg_scot
#### PLOT_GG ####
width = 6, height = 6,
scale = 300,
windowsize = c(1440, 810),
multicore = TRUE,
offset_edges = TRUE,
raytrace = TRUE,
lineantialias = TRUE)
#### CAMERA ####
pic_dir <- file.path(getwd(), "pics")
output_video <- "output.mp4"
save_move_frames <- function(move_name, move_length = 1,
fps = 60, pic_dir = file.path(getwd(), "pics"),
theta_start = 45, theta_end = 45,
phi_start = 45, phi_end = 45,
zoom_start = NULL, zoom_end = NULL,
fov_start = NULL, fov_end = NULL){
theta <- seq(from = theta_start, to = theta_end, length.out = fps*move_length)
phi <- seq(from = phi_start, to = phi_end, length.out = fps*move_length)
if(is.null(zoom_start) | is.null(zoom_end)){
zoom_start <- NULL
zoom_end <- NULL
zoom <- NULL
if(!is.null(zoom_start) & !is.null(zoom_end)){
zoom <- seq(from = zoom_start, to = zoom_end, length.out = fps*move_length)
if(is.null(fov_start) | is.null(fov_end)){
fov_start <- NULL
fov_end <- NULL
fov <- NULL
if(!is.null(fov_start) & !is.null(fov_end)){
fov <- seq(from = fov_start, to = fov_end, length.out = fps*move_length)
# write out frames
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_camera(theta = theta[frame], phi = phi[frame], zoom = zoom[frame], fov = fov[frame])
render_snapshot(file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 0: slight zoom, 1 second
move_length = 1,
theta_start = 0,
theta_end = 0,
phi_start = 90,
phi_end = 90,
zoom_start = 1,
zoom_end = .9)
#### MOVE 1: face on to zoomed isometric, 1 second
move_length = 1,
theta_start = 0,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 90,
phi_end = 30,
zoom_start = .9,
zoom_end = .4)
#### MOVE 2: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
#### MOVE 3: rotate 360, 6 seconds
move_length = 6,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 390, # render_camera takes care of the mod 360
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30,
zoom_start = .4,
zoom_end = .4)
#### MOVE 4: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
# render_camera(theta = 30, phi = 30, zoom = .4) # default view for this animation
# should move this functionality to save_move_frames() really
#### MOVE 5: focal length 1 > 300, 1.5 second
fps <- 60
move_name <- "move05"
move_length <- 1.5
focallength <- seq(from = 1, to = 300, length.out = fps*move_length)
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_depth(focallength = focallength[frame], focus = .5,
filename = file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 6: focal length 300 > 1, .75 second
move_name <- "move06"
move_length <- .75
focallength <- seq(from = 300, to = 1, length.out = fps*move_length)
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_depth(focallength = focallength[frame], focus = .5,
filename = file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 7: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
#### MOVE 8: focus .5 -> .95, 1.5 second
move_name <- "move08"
move_length <- 1.5
focus <- seq(from = .5, to = .95, length.out = fps*move_length) # focus = 1 crashes so using .95
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_depth(focallength = 1, focus = focus[frame],
filename = file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 9: focus .95 -> .05, 2 second
move_name <- "move09"
move_length <- 2
focus <- seq(from = .95, to = .05, length.out = fps*move_length)
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_depth(focallength = 1, focus = focus[frame],
filename = file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 10: focus .05 -> .5, .5 second
move_name <- "move10"
move_length <- .5
focus <- seq(from = .05, to = .5, length.out = fps*move_length)
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
render_depth(focallength = 1, focus = focus[frame],
filename = file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")))
#### MOVE 11: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
#### MOVE 12: animate water depth
# have to iterate over plot_gg objects
move_name <- "move12"
move_length <- 2
waterdepth <- seq(from = 0, to = mean(inpats$Number, na.rm = TRUE)/max(inpats$Number, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = fps*move_length)
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
rgl::clear3d() # clear at start so rgl object remains after last iteration
width = 6, height = 6,
scale = 300,
windowsize = c(1440, 810),
multicore = TRUE,
offset_edges = TRUE,
raytrace = TRUE,
water = TRUE,
waterdepth = waterdepth[frame],
lineantialias = TRUE)
render_camera(theta = 30, phi = 30, zoom = .4)
render_snapshot(file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")),
clear = FALSE)
#### MOVE 12b: rotate 360, 6 seconds
move_length = 6,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 390, # render_camera / rgl takes care of the mod 360
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30,
zoom_start = .4,
zoom_end = .4)
#### MOVE 13: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
#### MOVE 14: shrink all
# have to iterate over plot_gg objects
move_name <- "move14"
move_length <- 2
scale <- seq(from = 300, to = .1, length.out = fps*move_length) # scale = 0 causes artifacts so using .1
wateralpha <- seq(from = .5, to = 0, length.out = fps*move_length) # reducing alpha so water disappears at last frame
for(frame in 1:(move_length*fps)){
width = 6, height = 6,
scale = scale[frame],
windowsize = c(1440, 810),
multicore = TRUE,
offset_edges = TRUE,
raytrace = TRUE,
water = TRUE,
waterdepth = mean(inpats$Number, na.rm = TRUE)/max(inpats$Number, na.rm = TRUE),
wateralpha = wateralpha[frame],
lineantialias = TRUE)
render_camera(theta = 30, phi = 30, zoom = .4)
render_snapshot(file.path(pic_dir, paste0(move_name, "_", str_pad(frame, width=6, side="left", pad="0"), ".png")),
clear = FALSE)
#### MOVE 15: pause, .5 second
move_length = .5,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 30,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 30)
#### MOVE 16: back to original position
move_length = 1,
theta_start = 30,
theta_end = 0,
phi_start = 30,
phi_end = 90,
zoom_start = .4,
zoom_end = 1)
#### MOVE 17: pause, 1 second
move_length = 1,
theta_start = 0,
theta_end = 0,
phi_start = 90,
phi_end = 90)
#### FFMPEG ####
command <- paste0("ffmpeg -y -r ", fps, " -f image2 -s 1440x810 -i ", pic_dir,
"/%*.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p ", output_video)
system(command = command)
#### MISC ####
# render_camera(theta = 0, phi = 90, zoom = 1) # face on
# render_camera(theta = 45, phi = 0, zoom = 1) # side on
# render_camera(theta = 45, phi = 45, zoom = 1) # isometric
# render_camera(theta = 30, phi = 30, zoom = .4) # shallow isometric + zoom
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Quick test of rayshader package (version 0.11.4) using ggplot2 geom_sf map objects, animating with ffmpeg.


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