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Created November 13, 2019 10:28
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Builds an ensemble of n-times the same learner but each with sampled hyperparam settings.
#' @title Build ensemble of multiple learners with sampled hyperparameters.
#' @description
#' Define a learner and define which hyperparameters should get sampled.
#' The ensemble will be build of multiple learners, each with different random hyperparamters.
#' The predictions for mean and se will be averaged.
#' @template arg_learner
#' @param samplers (`list`)\cr
#' A named list of functions that create the random samples:
#' e.g.: `list(coef.cov = function(n) rchisq(n = n, df = 3, ncp = 2))`
#' @template ret_learner
#' @family wrapper
#' @export
makeRandomParsEnsemble = function(learner, samplers, n.samples = 10L) {
learner = checkLearner(learner, type = c("regr"))
assertList(samplers, names = "named")
id = stri_paste(learner$id, "RandomParsEnsemble", sep = ".")
packs = learner$package
ps = makeParamSet(
makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "samplers"),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "n.samples", lower = 1, default = 10L)
pv = list(
samplers = samplers,
n.samples = n.samples
mlr:::makeHomogeneousEnsemble(id, learner$type, learner, packs, par.set = ps, par.vals = pv,
learner.subclass = "RandomParsEnsemble", model.subclass = "RandomParsEnsembleModel")
#' @export
print.RandomParsEnsembleModel = function(x, ...) {
s = capture.output(print.WrappedModel(x))
u = sprintf("Random Parameter Ensembles: %s", class(x$learner$next.learner)[1L])
s = append(s, u, 1L)
lapply(s, catf)
#' @export
trainLearner.RandomParsEnsemble = function(.learner, .task, .subset = NULL, .weights = NULL, samplers, n.samples = 10L, ...) {
.task = subsetTask(.task, subset = .subset)
args = list(task = .task, weights = .weights)
sampled.pvs = Map(function(f) f(n.samples), samplers)
sampled.pvs =, c(list(f = list), sampled.pvs)) # each list item one setting
learners = Map(function(x) setHyperPars(.learner$next.learner, par.vals = x), sampled.pvs)
parallelLibrary("mlr", master = FALSE, level = "mlr.ensemble", = FALSE)
mlr:::exportMlrOptions(level = "mlr.ensemble")
models = parallelMap(doEnsembleTrainIteration, learner = learners, more.args = args, level = "mlr.ensemble")
mlr:::makeHomChainModel(.learner, models)
doEnsembleTrainIteration = function(learner, task, weights) {
train(learner, task, weights = weights)
#' @export
predictLearner.RandomParsEnsemble = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, .subset = NULL, ...) {
models = getLearnerModel(.model, more.unwrap = FALSE)
preds = lapply(models, function(m) {
predict(m, newdata = .newdata, subset = .subset, ...)$data[,c("response", "se")]
p = BBmisc::asMatrixCols(lapply(preds, function(x) x$response))
se = BBmisc::asMatrixCols(lapply(preds, function(x) x$se))
cbind(rowMeans(p), rowMeans(se))
#' @export
getLearnerProperties.RandomParsEnsemble = function(learner) {
union(getLearnerProperties(learner$next.learner), "se")
if (FALSE) {
# debug example
samplers = list(coef.cov = function(x) replicate(x, rchisq(2, df = 3, ncp = 2), simplify = FALSE), coef.var = function(x) rnorm(x)^2)
n.samples = 3L
lrn = makeLearner("", predict.type = "se")
lrn2 = makeRandomParsEnsemble(lrn, samplers, 3L)
fun = makeBraninFunction()
des = generateDesign(5, par.set = getParamSet(fun))
des$y = apply(des, 1, fun)
tsk = makeRegrTask(data = des, target = "y")
mod = train(lrn2, task = tsk)
pred = predict(mod, tsk)
# mbo example
fn = makeCosineMixtureFunction(1) = convertToMinimization(fn)
samplers = list(coef.cov = function(x) replicate(x, rchisq(smoof::getNumberOfParameters(, df = 1, ncp = 2), simplify = FALSE), coef.var = function(x) rchisq(x, 1))
n.samples = 3L
lrn = makeLearner("", predict.type = "se")
lrn2 = makeRandomParsEnsemble(lrn, samplers, 30L)
ctrl = makeMBOControl()
ctrl = setMBOControlTermination(ctrl, iters = 10L)
ctrl = setMBOControlInfill(ctrl, crit = makeMBOInfillCritEI(), opt = "focussearch", opt.focussearch.points = 500L, opt.restarts = 1L)
design = generateDesign(5L, getParamSet(, fun = lhs::maximinLHS)
run = exampleRun(, design = design, learner = lrn2,
control = ctrl, points.per.dim = 1000, = TRUE)
for(i in 1:10) {
plotExampleRun(run, iters = i, pause = FALSE, densregion = TRUE, gg.objects = list(theme_bw()))
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