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Last active February 5, 2021 09:01
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Run-length encoding in Swift.
Given a string containing uppercase characters (A-Z),
compress repeated 'runs' of the same character by storing the length of that run,
and provide a function to reverse the compression.
The output can be anything, as long as you can recreate the input with it.
import Foundation
// "WWWBWW" -> [(3, W), (1, B), (2, W)]
func encode(input: String) -> [(Int, Character)] {
return input.characters.reduce([(Int, Character)]()) {
if $0.last?.1 == $1 { var r = $0; r[r.count - 1].0++; return r; }
return $0 + [(1, $1)]
// [(3, W), (1, B), (2, W)] -> "WWWBWW"
func decode(encoded: [(Int, Character)]) -> String {
return encoded.reduce("") { $0 + String(count: $1.0, repeatedValue: $1.1) }
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