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Created March 4, 2016 02:42
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Point Tracking for Non-Linear Lines: III

What This Shows

Using data from the US Census, this visualization displays popular names that have historically been androgynous.


Control points are not intersected by the path for several non-linear interpolations for lines ("basis" in this case). Because of this, point tracking for non-linear lines should be calculated from the svg-path rather than from the d3-scales. Mike Bostock has two examples showing how to do this with a single path. This gist shows one approach for point tracking with multiple paths. Other approaches are shown here and here.

This approach saves precomputed closestPoints of each data point's linear coordinates respective to their parent path. The precomputation took 63.85 seconds (~0.16 seconds per point). What still remains for this gist is to automatically generate a precomputation file; it was manually constructed for this dataset.

forked from hwangmoretime's block: Point Tracking for Non-Linear Lines: III

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font: 11px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis--y path {
display: none;
.androgs {
fill: none;
stroke: #aaa;
stroke-linejoin: round;
stroke-linecap: round;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.androg--hover {
stroke: #000;
.focus text {
text-anchor: middle;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff, 1px 0 0 #fff, 0 -1px 0 #fff, -1px 0 0 #fff;
.voronoi path {
fill: none;
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stroke: red;
stroke-opacity: .2;
#form {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
right: 30px;
<label id="form" for="show-voronoi">
Show Voronoi
<input type="checkbox" id="show-voronoi" disabled>
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var years,
yearFormat = d3.time.format("%Y");
var margin = {top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40},
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var x = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0]);
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var voronoi = d3.geom.voronoi()
.clipExtent([[-margin.left,], [width + margin.right, height + margin.bottom]]);
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.x(function(d) { return x(; })
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d3.json("points.json", function(error_json, points) {
d3.csv("steady_andro.csv", type, function(error_csv, androgs) {
y.domain([0, d3.max(androgs, function(c) { return d3.max(c.values, function(d) { return d.value; }); })]).nice();
.attr("class", "axis axis--x")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
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.ticks(10, "%"))
.attr("x", 4)
.attr("dy", ".32em")
.style("font-weight", "bold")
.text("Percent Female");
.attr("class", "androgs")
.attr("d", function(d) { d.line = this;
return line(d.values);});
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var keyFunction = null;
if (error_json != null && error_json.status == 404) {
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.value); })
keyFunction = function(d) {
var p = closestPoint(d.androg.line, [x(, y(d.value)]);
console.log(,, p);
d.p = p;
return p[0] + "," + p[1];
} else {
.x(function(d) { return points[][getUTCStringNoTime(].x })
.y(function(d) { return points[][getUTCStringNoTime(].y });
keyFunction = function(d) {
var x = points[][getUTCStringNoTime(].x;
var y = points[][getUTCStringNoTime(].y;
d.p = [x, y];
return x + "," + y;
var voronoiGroup = svg.append("g")
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.map(function(d) { return d.values; })))
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.datum(function(d) { return d.point; })
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mouseout", mouseout);
function mouseover(d) {"androg--hover", true);
focus.attr("transform", "translate(" + d.p[0] + "," + d.p[1] + ")");"text").text( + ": " + d.value.slice(0, 4));
function mouseout(d) {"androg--hover", false);
focus.attr("transform", "translate(-100,-100)");
function getUTCStringNoTime(js_date) {
return js_date.toUTCString().split(' ').slice(0,4).join(' ')
function closestPoint(pathNode, point) {
var pathLength = pathNode.getTotalLength(),
numberOfItems = pathNode.getPathSegAtLength(pathLength),
precision = (pathLength / numberOfItems) * .5,
bestDistance = Infinity;
// linear scan for coarse approximation
for (var scan, scanLength = 0, scanDistance; scanLength <= pathLength; scanLength += precision) {
if ((scanDistance = distance2(scan = pathNode.getPointAtLength(scanLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = scan, bestLength = scanLength, bestDistance = scanDistance;
// binary search for precise estimate
precision *= .5;
while (precision > .5) {
var before,
if ((beforeLength = bestLength - precision) >= 0 && (beforeDistance = distance2(before = pathNode.getPointAtLength(beforeLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = before, bestLength = beforeLength, bestDistance = beforeDistance;
} else if ((afterLength = bestLength + precision) <= pathLength && (afterDistance = distance2(after = pathNode.getPointAtLength(afterLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = after, bestLength = afterLength, bestDistance = afterDistance;
} else {
precision *= .5;
best = [best.x, best.y];
best.distance = Math.sqrt(bestDistance);
return best;
function distance2(p) {
var dx = p.x - point[0],
dy = p.y - point[1];
