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Created May 3, 2012 10:35
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fuzzy string scorer in coffeescript
# 1. Compile with the `-b -c` flags to the coffee-script compiler
# `String.prototype.score`
# ------------------------
String::score = (abbreviation) ->
# **Size optimization notes**:
# Declaring `string` before checking for an exact match
# does not affect the speed and reduces size because `this`
# occurs only once in the code as a result.
string = this
# Perfect match if the string equals the abbreviation.
return 1.0 if string == abbreviation
# Initializing variables.
string_length = string.length
total_character_score = 0
# Awarded only if the string and the abbreviation have a common prefix.
should_award_common_prefix_bonus = 0 #no
#### Sum character scores
# Add up scores for each character in the abbreviation.
for c, i in abbreviation
# Find the index of current character (case-insensitive) in remaining part of string.
index_c_lowercase = string.indexOf c.toLowerCase()
index_c_uppercase = string.indexOf c.toUpperCase()
min_index = Math.min index_c_lowercase, index_c_uppercase
index_in_string = if min_index > -1 then min_index else Math.max index_c_lowercase, index_c_uppercase
#### Identical strings
# Bail out if current character is not found (case-insensitive) in remaining part of string.
# **Possible size optimization**:
# Replace `index_in_string == -1` with `index_in_string < 0`
# which has fewer characters and should have identical performance.
return 0 if index_in_string == -1
# Set base score for current character.
character_score = 0.1
#### Case-match bonus
# If the current abbreviation character has the same case
# as that of the character in the string, we add a bonus.
# **Optimization notes**:
# `charAt` was replaced with an index lookup here because
# the latter results in smaller and faster code without
# breaking any tests.
if string[index_in_string] == c
character_score += 0.1
#### Consecutive character match and common prefix bonuses
# Increase the score when each consecutive character of
# the abbreviation matches the first character of the
# remaining string.
# **Size optimization disabled (truthiness shortened)**:
# It produces smaller code but is slower.
# if !index_in_string
if index_in_string == 0
character_score += 0.8
# String and abbreviation have common prefix, so award bonus.
# **Size optimization disabled (truthiness shortened)**:
# It produces smaller code but is slower.
# if !i
if i == 0
should_award_common_prefix_bonus = 1 #yes
#### Acronym bonus
# Typing the first character of an acronym is as
# though you preceded it with two perfect character
# matches.
# **Size optimization disabled**:
# `string.charAt(index)` wasn't replaced with `string[index]`
# in this case even though the latter results in smaller
# code (when minified) because the former is faster, and
# the gain out of replacing it is negligible.
if string.charAt(index_in_string - 1) == ' '
character_score += 0.8 # * Math.min(index_in_string, 5) # Cap bonus at 0.4 * 5
# Left trim the matched part of the string
# (forces sequential matching).
string = string.substring(index_in_string + 1, string_length)
# Add to total character score.
total_character_score += character_score
# **Feature disabled**:
# Uncomment the following to weigh smaller words higher.
# return total_character_score / string_length
abbreviation_length = abbreviation.length
abbreviation_score = total_character_score / abbreviation_length
#### Reduce penalty for longer strings
# **Optimization notes (code inlined)**:
# percentage_of_matched_string = abbreviation_length / string_length
# word_score = abbreviation_score * percentage_of_matched_string
# final_score = (word_score + abbreviation_score) / 2
final_score = ((abbreviation_score * (abbreviation_length / string_length)) + abbreviation_score) / 2
#### Award common prefix bonus
if should_award_common_prefix_bonus and (final_score + 0.1 < 1)
final_score += 0.1
return final_score
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