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Last active November 10, 2019 21:47
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  • Save jaksm/96b2dde8b8116835240d2e4409833759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jaksm/96b2dde8b8116835240d2e4409833759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { input } from './input';
type URLTable = URLTableEntry[];
interface URLTableEntry {
url: string;
keywords: string[];
const uniqueUrls: string[] = _.uniq(_.flattenDeep({ urls }) => urls)));
console.log('Input length:', _.flattenDeep({ urls }) => urls)).length);
console.log('Uniq URLS length:', uniqueUrls.length);
// Determine, for each keyword, associated URLs
const URLTable: URLTable = uniqueUrls
.map(url => ({
keywords: input.filter(({ urls }) => urls.includes(url)).map(({ keyword }) => keyword),
.filter(({ keywords }) => keywords.length >= 3); // Only keep keywords which have at least 3 URLs
// console.log('URL Table', JSON.stringify(URLTable, null, 2));
// Generate kept keywords (candidates)
const candidatesList = _.flattenDeep({ keywords }) => keywords));
const candidates = input.filter(({ keyword }) => candidatesList.includes(keyword));
console.log('Kept keywords diff:', input.length - candidates.length); // must be positive
// Generate all combinations (pairs) among kept keywords (candidates)
const combinations = [];
for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length - 1; i++) {
// This is where you'll capture that last value
for (let j = i + 1; j < candidates.length; j++) {
// @ts-ignore
const urlsInCommon = _.intersection(candidates[i].urls, candidates[j].urls).length;
combinations.push({ pair: [candidates[i], candidates[j]], urlsInCommon });
// Determine for each such combination URLs in common
// Only keep combos with at least 3 URLs in common
const validCombinations = _.reverse(
_.sortBy(combinations.filter(({ urlsInCommon }) => urlsInCommon >= 3), 'urlsInCommon'),
// console.log(validCombinations);
// COST FUNCTION: When a keyword is present in more than one combo, choose the one with more urlsInCommon
const costIteration1 = candidatesList.reduce((acc, curr, i) => {
const possiblePairs = validCombinations.filter(({ pair }) =>{ keyword }) => keyword).includes(curr),
const chosenPair = _.reverse(_.sortBy(possiblePairs, 'urlsInCommon'))[0];
return [chosenPair, ...acc];
}, []);
console.log('Iteration #1 diff:', validCombinations.length - costIteration1.length);
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Hey Jaksa,

A dev from GitHub linked me this. I don't believe it's supposed to public?

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