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Created March 28, 2017 22:16
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Tiny Typed Redux-like state manager in typescript
// Redux mini
type Reducer<TPayload, TState> = (params: TPayload) => (state: TState) => TState;
type Action<TPayload> = { name: string, payload: TPayload };
type ActionFactory<TPayload> = (payload: TPayload) => Action<TPayload>;
type ActionDispatcher<TPayload> = (payload: TPayload) => void;
type ReducersSet<TActions, TState> = { [P in keyof TActions]: Reducer<TActions[P], TState> }
type ActionFactorySet<TActions> = { [TActionName in keyof TActions]: ActionFactory<TActions[TActionName]> }
type ActionDispatcherSet<TActions> = { [TActionName in keyof TActions]: ActionDispatcher<TActions[TActionName]> }
export function createStore<TState, TActions>(initialState: TState, reducers: ReducersSet<TActions, TState>) : ActionDispatcherSet<TActions> {
let state = initialState;
function dispatch(action) {
let reducer = reducers[];
console.log(`Dispatching ${}. Payload: ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)}`);
let newState = reducer(action.payload)(state);
console.log(`State changed: ${JSON.stringify(state)} => ${JSON.stringify(newState)}`);
state = newState;
function wrapDispatch<TPayload>(name: string) {
return function(payload: TPayload) {
dispatch({ name, payload });
var store: any = {};
Object.keys(reducers).map(name => store[name] = wrapDispatch(name))
return store;
// Implementation
export interface AppState {
stringVal: string;
intVal: number;
const initialState: AppState = {
stringVal: 'initial value',
intVal: 100500
export const reducers = {
resetVal: ({}) => state => ({ ...state, stringVal: '' }),
setVal: (stringVal: string) => state => ({ ...state, stringVal })
export var store = createStore(initialState, reducers);
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