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Created January 12, 2022 06:06
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use binrw::binrw;
use binrw::io::{Cursor, Seek, SeekFrom};
use binrw::{BinReaderExt, BinWriterExt};
struct Vec3 {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
struct Mesh {
#[bw(calc = (vertices.len() - 1) as u32)]
vertex_count: u32,
#[br(count = vertex_count + 1)]
vertices: Vec<Vec3>,
fn main() {
let mesh = Mesh {
vertices: vec![
Vec3 {
x: 1.0,
y: 2.0,
z: 3.0,
Vec3 {
x: 11.0,
y: 12.0,
z: 13.0,
Vec3 {
x: 21.0,
y: 22.0,
z: 23.0,
let mut writer = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
let mut reader = writer;;
let _: Mesh = dbg!(reader.read_le().unwrap());
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rain2307 commented Dec 2, 2023

why it need -1 and +1 ?

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@rain2307 merely a demonstration that you can do arbitrary computation in those positions. It effectively translates to "the length as written to disk is one less than the actual length". Not something a normal format would do, but arbitrary computation is useful for implementing arbitrarily complex file formats

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