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Last active March 23, 2021 15:10
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  • Save jakobhellermann/1ed6b0d10203c86de40de695c6e82a3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jakobhellermann/1ed6b0d10203c86de40de695c6e82a3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Does the easily automatable part of updating bevy 0.5
if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then
echo 'git has uncommit changes, please commit as this tool can break stuff'
echo "warning: this code isn't very well tested"
read -p "Press enter to continue: "
files=$(find . -name "*.rs")
for file in $files; do
sed -i 's/\(\w\+\): &mut Commands/mut \1: Commands/' "$file"
sed -i 's/&mut Commands/Commands/' "$file"
sed -i 's/\.spawn(/.spawn_bundle(/' "$file"
sed -i 's/\.with(/.insert(/' "$file"
sed -i 's/\.with_bundle(/.insert_bundle(/' "$file"
sed -i 's/FromResources/FromWorld/' "$file"
sed -i 's/from_resources(resources: &Resources)/from_world(world: \&mut World)/' "$file"
sed -i 's/\bresources\.get/world.get_resource/' "$file"
sed -i 's/\bresources\.get_mut/world.get_resource_mut/' "$file"
sed -i 's/add_resource/insert_resource/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Camera3dBundle/PerspectiveCameraBundle/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Camera2dBundle::default()/OrthographicCameraBundle::new_2d()/' "$file"
sed -i 's/CameraUiBundle::default()/UiCameraBundle::default()/' "$file"
sed -i 's/transform.forward()/transform.local_z()/' "$file"
sed -i 's/ResMut<Events<\(\w\+\)>>/EventWriter<\1>/' "$file"
# glam
sed -i 's/Vec3::unit_x()/Vec3::X/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec3::unit_y()/Vec3::Y/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec3::unit_z()/Vec3::Z/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec3::zero()/Vec3::ZERO/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec3::one()/Vec3::ONE/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec2::unit_x()/Vec2::X/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec2::unit_y()/Vec2::Y/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec2::zero()/Vec2::ZERO/' "$file"
sed -i 's/Vec2::one()/Vec2::ONE/' "$file"
sed -i 's/.transform_point3()/.project_point3()/' "$file"
echo 'Done 🎉'
echo ''
echo '# Some more tips'
echo 'If you get errors about not being able to borrow `world` mutable, try `let world = world.cell();`'
echo 'Chains of `commands.spawn(..).spawn()` will have to be manually changed to `commands.spawn(..); commands.spawn(..);`'
Copy link


sed -i 's/Camera2dBundle::default()/OrthographicCameraBundle::new_2d()/' "$file"
sed -i 's/CameraUiBundle::default()/UiCameraBundle::default()/' "$file"

Also, for any macos users out there, I'd recommend just doing brew install gnu-sed and replacing all instances of sed in this script with gsed. I don't think there's actually a portable way to use sed to do inline replacements without generating a bunch of backup file garbage.

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