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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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from hashlib import md5
from time import time
def views_match(cube, top, front, side):
view_from_top = [int(sum(cube[i::16]) > 0) for i in range(16)]
view_from_front = [int(sum(cube[i+j:i+j+16:4]) > 0) for i in range(0, 64, 16) for j in range(4)]
view_from_side = [int(sum(cube[i+j:i+j+4]) > 0) for i in range(0, 64, 16) for j in reversed(range(0, 16, 4))]
return view_from_top == top and view_from_front == front and view_from_side == side
def solve_minimal(top, front, side):
cube = [1] * 64
for idx, value in enumerate(top):
if value == 0:
cube[idx::16] = [0] * 4
for idx, value in enumerate(front):
if value == 0:
column, height = idx % 4, idx // 4
cube[height*16+column:height*16+column+16:4] = [0] * 4
for idx, value in enumerate(side):
if value == 0:
row, height = 3 - (idx % 4), idx // 4
cube[height*16+row*4:height*16+row*4+4] = [0] * 4
if views_match(cube, top, front, side):
pruning_table = generate_pruning(cube, front, side)
time_starting = time()
result = recursive(cube, 0, 64, 0, top, front, side, pruning_table)
return result[0], result[1], time() - time_starting
def generate_pruning(cube, front, side):
pruning_table = []
for i in range(64):
height, row, column = i // 16, 3 - ((i // 4) % 4), i % 4
different_heights = max(sum(front[height*4+4:]), sum(side[height*4+4:]))
column_sum = 0
if row == 3:
column_sum += sum(front[height*4+column+1:height*4+4])
row_sum = sum(side[height*4:height*4+row])
pruning_table.append(different_heights + max(column_sum, row_sum))
return pruning_table
def recursive(cube, idx, best, s, top, front, side, pruning_table):
if idx == 64:
return sum(cube), cube[:]
result0 = 65, None
if s + pruning_table[idx] >= best:
return result0
if cube[idx] == 1:
cube[idx] = 0
if views_match(cube, top, front, side):
result0 = recursive(cube, idx + 1, best, s, top, front, side, pruning_table)
if result0[0] < best:
best = result0[0]
cube[idx] = 1
result1 = recursive(cube, idx + 1, best, s + cube[idx], top, front, side, pruning_table)
return min(result0, result1)
def create(n):
inp = "{:048b}".format(int(md5("{:06}".format(n).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:12], 16))
cube = list(map(int, inp))
return cube[:16], cube[16:32], cube[32:]
time_start = time()
count_solvable = 0
solving_times = []
cubes = []
N = 1000000
for n in range(N):
top, front, side = create(n)
result = solve_minimal(top, front, side)
if result:
count_solvable += 1
print("Seed: {:06}, time: {:.2f} sec, cubes: {}, cube: {}".format(n, result[2], result[0], result[1]))
print("{} out of {} puzzles are solvable. ".format(count_solvable, N))
print("The number of cubes for all solvable puzzles is {}.".format(sum(cubes)))
print("Cubes necessary: min {}, avg {:.2f}, max {}.".format(min(cubes), sum(cubes) / len(cubes), max(cubes)))
print("Solving times (seconds): min {:.2f}, avg {:.2f}, max {:.2f}".format(min(solving_times),
sum(solving_times) / len(solving_times),
print("Total time: {:.2f} seconds".format(time() - time_start))
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