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Last active November 10, 2023 14:59
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Simple d3d12 triangle example in Odin
// D3D12 single-function triangle sample.
// Usage:
// - copy SDL2.dll from Odin/vendor/sdl2 to your project directory
// - odin run .
// Contributors:
// - Jakub Tomšů (updated to newest Odin version)
// - Karl Zylinski <> (Initial port)
// Based on:
// -
// -
package d3d12_triangle
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
import "core:sys/windows"
import "core:os"
import sdl "vendor:sdl2"
import d3d12 "vendor:directx/d3d12"
import dxgi "vendor:directx/dxgi"
import d3dc "vendor:directx/d3d_compiler"
check :: proc(res: d3d12.HRESULT, message: string) {
if (res >= 0) {
fmt.printf("%v. Error code: %0x\n", message, u32(res))
main :: proc() {
// Init SDL and create window
if err := sdl.Init({.VIDEO}); err != 0 {
defer sdl.Quit()
wx := i32(640)
wy := i32(480)
window := sdl.CreateWindow("d3d12 triangle", sdl.WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, sdl.WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, wx, wy, { .ALLOW_HIGHDPI, .SHOWN, .RESIZABLE })
if window == nil {
defer sdl.DestroyWindow(window)
hr: d3d12.HRESULT
// Init DXGI factory. DXGI is the link between the window and DirectX
factory: ^dxgi.IFactory4
flags: u32 = 0
hr = dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2(flags, dxgi.IFactory4_UUID, cast(^rawptr)&factory)
check(hr, "Failed creating factory")
// Find the DXGI adapter (GPU)
adapter: ^dxgi.IAdapter1
error_not_found := dxgi.HRESULT(-142213123)
for i: u32 = 0; factory->EnumAdapters1(i, &adapter) != error_not_found; i += 1 {
desc: dxgi.ADAPTER_DESC1
if desc.Flags & u32(dxgi.ADAPTER_FLAG.SOFTWARE) != 0 {
if d3d12.CreateDevice((^dxgi.IUnknown)(adapter), ._12_0, dxgi.IDevice_UUID, nil) >= 0 {
} else {
fmt.println("Failed to create device")
if adapter == nil {
fmt.println("Could not find hardware adapter")
// Create D3D12 device that represents the GPU
device: ^d3d12.IDevice
hr = d3d12.CreateDevice((^dxgi.IUnknown)(adapter), ._12_0, d3d12.IDevice_UUID, (^rawptr)(&device))
check(hr, "Failed to create device")
queue: ^d3d12.ICommandQueue
desc := d3d12.COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC {
Type = .DIRECT,
hr = device->CreateCommandQueue(&desc, d3d12.ICommandQueue_UUID, (^rawptr)(&queue))
check(hr, "Failed creating command queue")
// Get the window handle from SDL
window_info: sdl.SysWMinfo
sdl.GetWindowWMInfo(window, &window_info)
window_handle := dxgi.HWND(
// Create the swapchain, it's the thing that contains render targets that we draw into. It has 2 render targets (NUM_RENDERTARGETS), giving us double buffering.
swapchain: ^dxgi.ISwapChain3
desc := dxgi.SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 {
Width = u32(wx),
Height = u32(wy),
Format = .R8G8B8A8_UNORM,
SampleDesc = {
Count = 1,
Quality = 0,
Scaling = .NONE,
SwapEffect = .FLIP_DISCARD,
hr = factory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd((^dxgi.IUnknown)(queue), window_handle, &desc, nil, nil, (^^dxgi.ISwapChain1)(&swapchain))
check(hr, "Failed to create swap chain")
frame_index := swapchain->GetCurrentBackBufferIndex()
// Descripors describe the GPU data and are allocated from a Descriptor Heap
rtv_descriptor_heap: ^d3d12.IDescriptorHeap
desc := d3d12.DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_DESC {
Type = .RTV,
Flags = {},
hr = device->CreateDescriptorHeap(&desc, d3d12.IDescriptorHeap_UUID, (^rawptr)(&rtv_descriptor_heap))
check(hr, "Failed creating descriptor heap")
// Fetch the two render targets from the swapchain
targets: [NUM_RENDERTARGETS]^d3d12.IResource
rtv_descriptor_size: u32 = device->GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(.RTV)
rtv_descriptor_handle: d3d12.CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE
for i :u32= 0; i < NUM_RENDERTARGETS; i += 1 {
hr = swapchain->GetBuffer(i, d3d12.IResource_UUID, (^rawptr)(&targets[i]))
check(hr, "Failed getting render target")
device->CreateRenderTargetView(targets[i], nil, rtv_descriptor_handle)
rtv_descriptor_handle.ptr += uint(rtv_descriptor_size)
// The command allocator is used to create the commandlist that is used to tell the GPU what to draw
command_allocator: ^d3d12.ICommandAllocator
hr = device->CreateCommandAllocator(.DIRECT, d3d12.ICommandAllocator_UUID, (^rawptr)(&command_allocator))
check(hr, "Failed creating command allocator")
A root signature is configured by the app and links command lists to the resources the shaders require.
