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Created July 24, 2019 15:02
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"name": "DisneyLand",
"location": "Paris, France",
"description": "Available on every Tuesday, Wednesday and suitable for 25-36 age groups. Some Additional Text so it can appear longer then it should.",
"date": "01.01.2019 19:30",
"price": "$50",
"guide": "Mickey Mouse",
"rating": 4,
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"description": "Available on every Tuesday, Wednesday and suitable for 25-36 age groups",
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"name": "Heyo",
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"date": "01.01.2019 19:30",
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"text": "Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! Heyo! "
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"location": "Paris, France",
"description": "Available on every Tuesday, Wednesday and suitable for 25-36 age groups. Some Additional Text so it can appear longer then it should.",
"date": "01.01.2019 19:30",
"price": "$50",
"guide": "Mickey Mouse",
"rating": 4,
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"name": "Jhonny Donny",
"location": "Belgrade",
"rating": 3,
"image": "/api/nesto.jpg"
"tourDetails": {
"name": "DisneyLand",
"location": "Paris, France",
"description": "Available on every Tuesday, Wednesday and suitable for 25-36 age groups. Some Additional Text so it can appear longer then it should.",
"date": "01.01.2019 19:30",
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"bio": "I am a supercool tour guide from a very fancy city. We like JavaScript and hate stupid long sentences that we need to make up. Lorem ipsum tho. It's cool... Seriously...",
"location": "Matrix",
"rating": 5,
"image": "/api/nesto.jpg",
"tours": [
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"name": "Night Life of Belgrade",
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"date": "15/1/2019"
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"location": "Paris, France",
"description": "Available on every Tuesday, Wednesday and suitable for 25-36 age groups. Some Additional Text so it can appear longer then it should.",
"date": "01.01.2019 19:30",
"price": "$50",
"guide": "Mickey Mouse",
"rating": 4,
"image": "/api/nesto.jpg"
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"comment": "Top, recommending",
"date": "15/1/2019"
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"user": {
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"name": "John Doe"
"rating": 4,
"comment": "Top, recommending",
"date": "15/1/2019"
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