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
function type(d, i) {
if (!i) years = Object.keys(d).map(yearFormat.parse).filter(Number);
var androg = {
name: (msa|necta div|met necta|met div)$/i, ""),
values: null
androg.values = {
return {
androg: androg,
date: m,
value: d[yearFormat(m)]
return androg;
"Casey": {
"Tue, 01 Jan 1918": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 254.11973571777344,
"distance": 0.1581266890773918
"Tue, 01 Jan 2008": {
"y": 245.16653442382812,
"x": 856.7642822265625,
"distance": 0.2880622369048242
"Sun, 01 Jan 1956": {
"y": 378.8654479980469,
"x": 510.10797119140625,
"distance": 4.053647746916236
"Tue, 01 Jan 1935": {
"y": 366.8467712402344,
"x": 367.2134704589844,
"distance": 0.8393464898368467
"Wed, 01 Jan 1896": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 106.76775360107422,
"distance": 0.3004665809011584
"Sat, 01 Jan 1994": {
"y": 215.2664031982422,
"x": 762.5107421875,
"distance": 0.397174212908548
"Mon, 01 Jan 1979": {
"y": 256.4123840332031,
"x": 663.6236572265625,
"distance": 1.2219409684182212
"Sat, 01 Jan 1881": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 6.868101119995117,
"distance": 0.1625965706106225
"Thu, 01 Jan 1976": {
"y": 311.1727294921875,
"x": 643.0322875976562,
"distance": 1.0689094597925706
"Sat, 01 Jan 1910": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 201.0480499267578,
"distance": 0.30429761089465046
"Sun, 01 Jan 1933": {
"y": 383.2126770019531,
"x": 352.8169250488281,
"distance": 4.666262622097709
"Sat, 01 Jan 2000": {
"y": 222.1108856201172,
"x": 803.4461059570312,
"distance": 0.8550178591197722
"Sat, 01 Jan 1916": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 241.00790405273438,
"distance": 0.1227296939711664
"Tue, 01 Jan 1974": {
"y": 289.57525634765625,
"x": 628.4247436523438,
"distance": 0.9079799658790891
"Fri, 01 Jan 1971": {
"y": 338.8214416503906,
"x": 606.7811279296875,
"distance": 2.5780216573027395
"Wed, 01 Jan 1964": {
"y": 377.985595703125,
"x": 561.556396484375,
"distance": 0.6324757658486391
"Mon, 01 Jan 1912": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 214.15988159179688,
"distance": 0.04176227852750003
"Sun, 01 Jan 1995": {
"y": 200.39669799804688,
"x": 770.3958740234375,
"distance": 1.1886396507020425
"Tue, 01 Jan 1963": {
"y": 376.60638427734375,
"x": 555.729248046875,
"distance": 1.8666590243807242
"Sun, 01 Jan 1984": {
"y": 237.93319702148438,
"x": 696.4959106445312,
"distance": 0.6070280475014094
"Thu, 01 Jan 1942": {
"y": 399.813720703125,
"x": 415.5348205566406,
"distance": 8.544725684650421
"Sun, 01 Jan 1950": {
"y": 389.28265380859375,
"x": 468.9107666015625,
"distance": 0.7536123681336764
"Tue, 01 Jan 1957": {
"y": 380.1337890625,
"x": 515.4862060546875,
"distance": 1.805167769518485
"Sun, 01 Jan 1888": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 53.69606399536133,
"distance": 0.16195390437363955
"Mon, 01 Jan 1906": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 174.20001220703125,
"distance": 0.22331493666195001
"Thu, 01 Jan 1953": {
"y": 378.9527587890625,
"x": 487.8569641113281,
"distance": 2.8348266263424096
"Mon, 01 Jan 1951": {
"y": 394.1566467285156,
"x": 474.1713562011719,
"distance": 3.63866196788698
"Sat, 01 Jan 1898": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 120.50395202636719,
"distance": 0.04304379630418964
"Wed, 01 Jan 1947": {
"y": 403.86859130859375,
"x": 449.017333984375,
"distance": 1.9510302311183847
"Thu, 01 Jan 1948": {
"y": 402.2537841796875,
"x": 453.2525939941406,
"distance": 2.2280047160500405
"Thu, 01 Jan 1998": {
"y": 194.348876953125,
"x": 787.7799072265625,
"distance": 2.913019564654091
"Wed, 01 Jan 1958": {
"y": 376.8282165527344,
"x": 521.1226806640625,
"distance": 1.2392546190966933
"Sat, 01 Jan 2011": {
"y": 243.2613067626953,
"x": 875.955078125,
"distance": 3.3971034432247844
"Sun, 01 Jan 1989": {
"y": 228.63348388671875,
"x": 729.3836669921875,
"distance": 0.7516348191108904
"Sat, 01 Jan 1887": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 46.82796096801758,
"distance": 0.018965624266989778
"Sat, 01 Jan 1949": {
"y": 380.6653137207031,
"x": 462.4499206542969,
"distance": 7.343308713707168
"Mon, 01 Jan 1883": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 19.979930877685547,
"distance": 0.09994066910518029
"Thu, 01 Jan 1891": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 73.67599487304688,
"distance": 0.06201323526845215
"Sat, 01 Jan 1944": {
"y": 384.1727600097656,
"x": 427.99359130859375,
"distance": 1.0455186393588562
"Fri, 01 Jan 1999": {
"y": 215.16758728027344,
"x": 797.3641357421875,
"distance": 1.1710929367779652
"Fri, 01 Jan 1954": {
"y": 387.0375061035156,
"x": 495.24468994140625,
"distance": 0.06333386214668685
"Sun, 01 Jan 1922": {
"y": 395.00921630859375,
"x": 280.6622009277344,
"distance": 1.8395466895719899
"Sat, 01 Jan 1955": {
"y": 392.4421081542969,
"x": 500.8188171386719,
"distance": 4.959415261732983
"Wed, 01 Jan 1941": {
"y": 378.70550537109375,
"x": 407.4505615234375,
"distance": 0.754456832822837
"Wed, 01 Jan 1992": {
"y": 224.109130859375,
"x": 750.6175537109375,
"distance": 2.8505314645564344
"Mon, 01 Jan 1973": {
"y": 288.0851135253906,
"x": 622.5880737304688,
"distance": 1.3538577981876017
"Tue, 01 Jan 1889": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 59.939788818359375,
"distance": 0.2998258220128136
"Mon, 01 Jan 1968": {
"y": 346.489501953125,
"x": 589.292724609375,
"distance": 0.6683678519820756
"Wed, 01 Jan 1986": {
"y": 213.7599639892578,
"x": 711.1275634765625,
"distance": 2.6686777203811167
"Sun, 01 Jan 1911": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 207.29177856445312,
