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Last active November 3, 2020 09:36
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Calculates relative change of new corona cases between the previous two weeks.
library(covid19germany) #
# for meaning of features see:
url = ""
raw_data = data.table::fread(url)
raw_data[, Meldedatum := ymd_hms(Meldedatum)]
raw_data[, Datenstand := ymd_hms(Datenstand)]
raw_data[, Refdatum := ymd_hms(Refdatum)]
raw_data$Altersgruppe2 = NULL
cases_per_interval = function(sd, interval, type = "case") {
assert_choice(type, c("case", "death", "revovery"))
sd = sd[Refdatum %within% interval,]
if (type == "case") {
sd[NeuerFall %in% c(0,1), sum(AnzahlFall)]
} else if (type == "death") {
sd[NeuerTodesfall %in% c(0,1), sum(AnzahlTodesfall)]
} else if (type == "recovery") {
sd[NeuGenesen %in% c(0,1), sum(AnzahlGenesen)]
cases_per_intervals = function(sd, intervals, type = "case") {
map_int(intervals, cases_per_interval, sd = sd, type = type)
last_2_weeks = seq.Date(from = today() - days(14), to = today(), by = "7 day")
last_2_weeks_lag = seq.Date(from = today() - days(17), to = today() - days(3), by = "7 day")
quote_last_2_weeks = raw_data[, {
res = cases_per_intervals(
list(change_rate = res[2]/res[1], cases_this_week = res[2], cases_previous_week = res[1])
}, by = c("Landkreis", "IdLandkreis")]
# prepare plot
landkreise = covid19germany::get_RKI_spatial(resolution = "Landkreis")
tmp = merge(landkreise, quote_last_2_weeks, by = "IdLandkreis", sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
landkreise = cbind(landkreise, tmp[, c("change_rate", "cases_this_week", "cases_previous_week")])
custom_gradient = function() {
base_palette = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdBu")) #from 0 to 1
final_palette = colorRampPalette(base_palette, interpolate = "spline")(255)
rng = log2(range(landkreise$change_rate))
rng = pmin(rng, c(0.5, Inf))
rng = pmax(rng, c(-Inf, 2))
rescaler = function(x, ...) {
ind = ifelse(
x < 0,
scales::rescale(x, from = c(rng[1],0), to = c(0,0.5)),
scales::rescale(x, from = c(0,rng[2]), to = c(0.5,1))
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = final_palette, rescaler = rescaler, trans = "log2", breaks = c(0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4))
g = ggplot(landkreise, aes(
fill = change_rate,
text = paste0(
BEZ, " ", GEN, "<br>",
"Steigungsrate: ", round(change_rate,2), "<br>",
"Letzte Woche: ", cases_previous_week, "<br>",
"Diese Woche: ", cases_this_week))
g = g + geom_sf()
g = g + custom_gradient()
g = g + labs(
fill = "Steigerungsrate",
title = "Relative Änderung der Fallzahlen",
subtitle = paste0(
"Verlgeich neuer Fälle zw. ",
format(last_2_weeks_lag[1], "%d.%m"),
format(last_2_weeks_lag[2], "%d.%m"),
" und ",
format(last_2_weeks_lag[2], "%d.%m"),
format(last_2_weeks_lag[3], "%d.%m.%Y")
caption = "3 Tage Verzögerung um RKI Verzug zu Berücksichtigen"
g = g + theme_bw()
ggsave(plot = g, filename = "corona_relative_change.png", device = "png", width = 10, height = 12, dpi = 150)
# plotly interactive
gly = ggplotly(g, tooltip = c("text"))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(gly, "corona_relative_change.html")
# leaflet interactive
rng = log2(range(landkreise$change_rate))
rng = pmin(rng, c(0.5, Inf))
rng = pmax(rng, c(-Inf, 2))
pal = function(x) {
colors = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))
x = log2(x)
ind = ifelse(
x < 0,
scales::rescale(x, from = c(rng[1],0), to = c(0,0.5)),
scales::rescale(x, from = c(0,rng[2]), to = c(0.5,1))
colors[pmin(pmax(1,floor(ind * 11)+1),11)]
attr(pal, "colorType") = "numeric"
attr(pal, "colorArgs") = list(na.color = "#333333")
lf = leaflet(landkreise) %>%
color = "#444444",
weight = 1,
smoothFactor = 0.5,
opacity = 1.0,
fillOpacity = 1.0,
fillColor = ~pal(change_rate),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "white", weight = 2,bringToFront = TRUE),
label = ~paste0(BEZ, " ", GEN, "<br>",
"Steigungsrate: ", round(change_rate,2), "<br>",
"Woche ", format(last_2_weeks_lag[1], "%d.%m"), "-", format(last_2_weeks_lag[2], "%d.%m"), " : ", cases_previous_week, "<br>",
"Woche ", format(last_2_weeks_lag[2], "%d.%m"), "-", format(last_2_weeks_lag[3], "%d.%m"), " : ", cases_this_week) %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML)
) %>% addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = c(0.3,6), title = "Steigerungsrate",
layerId = "colorLegend")
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(lf, "corona_relative_change.html")
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jakob-r commented Nov 3, 2020


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