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Last active March 2, 2020 03:58
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Slicing Dask Arrays with Index Arrays
import itertools
import numbers
import operator
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from functools import reduce
except ImportError:
def slice_index_array(a, idx):
# Validate this is not a single array.
if not isinstance(idx, tuple):
raise TypeError("`idx` must be a `tuple` of 1-D arrays")
# Cast as Dask Arrays.
a = da.asarray(a)
idx = tuple(da.asarray(e) for e in idx)
# Validate the dimensionality and shape of `idx` and `a`.
if not all([issubclass(e.dtype.type, numbers.Integral) for e in idx]):
raise TypeError("`idx` must be of integral type")
if not all(e.ndim == 1 for e in idx):
raise ValueError("`idx` must contain only 1-D arrays")
if not np.allclose(idx[0].shape[0], [e.shape[0] for e in idx], equal_nan=True):
raise ValueError("`idx` must contain the same number of points")
if a.ndim != len(idx):
raise ValueError("`idx` and `a` must share the same dimensionality")
# Construct indices for `a`.
a_indices = tuple(
da.arange(s, chunks=c) for s, c in zip(a.shape, a.chunks)
# Create a series of masks indicating where each coordinate is.
# Then apply those masks in each chunk to get the values needed.
idx_vals = da.atop(
lambda arr, *args: np.fromiter(
lambda e: arr[e].item(),
lambda i, e: e[i * (None,) + (slice(None),) + (len(args) // 2 - i - 1) * (None,)],
range(len(args) // 2),
a, tuple(range(1, 1 + a.ndim)),
(e_0, (0,), e_i, (i,))
for i, (e_0, e_i) in enumerate(zip(idx, a_indices), start=1)
return idx_vals
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My guess is there have already been changes in Dask that include support for this in a reasonable way. Would look there instead of this Gist.

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