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Created March 20, 2024 17:14
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Script to create a new list or document library in SharePoint Online.
This script connects to SharePoint Online using the specified SiteURL and creates a new list or document library based on the provided parameters.
The URL of the SharePoint site where the list or document library will be created.
The name of the list or document library to be created.
Specify 'List' to create a list or 'DocumentLibrary' to create a document library.
Create a new list named "Projects":
.\New-SPOList.ps1 -SiteURL "" -Name "Projects" -Type List
Create a new document library named "Documents":
.\New-SPOList.ps1 -SiteURL "" -Name "Documents" -Type DocumentLibrary
[ValidateSet("List", "DocumentLibrary")]
[string]$Type # Specify 'List' for a list or 'DocumentLibrary' for a document library
# Connect to SharePoint Online using the specified SiteURL
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive
# Create a new list or document library based on the specified type
if ($Type -eq "List") {
# Create a new list in SharePoint Online
New-PnPList -Title $Name -Url "Lists/$Name" -Template GenericList
Write-Host "List '$Name' has been created successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
elseif ($Type -eq "DocumentLibrary") {
# Create a new document library in SharePoint Online
New-PnPList -Title $Name -Url "Documents/$Name" -Template DocumentLibrary
Write-Host "Document Library '$Name' has been created successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Invalid list type specified. Please provide 'List' or 'DocumentLibrary' as the type parameter." -ForegroundColor Red
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