The graphics command list has both a graphics and compute root signature. A compute command list will
simply have one compute root signature. These root signatures are independent of each other.
root_signature: ^d3d12.IRootSignature
Version = ._1_0,
serialized_desc: ^d3d12.IBlob
hr = d3d12.SerializeVersionedRootSignature(&desc, &serialized_desc, nil)
check(hr, "Failed to serialize root signature")
hr = device->CreateRootSignature(0, serialized_desc->GetBufferPointer(), serialized_desc->GetBufferSize(), d3d12.IRootSignature_UUID, (^rawptr)(&root_signature))
check(hr, "Failed creating root signature")
// The pipeline contains the shaders etc to use
pipeline: ^d3d12.IPipelineState
// Compile vertex and pixel shaders
data :cstring=
`struct PSInput {
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
PSInput VSMain(float4 position : POSITION0, float4 color : COLOR0) {
PSInput result;
result.position = position;
result.color = color;
return result;
float4 PSMain(PSInput input) : SV_TARGET {
return input.color;
data_size: uint = len(data)
compile_flags: u32 = 0
compile_flags |= u32(d3dc.D3DCOMPILE.DEBUG)
compile_flags |= u32(d3dc.D3DCOMPILE.SKIP_OPTIMIZATION)
vs: ^d3d12.IBlob = nil
ps: ^d3d12.IBlob = nil
hr = d3dc.Compile(rawptr(data), data_size, nil, nil, nil, "VSMain", "vs_4_0", compile_flags, 0, &vs, nil)
check(hr, "Failed to compile vertex shader")
hr =d3dc.Compile(rawptr(data), data_size, nil, nil, nil, "PSMain", "ps_4_0", compile_flags, 0, &ps, nil)
check(hr, "Failed to compile pixel shader")
// This layout matches the vertices data defined further down
vertex_format: []d3d12.INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC = {
SemanticName = "POSITION",
Format = .R32G32B32_FLOAT,
InputSlotClass = .PER_VERTEX_DATA,
SemanticName = "COLOR",
Format = .R32G32B32A32_FLOAT,
AlignedByteOffset = size_of(f32) * 3,
InputSlotClass = .PER_VERTEX_DATA,
default_blend_state := d3d12.RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC {
BlendEnable = false,
LogicOpEnable = false,
SrcBlend = .ONE,
DestBlend = .ZERO,
BlendOp = .ADD,
SrcBlendAlpha = .ONE,
DestBlendAlpha = .ZERO,
BlendOpAlpha = .ADD,
LogicOp = .NOOP,
RenderTargetWriteMask = u8(d3d12.COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALL),
pipeline_state_desc := d3d12.GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC {
pRootSignature = root_signature,
VS = {
pShaderBytecode = vs->GetBufferPointer(),
BytecodeLength = vs->GetBufferSize(),
PS = {
pShaderBytecode = ps->GetBufferPointer(),
BytecodeLength = ps->GetBufferSize(),
StreamOutput = {},
BlendState = {
AlphaToCoverageEnable = false,
IndependentBlendEnable = false,
RenderTarget = { 0 = default_blend_state, 1..<7 = {} },
SampleMask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
RasterizerState = {
FillMode = .SOLID,
CullMode = .BACK,
FrontCounterClockwise = false,
DepthBias = 0,
DepthBiasClamp = 0,
SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0,
DepthClipEnable = true,
MultisampleEnable = false,
AntialiasedLineEnable = false,
ForcedSampleCount = 0,
ConservativeRaster = .OFF,
DepthStencilState = {
DepthEnable = false,
StencilEnable = false,
InputLayout = {
pInputElementDescs = &vertex_format[0],
NumElements = u32(len(vertex_format)),
PrimitiveTopologyType = .TRIANGLE,
NumRenderTargets = 1,
RTVFormats = { 0 = .R8G8B8A8_UNORM, 1..<7 = .UNKNOWN },
SampleDesc = {
Count = 1,
Quality = 0,
hr = device->CreateGraphicsPipelineState(&pipeline_state_desc, d3d12.IPipelineState_UUID, (^rawptr)(&pipeline))
check(hr, "Pipeline creation failed")
// Create the commandlist that is reused further down.