"distance": 0.13915725011315772
"Fri, 01 Jan 1960": {
"y": 362.2027893066406,
"x": 534.170166015625,
"distance": 2.1588692263926244
"Tue, 01 Jan 1991": {
"y": 232.89312744140625,
"x": 742.0426635742188,
"distance": 3.3396246391844198
"Thu, 01 Jan 2004": {
"y": 249.29544067382812,
"x": 831.1373901367188,
"distance": 5.065957044716299
"Fri, 01 Jan 1943": {
"y": 387.74774169921875,
"x": 422.9244689941406,
"distance": 2.080936915308532
"Thu, 01 Jan 1931": {
"y": 366.2800598144531,
"x": 341.5661315917969,
"distance": 0.4893027634784579
"Tue, 01 Jan 1924": {
"y": 394.2738952636719,
"x": 293.0938720703125,
"distance": 5.877498909142211
"Tue, 01 Jan 1980": {
"y": 249.2179718017578,
"x": 669.4605102539062,
"distance": 0.6631152130720027
"Thu, 01 Jan 1920": {
"y": 448.2641296386719,
"x": 264.7641906738281,
"distance": 3.3695717264654084
"Wed, 01 Jan 1913": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 221.02798461914062,
"distance": 0.20436075648675
"Tue, 01 Jan 1884": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 26.848031997680664,
"distance": 0.08097695218681977
"Fri, 01 Jan 1937": {
"y": 381.5458984375,
"x": 380.00390625,
"distance": 1.6757573550960654
"Sun, 01 Jan 1967": {
"y": 357.74847412109375,
"x": 582.644287109375,
"distance": 0.49232099272936386
"Fri, 01 Jan 1915": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 234.13980102539062,
"distance": 0.058189834669462925
"Thu, 01 Jan 1885": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 33.71613311767578,
"distance": 0.2435735227974405
"Sat, 01 Jan 1972": {
"y": 293.9681091308594,
"x": 617.4596557617188,
"distance": 2.0539609388831574
"Thu, 01 Jan 1880": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 0.0,
"distance": 0.0
"Sun, 01 Jan 1899": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 127.37205505371094,
"distance": 0.22396332494481896
"Thu, 01 Jan 1987": {
"y": 213.1034698486328,
"x": 714.4139404296875,
"distance": 2.243988219352233
"Wed, 01 Jan 1902": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 147.35198974609375,
"distance": 0.14234752121831207
"Wed, 01 Jan 1997": {
"y": 194.1787109375,
"x": 782.9741821289062,
"distance": 0.17513627384696737
"Fri, 01 Jan 1909": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 194.17994689941406,
"distance": 0.12337808225404956
"Sat, 01 Jan 1983": {
"y": 232.54200744628906,
"x": 689.1962890625,
"distance": 3.343925289719598
"Tue, 01 Jan 1901": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 140.48388671875,
"distance": 0.03857200742234568
"Sun, 01 Jan 1928": {
"y": 367.1410827636719,
"x": 321.6506042480469,
"distance": 3.3800158663849857
"Tue, 01 Jan 2002": {
"y": 234.30233764648438,
"x": 817.099853515625,
"distance": 3.5430628937730515
"Sun, 01 Jan 1978": {
"y": 281.47064208984375,
"x": 656.0703735351562,
"distance": 0.4729609314412574
"Sun, 01 Jan 1961": {
"y": 377.9021911621094,
"x": 543.0369873046875,
"distance": 1.125276212046028
"Thu, 01 Jan 1925": {
"y": 377.0542907714844,
"x": 302.1310729980469,
"distance": 7.7649320369549395
"Sat, 01 Jan 2005": {
"y": 244.9419403076172,
"x": 836.9485473632812,
"distance": 0.736960611037504
"Mon, 01 Jan 1996": {
"y": 196.04119873046875,
"x": 776.3678588867188,
"distance": 0.4054425401743944
"Wed, 01 Jan 1890": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 66.80789184570312,
"distance": 0.11890629337217717
"Tue, 01 Jan 1907": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 180.44374084472656,
"distance": 0.22013992434585816
"Sun, 01 Jan 2012": {
"y": 252.12289428710938,
"x": 884.4006958007812,
"distance": 3.4610698791110956
"Sun, 01 Jan 2006": {
"y": 241.70420837402344,
"x": 843.5352172851562,
"distance": 1.0178025600602614
"Thu, 01 Jan 2009": {
"y": 246.22430419921875,
"x": 863.542724609375,
"distance": 0.33405445343020596
"Mon, 01 Jan 1934": {
"y": 362.49652099609375,
"x": 363.1541442871094,
"distance": 5.400755893701375
"Mon, 01 Jan 1917": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 247.87600708007812,
"distance": 0.2853281719304164
"Mon, 01 Jan 1990": {
"y": 230.1829376220703,
"x": 735.9447631835938,
"distance": 0.8014192573416621
"Sun, 01 Jan 1893": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 86.7878189086914,
"distance": 0.2188507771746231
"Mon, 01 Jan 2007": {
"y": 242.92623901367188,
"x": 849.6173706054688,
"distance": 0.2293650800770872
"Sat, 01 Jan 1966": {
"y": 376.10009765625,
"x": 574.7620239257812,
"distance": 0.7818298693889557
"Fri, 01 Jan 1932": {
"y": 380.2271728515625,
"x": 348.5063781738281,
"distance": 0.6431376981227838
"Mon, 01 Jan 1894": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 93.65592193603516,
"distance": 0.037931248533979556
"Fri, 01 Jan 1926": {
"y": 382.8410339355469,
"x": 308.4020080566406,
"distance": 4.696180016819711
"Wed, 01 Jan 1975": {
"y": 298.291259765625,
"x": 635.4120483398438,
"distance": 0.44340753403345656
"Sat, 01 Jan 1921": {
"y": 396.409423828125,
"x": 277.2760925292969,
"distance": 4.3513509378321205
"Tue, 01 Jan 2013": {
"y": 249.04090881347656,
"x": 889.5618286132812,
"distance": 0.6243701568308277
"Fri, 01 Jan 1892": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 80.5440902709961,
"distance": 0.24292513451456443
"Fri, 01 Jan 1897": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 113.63585662841797,
"distance": 0.13786810294189422
"Tue, 01 Jan 1952": {
"y": 382.8963928222656,
"x": 482.5844421386719,
"distance": 0.8215256574592662
"Wed, 01 Jan 1969": {
"y": 341.8719482421875,
"x": 595.7742309570312,
"distance": 1.2824628003886842
"Thu, 01 Jan 1903": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 153.59571838378906,
