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Forked from parthibanloganathan/
Created August 7, 2014 17:53
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Subway Info


Screenshot 1: Screenshot 2:


Subway Info is a Dashing widget which displays information on trains in New York City. Information includes train line, direction, station and arrival time. You can customize it to include any combination of lines and stations. This may also be used in other cities as well if you have the appropriate GTFS files.


Add the following gem to the Gemfile:

gem 'gtfs'

and run bundle install.


To use the widget, copy mta.rb to the /jobs folder. Create a folder called mta under /widgets. Copy, mta.html and mta.scss into /widgets/mta.

Add the following code snippet to your dashboard .erb file under /dashboards:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
   <div data-id="mta" data-view="Mta"></div>


This widget allows you to specify the stops and lines of interest to you. Specify these as strings in the arrays target_stops and target_lines. Please limit the number of stops and lines. For example, this widget was tested with 2 stations with 2 lines each.

You can also specify the refresh time for the display, the interval between data updates and how far in the future to look for incoming trains.

Look at the comments at the beginning of the job mta.rb to learn more about customizing the widget.

Note: The widget may be used with other GTFS files too. This is not restricted to New York City. Keep in mind that this has only been tested with GTFS data from the MTA.

To use your own GTFS file, replace the URL to the zip file in the following line:

  $source ='')

Add your desired URL instead.

####Note: If you would like to use the train line images instead of numbers, use the following and mta.html. Also download the images (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, C, E, N, Q, R) from here into the folder /public.


This widget takes around one minute to load on startup. Be patient. Once it starts, the widget is quick and responsive. The job must download and parse a GTFS file from the MTA. The file can be found at the MTA Developer downloads page. To access, click New York City Transit Subway under static data feeds. The GTFS files are updated by the MTA every so often. This widget checks for an update every 24 hours or every time the dashboard's host server starts Dashing.

class Dashing.Mta extends Dashing.Widget
<p class="line" data-bind="line"></p>
<p class="name" data-bind="name"></p>
<p class="time" data-bind="time"></p>
<p class="direction" data-bind="direction"></p>
require 'gtfs'
require 'time'
# Add the stations and lines you want to get updates on
# Example:
# target_stops = ['116 St - Columbia University', '8 St - NYU']
# target_lines = ['1','2','N']
# This will give you info on the trains on the 1, 2 and N at 116th St - Columbia University and 8 St - NYU
# You can get these names by downloading and
# checking for valid stop names under the file called 'stops'
target_stops = [INSERT STOPS HERE]
target_lines = [INSERT LINES HERE]
# Change the refresh times if needed
# Updates list of trains arriving in the next 5 minutes (TIME) every 1 minute (UPDATE).
# Displays a particular train/stop combination data for 3 seconds (DISPLAY) before cycling to another
UPDATE = '1m'
TIME = 5 # Note that this is an integer, not a string (represents minutes)
DISPLAY = '3s'
request_flag = false
send_flag = false
source = nil
final_hash =
my_stop_ids =
stop_hash =
index = 0
stop_times =
# Retrieves GTFS data and builds primary data with lines of interest
SCHEDULER.every '24h', :first_in => 0 do |job|
# Defaults to strict checking of required columns
source ='')
# Get stop_ids of our stops of interest (these are listed in the array target_stops)
source.stops.each do |stop|
if target_stops.include?
target_stop =
target_stop['name'] =
target_stop['id'] =
# Get stop_times at stops with our stop_ids
stop_times = { |stop_time| my_stop_ids.include? stop_time.stop_id }
# Set request_flag to true so that we can start calculating schedules
request_flag = true
# Calculates trains leaving in the next few minutes which stop at the target_stations
SCHEDULER.every UPDATE, :first_in => '5s' do |job|
if request_flag == true
send_flag = false
final_hash =
# Get stop_times from our stops with trains departing in the next 10 minutes
stop_times.each do |stop_time|
split_dept_time = stop_time.departure_time.split(':')
dept_time = (3600*split_dept_time[0].to_i) + (60*split_dept_time[1].to_i) + (split_dept_time[2].to_i)
time =
now = 3600*time[2] + 60*time[1] + time[0]
# Time difference in seconds
diff = dept_time - now
# If train leaves in next 5 minutes
if 0 < diff && diff < TIME*60
# Get line and direction based on trip_id
# Then form objects containing final data to display
selected_trip = { |trip| == stop_time.trip_id }
# If line is one of our target lines, create data object
if target_lines.include? selected_trip[0].route_id
final_object =
stop = { |hashed_stop| hashed_stop['id'] == stop_time.stop_id }
final_object['name'] = stop[0]['name']
# There are numbers 1 and 0 before the time strings
# becausse we need to sort objects by time later.
# This is a hack, and needs to be refined.
mins = diff/60
if mins == 0
final_object['time'] = '0Leaving now'
elsif mins == 1
final_object['time'] = "1Arrives in #{mins} min"
final_object['time'] = "1Arrives in #{mins} mins"
final_object['line'] = selected_trip[0].route_id
final_object['direction'] = selected_trip[0].headsign
send_flag = true
final_hash.sort! { |obj1, obj2| obj1['time'] <=> obj2['time'] }
# Displays train/stop info, and cycles through the different data
SCHEDULER.every DISPLAY, :first_in => '5s' do |job|
line = ''
name = 'Loading'
direction = ''
time = ''
if send_flag == true
if index >= final_hash.size
index = 0
if final_hash.size > 0
line = final_hash[index]['line']
name = final_hash[index]['name']
direction = final_hash[index]['direction']
size = final_hash[index]['time'].size
time = final_hash[index]['time'][1..size]
index = index + 1
send_event('mta', {line: line, name: name, direction: direction, time: time})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sass declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$background-color: #FF9D00;
$text-color: #FFFDA3;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Widget-text styles
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.widget-mta {
background-color: $background-color;
.line {
font-size: 270%;
color: $text-color;
.name {
font-size: 140%;
color: $text-color;
.direction {
font-size: 100%;
color: $text-color;
.time {
font-size: 200%;
color: $text-color;
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