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Created February 14, 2013 21:49
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alignment bottom_middle
border_width 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
draw_borders yes
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans Mono:size=12
gap_x -48
gap_y 0
minimum_size 1400 6
maximum_width 1400
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
double_buffer yes
out_to_console no
out_to_stderr no
extra_newline no
own_window no
own_window_class Conky
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 1.0
uppercase no
use_spacer left
show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no
format_human_readable yes
default_color 4D4C4C
default_outline_color 4D4C4C
color1 E0E0E0
color2 777777
color3 757474
color4 222222
template0 ${color4}/dev/sda: ${color} ${diskiograph 10,50 000000 ff0000 -t}
template1 ${if_existing /sys/class/net/\1/operstate up} ${color1}\1 [${color3}${addr \1}${color}]: ${color1}Up:${color} ${upspeed \1} ${color1} - Down:${color} ${downspeed \1}${endif}
template2 ${color1}Battery: [${color3}${acpiacadapter}${color1}] ${color}${battery_percent BAT0}% ${battery_bar 5,50 BAT0}
template3 ${color1}CPU: ${color} ${cpu}% ${cpubar cpu0 5,25} ${color}CPU0: ${cpubar cpu0 5,25} CPU1: ${cpubar cpu1 5,25} CPU2: ${cpubar cpu2 5,25} CPU3: ${cpubar cpu3 5,25} ${color}
template4 ${color1}RAM:${color} ${memperc}% ${membar 5,50}
${template0} | ${template2} | ${template3} | ${template4} | ${alignr}${template1 wlan0} | ${template1 eth0}
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