"distance": 0.30110733978952453
"Thu, 01 Jan 1914": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 227.27171325683594,
"distance": 0.23909410452105817
"Fri, 01 Jan 1965": {
"y": 382.2649230957031,
"x": 568.9393920898438,
"distance": 2.6502373666305425
"Wed, 01 Jan 1936": {
"y": 384.3213195800781,
"x": 376.282470703125,
"distance": 3.5417395699871723
"Tue, 01 Jan 1895": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 100.5240249633789,
"distance": 0.14298828010663556
"Fri, 01 Jan 1886": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 39.959861755371094,
"distance": 0.19988133821036058
"Mon, 01 Jan 1923": {
"y": 392.10003662109375,
"x": 287.4490661621094,
"distance": 3.0886419878773985
"Thu, 01 Jan 1959": {
"y": 362.3793640136719,
"x": 529.6956787109375,
"distance": 1.9118052139664423
"Tue, 01 Jan 1985": {
"y": 239.3371124267578,
"x": 700.3603515625,
"distance": 3.9424830691797785
"Sun, 01 Jan 1882": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 13.111828804016113,
"distance": 0.28085924407149854
"Mon, 01 Jan 1940": {
"y": 369.30950927734375,
"x": 401.9763488769531,
"distance": 5.538023290585374
"Tue, 01 Jan 1946": {
"y": 394.4278869628906,
"x": 442.12322998046875,
"distance": 0.47627015172437254
"Wed, 01 Jan 1908": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 187.3118438720703,
"distance": 0.03922039570522884
"Sun, 01 Jan 1905": {
"y": 450.0,
"x": 167.3319091796875,
"distance": 0.04239540802129227
"Thu, 01 Jan 1970": {
"y": 342.1944274902344,
"x": 601.9885864257812,
"distance": 0.9196334093076463
"Mon, 01 Jan 2001": {
"y": 225.25059509277344,
"x": 808.8182983398438,
"distance": 1.496833265962204
"Thu, 01 Jan 1981": {
"y": 245.8124542236328,
"x": 675.41943359375,
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"Fri, 01 Jan 2010": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1993": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1988": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1927": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1919": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1929": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1904": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1900": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1918": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2008": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1956": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1935": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1896": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1994": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1881": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1976": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1910": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1916": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1974": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1971": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1964": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1912": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1984": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1942": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1957": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1888": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1906": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1887": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1883": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1999": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1922": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1955": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1941": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1992": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1889": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1986": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1911": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1960": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1991": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 2004": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1943": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1931": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1924": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1980": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1920": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1913": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1884": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1937": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1967": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1915": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1885": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1972": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1880": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1987": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1902": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1997": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1909": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1901": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1928": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2002": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1978": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1961": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1925": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1996": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1890": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1907": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 