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Created February 1, 2016 14:05
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Save jakubfiala/8fe3461ab6508f46003d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
this small script intercepts the standard console methods and provides a way of accessing their messages, as well as stack traces, which is really cool. it formats the stack traces for popular browsers
// built by jakub fiala
// this small script intercepts the standard console methods
// and provides a way of accessing their messages,
// as well as stack traces, which is really cool.
// it formats the stack traces for popular browsers
// contributions welcome!
//taken from
//modified to get rid of the unused add variable
function str_splice(str, index, endIndex) {
return str.slice(0, index)+str.slice(endIndex);
//taken from
//modified to make spans rather than anchors
if(!String.linkify) {
String.prototype.linkify = function() {
// http://, https://, ftp://
var urlPattern = /\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%=~_|]/gim;
// www. sans http:// or https://
var pseudoUrlPattern = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim;
// Email addresses
var emailAddressPattern = /[\w.]+@[a-zA-Z_-]+?(?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})+/gim;
return this
.replace(urlPattern, '<span class="link" data-href="$&">$&</span>')
.replace(pseudoUrlPattern, '$1<span class="link" data-href="http://$2">$2</span>')
.replace(emailAddressPattern, '<span class="link" data-href="mailto:$&">$&</span>');
//taken from
//obviously isn't ideal but it's better than telling you to get Modernizr
//might add other browsers at some point, contributions are welcome!
var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
var is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1;
var is_safari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1;
function stack_trace_format(stackTrace) {
if (is_chrome) {
//we first format the string a bit
stackTrace = stackTrace.replace("Error","")
.replace(' ','')
//then look for the first part of the trace (which is this method, we don't want that)
for (var i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
if (stackTrace[i] == 'a' && stackTrace[i+1] == 't' && stackTrace[i+2] == ' ') {
var startIndex = i;
for (var j = startIndex+1; j < stackTrace.length; j++) {
if (stackTrace[j] == 'a' && stackTrace[j+1] == 't' && stackTrace[j+2] == ' ') {
var endIndex = j;
//found beginning and end of this part, remove it
stackTrace = str_splice(stackTrace,i,j);
//then replace all 'at's with list elements, and convert to link spans
stackTrace = stackTrace.replace(/at /gm,'</li><li>').linkify();
else if (is_safari || is_firefox) {
//this seems to kind of work for both
//turn spaces into list elmt boundaries, linkify, and replace at signs with html entities, just for the lulz
stackTrace = '<li>' + stackTrace.replace(/\s/gm, '</li><li>').linkify().replace(/\@/gm,'&commat;');
//again, look for the first part of the trace (which is this method, we don't want that)
for (var i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
if (stackTrace[i] == '<' && stackTrace[i+1] == '/' && stackTrace[i+2] == 'l') {
var index = i;
//found end of this part, remove it
stackTrace = str_splice(stackTrace,0,index);
return stackTrace;
//this is where everything happens
//basic code taken from
(function custom_console_with_traces(){
var console = window.console
if (!console) return
function intercept(method){
var original = console[method]
console[method] = function(){
var message = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).join(' ')
//create an Error and get its stack trace and format it
var stackTrace = stack_trace_format(new Error().stack);
//do whatever you want with the stack trace and message here
//make sure we still call the original method, message)
//intercept all methods including trace
var methods = ['log', 'warn', 'error', 'trace']
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
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SimplGy commented Feb 1, 2016

Pretty neat, thanks for sharing!

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This is not working in Chrome?? It is not firing when normal events are logged even though I run this code at the very start of page load.

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