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Last active October 12, 2019 21:03
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[Bash scripts for AWS] Bash scripts using AWS CLI #aws #bash
# Purpose: Update AWS security group using IP of machine where script is executed
# Usage: ./ <security group id> <protocol> <port> <rule description>
# Standardised error process, prints errors to STDERR
function exit_with_error() {
echo -e "[ERROR] ${1}" >&2;
exit 1;
declare access_granted="false";
declare allowed_cidrs;
declare group_id="${1}";
declare protocol="${2}";
declare port="${3}";
declare rule_description="${4}";
declare my_cidr;
declare my_ip;
# Get my public IP
my_ip="$(curl|| echo "Failed")";
[ "${my_ip}" == "Failed" ] \
&& exit_with_error "Failed to retrieve my IP from";
# Fetch inbound rules for specified security group id filtering by rule's port, protocol and description
# Using "" as external tags to let multiple string in rule_description
# Using '' for strings (it's a short for `""`)
# Using \` for numbers (has to be escaped because it's inside of "")
# Removing \r (carriage return) with sed cmd
mapfile -t allowed_cidrs < <(aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--output text \
--query "SecurityGroups[?GroupId=='${group_id}']\
| [0].IpPermissions[?ToPort==\`${port}\` && FromPort==\`${port}\` && IpProtocol==\`${protocol}\`]\
| [0].IpRanges[?Description!='null' && Description=='${rule_description}'].CidrIp"\
| sed 's/\r$//' \
|| echo "Failed");
[ "${allowed_cidrs}" == "Failed" ] \
&& exit_with_error "Failed to fetch inbound rules for ${group_id}";
for cidr in ${allowed_cidrs}; do
# Don't quote this string, bash needs to tokenise it and it's not an array.
if [ "${cidr}" == "${my_cidr}" ]; then
echo -en "Revoking inbound rule in group ${group_id} for ${cidr}... ";
aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress \
--group-id ${group_id} \
--protocol ${protocol} \
--port ${port} \
--cidr ${cidr} \
&& echo -e "Done" \
|| echo -e "Failed";
if [ "${access_granted}" == "true" ]; then
echo -e "Inbound rule already exists for ${my_cidr}";
echo -en "Adding inbound rule in group ${group_id} for ${my_cidr}... ";
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
--group-id ${group_id} \
--ip-permissions IpProtocol="${protocol}",FromPort="${port}",ToPort="${port}",\
IpRanges="[{CidrIp=${my_cidr},Description='${rule_description}'}]" \
&& echo -e "Done" \
|| exit_with_error "Failed";
exit 0;
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