2012": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 2009": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1934": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1917": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1990": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1893": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 2007": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1966": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1932": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1894": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1926": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1975": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1921": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2013": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1892": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1897": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1952": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1969": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1903": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1914": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1965": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1936": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1895": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1886": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1923": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1959": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1985": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1882": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1940": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1946": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1908": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1905": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1970": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 2001": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1981": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1938": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1977": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1982": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 2010": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1993": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1988": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1927": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1919": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1929": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1939": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1945": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1904": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1962": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1930": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 2003": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1900": {
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"Marion": {
"Tue, 01 Jan 1918": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2008": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1956": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1935": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1896": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1994": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1979": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1881": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1976": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1910": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1933": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 2000": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1916": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1974": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1971": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1964": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1912": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1995": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1963": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1984": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1942": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1950": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1957": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1888": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1906": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1953": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1951": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1898": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1947": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1948": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1998": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1958": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 2011": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1989": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1887": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1949": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1883": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1891": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1944": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1999": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1954": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1922": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1955": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1941": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1992": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1973": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1889": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1968": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1986": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1911": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1960": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1991": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 2004": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1943": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1931": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1924": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1980": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1920": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1913": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1884": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1937": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1967": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1915": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1885": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1972": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1880": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1899": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1987": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1902": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1997": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1909": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1983": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1901": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1928": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2002": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1978": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1961": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1925": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 2005": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1996": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1890": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1907": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 2012": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 2006": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 2009": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1934": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1917": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1990": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1893": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 2007": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1966": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1932": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1894": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1926": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1975": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1921": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 2013": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1892": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1897": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1952": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1969": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1903": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1914": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1965": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1936": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1895": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1886": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1923": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1959": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1985": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1882": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 1940": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1946": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1908": {
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"Sun, 01 Jan 1905": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1970": {
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"Mon, 01 Jan 2001": {
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"Thu, 01 Jan 1981": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1938": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1977": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1982": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 2010": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1993": {
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"Fri, 01 Jan 1988": {
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"Sat, 01 Jan 1927": {
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1919": {
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"Tue, 01 Jan 1929": {
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"distance": 0.84566357630171
"Sun, 01 Jan 1939": {
"y": 117.37776184082031,
"x": 395.1268310546875,
"distance": 0.8813024618293015
"Mon, 01 Jan 1945": {
"y": 122.7210693359375,
"x": 435.0491943359375,
"distance": 0.8698509814313894
"Fri, 01 Jan 1904": {
"y": 24.438905715942383,
"x": 160.094970703125,
"distance": 1.3955680340794414
"Mon, 01 Jan 1962": {
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"x": 550.2615966796875,