cmdlist: ^d3d12.IGraphicsCommandList
hr = device->CreateCommandList(0, .DIRECT, command_allocator, pipeline, d3d12.ICommandList_UUID, (^rawptr)(&cmdlist))
check(hr, "Failed to create command list")
hr = cmdlist->Close()
check(hr, "Failed to close command list")
vertex_buffer: ^d3d12.IResource
vertex_buffer_view: d3d12.VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW
// The position and color data for the triangle's vertices go together per-vertex
vertices := [?]f32 {
// pos color
0.0 , 0.5, 0.0, 1,0,0,0,
0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0,1,0,0,
-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0,0,1,0,
heap_props := d3d12.HEAP_PROPERTIES {
Type = .UPLOAD,
vertex_buffer_size := len(vertices) * size_of(vertices[0])
resource_desc := d3d12.RESOURCE_DESC {
Dimension = .BUFFER,
Alignment = 0,
Width = u64(vertex_buffer_size),
Height = 1,
DepthOrArraySize = 1,
MipLevels = 1,
Format = .UNKNOWN,
SampleDesc = { Count = 1, Quality = 0 },
Layout = .ROW_MAJOR,
Flags = {},
hr = device->CreateCommittedResource(&heap_props, {}, &resource_desc, d3d12.RESOURCE_STATE_GENERIC_READ, nil, d3d12.IResource_UUID, (^rawptr)(&vertex_buffer))
check(hr, "Failed creating vertex buffer")
gpu_data: rawptr
read_range: d3d12.RANGE
hr = vertex_buffer->Map(0, &read_range, &gpu_data)
check(hr, "Failed creating verex buffer resource")
mem.copy(gpu_data, &vertices[0], vertex_buffer_size)
vertex_buffer->Unmap(0, nil)
vertex_buffer_view = d3d12.VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW {
BufferLocation = vertex_buffer->GetGPUVirtualAddress(),
StrideInBytes = u32(vertex_buffer_size/3),
SizeInBytes = u32(vertex_buffer_size),
// This fence is used to wait for frames to finish
fence_value: u64
fence: ^d3d12.IFence
fence_event: windows.HANDLE
hr = device->CreateFence(fence_value, {}, d3d12.IFence_UUID, (^rawptr)(&fence))
check(hr, "Failed to create fence")
fence_value += 1
manual_reset: windows.BOOL = false
initial_state: windows.BOOL = false
fence_event = windows.CreateEventW(nil, manual_reset, initial_state, nil)
if fence_event == nil {
fmt.println("Failed to create fence event")
main_loop: for {
for e: sdl.Event; sdl.PollEvent(&e); {
#partial switch e.type {
case .QUIT:
break main_loop
// This is equivalent to WM_PAINT in win32 API
if e.window.event == .EXPOSED {
hr = command_allocator->Reset()
check(hr, "Failed resetting command allocator")
hr = cmdlist->Reset(command_allocator, pipeline)
check(hr, "Failed to reset command list")
viewport := d3d12.VIEWPORT {
Width = f32(wx),
Height = f32(wy),
scissor_rect := d3d12.RECT {
left = 0, right = wx,
top = 0, bottom = wy,
// This state is reset everytime the cmd list is reset, so we need to rebind it
cmdlist->RSSetViewports(1, &viewport)
cmdlist->RSSetScissorRects(1, &scissor_rect)
to_render_target_barrier := d3d12.RESOURCE_BARRIER {
Flags = {},
to_render_target_barrier.Transition = {
pResource = targets[frame_index],
StateAfter = {.RENDER_TARGET},
cmdlist->ResourceBarrier(1, &to_render_target_barrier)
rtv_handle: d3d12.CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE
if (frame_index > 0) {
s := device->GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(.RTV)
rtv_handle.ptr += uint(frame_index * s)
cmdlist->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &rtv_handle, false, nil)
// clear backbuffer
clearcolor := [?]f32 { 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0 }
cmdlist->ClearRenderTargetView(rtv_handle, &clearcolor, 0, nil)
// draw call
cmdlist->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vertex_buffer_view)
cmdlist->DrawInstanced(3, 1, 0, 0)
to_present_barrier := to_render_target_barrier
to_present_barrier.Transition.StateBefore = {.RENDER_TARGET}
to_present_barrier.Transition.StateAfter = d3d12.RESOURCE_STATE_PRESENT
cmdlist->ResourceBarrier(1, &to_present_barrier)
hr = cmdlist->Close()
check(hr, "Failed to close command list")
// execute
cmdlists := [?]^d3d12.IGraphicsCommandList { cmdlist }
queue->ExecuteCommandLists(len(cmdlists), (^^d3d12.ICommandList)(&cmdlists[0]))
// present
flags: u32
hr = swapchain->Present1(1, flags, &params)
check(hr, "Present failed")
// wait for frame to finish
current_fence_value := fence_value
hr = queue->Signal(fence, current_fence_value)
check(hr, "Failed to signal fence")
fence_value += 1
completed := fence->GetCompletedValue()
if completed < current_fence_value {
hr = fence->SetEventOnCompletion(current_fence_value, fence_event)
check(hr, "Failed to set event on completion flag")
windows.WaitForSingleObject(fence_event, windows.INFINITE)
frame_index = swapchain->GetCurrentBackBufferIndex()
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