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"Wed, 01 Jan 1930": {
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"x": 334.220703125,
"distance": 0.580663310082826
"Wed, 01 Jan 2003": {
"y": 229.60853576660156,
"x": 825.7000122070312,
"distance": 6.176443824716848
"Mon, 01 Jan 1900": {
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"x": 134.03565979003906,
"distance": 0.43990971759700864
name 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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Marion 0.3782894736842105 0.40441176470588236 0.47315436241610737 0.5302593659942363 0.4958904109589041 0.584070796460177 0.6 0.6597402597402597 0.6652892561983471 0.6838842975206612 0.7380497131931166 0.7734082397003745 0.7496229260935143 0.7928464977645305 0.7921727395411606 0.852589641434263 0.8515962036238136 0.8666085440278989 0.8674121405750799 0.8648888888888889 0.8636363636363636 0.8582887700534759 0.8544251447477254 0.8471544715447155 0.8485080336648814 0.8703279938977879 0.8673020527859238 0.8469871360866622 0.8527180783817951 0.8540189125295509 0.8562091503267973 0.8344497607655502 0.7875663855045298 0.7873103448275862 0.7833186231244483 0.7748217701269344 0.7876036938488026 0.7913351016799293 0.7843495363866254 0.7762227238525207 0.7818750850455845 0.7719787516600266 0.7767429119298727 0.7738482384823848 0.7889860368002088 0.7755215577190543 0.7669054441260745 0.7658386006173747 0.7814302191464821 0.7619674288534298 0.7560161601967328 0.7413385826771653 0.7269887546855477 0.7284315957204643 0.7184538653366583 0.7041301627033792 0.7112947658402203 0.674357476635514 0.6534954407294833 0.6668816510802967 0.6683544303797468 0.6596945551128818 0.6713483146067416 0.6660395108184384 0.6531204644412192 0.6562884063908234 0.6492398961809418 0.6582323592302209 0.6298932384341637 0.6448598130841121 0.6276018099547511 0.6119471044231646 0.616398243045388 0.6242069302098585 0.6167360147942672 0.6161290322580645 0.5971846237141311 0.6334134615384616 0.6440781440781441 0.6285909712722298 0.6001478196600147 0.5713196033562167 0.612212529738303 0.6160267111853088 0.6147332768839966 0.5685685685685685 0.6047565118912798 0.573729863692689 0.5429638854296388 0.5477453580901857 0.5574963609898108 0.5106685633001422 0.49409780775716694 0.4734042553191489 0.46693386773547096 0.4874476987447699 0.44212962962962965 0.5 0.4717948717948718 0.44471153846153844 0.4796954314720812 0.5301507537688442 0.5355329949238579 0.5612903225806452 0.4940119760479042 0.5202492211838006 0.49846153846153846 0.5226480836236934 0.5102040816326531 0.5049833887043189 0.5496688741721855 0.5231788079470199 0.5723684210526315 0.5370370370370371 0.5885167464114832 0.5454545454545454 0.4956896551724138 0.49224806201550386 0.484375 0.4880382775119617 0.5802469135802469 0.5309734513274337 0.52 0.4296028880866426 0.4497991967871486 0.3828996282527881 0.38492063492063494 0.4362934362934363 0.4067796610169492 0.48034934497816595 0.44144144144144143 0.5211267605633803 0.5023041474654378 0.5897435897435898
Jessie 0.8048162230671736 0.822139303482587 0.8076152304609219 0.8465447154471545 0.8338028169014085 0.8249566724436742 0.8471283783783784 0.847571189279732 0.8253094910591472 0.8524590163934426 0.8383635144198525 0.8313521545319466 0.8323313293253173 0.8503496503496504 0.8145454545454546 0.8414239482200647 0.8280780780780781 0.8357894736842105 0.8232958305757776 0.8056589724497394 0.7817482133040132 0.8285077951002228 0.7933461292386437 0.8110661268556005 0.7927152317880795 0.7955232909860859 0.7942675159235669 0.7729411764705882 0.7956246401842256 0.753565316600114 0.7491492464754497 0.7560975609756098 0.7478134110787172 0.7655428394679864 0.7509186351706036 0.7302001740644039 0.7290198590647021 0.7181347150259068 0.7177693383969618 0.7054589082183563 0.676829268292683 0.6801602361374658 0.6665968147527243 0.66875 0.6830909485565444 0.6677981443765558 0.6637872243691748 0.6614957166010651 0.6308253059099193 0.6294642857142857 0.623439273552781 0.6039448966812774 0.5967285309845863 0.6257796257796258 0.621875 0.5948529411764706 0.6104695919938414 0.598145285935085 0.6035962402942379 0.5686354378818738 0.5671768707482994 0.5665970772442589 0.5809682804674458 0.5446243254462433 0.5407572383073497 0.5402635431918009 0.535371976266545 0.5245009074410163 0.4942316566682049 0.5017031630170317 0.4800204918032787 0.4870600414078675 0.4592050209205021 0.45741968383477816 0.4343376918703809 0.4361078546307151 0.3936599423631124 0.37242192103712435 0.36822429906542054 0.37848347375243035 0.35294117647058826 0.3307475317348378 0.3224873463485177 0.3075153374233129 0.31136363636363634 0.3508902077151335 0.34517766497461927 0.3188034188034188 0.30821256038647343 0.29545454545454547 0.31514581373471307 0.3205357142857143 0.2957089552238806 0.318552036199095 0.32339656729900634 0.33676975945017185 0.352755905511811 0.34225352112676055 0.4183474300585556 0.41274397244546496 0.4256544502617801 0.49167005282405524 0.4624090541632983 0.4333821376281113 0.47509578544061304 0.49531459170013387 0.5334168755221387 0.51237935375577 0.5173951828724354 0.503288031565103 0.47068747363981445 0.48712352684417287 0.5114325711619225 0.5059360730593607 0.5605180884323359 0.5575698187163155 0.5283324338909876 0.5291170945522855 0.5367965367965368 0.5598484848484848 0.5742811501597445 0.5070656691604323 0.5086661642803316 0.4959807073954984 0.5157179269328802 0.4621695533272562 0.49207828518173347 0.4819863680623174 0.503061224489796 0.47776510832383123 0.508495145631068 0.550744248985115 0.5688775510204082 0.5984943538268507
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