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Last active October 6, 2017 19:03
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  • Save jamal/867450ed43f7067b24a2a137d040141a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Boxstarter script
# To install Boxstarter and run this script:
# . { iwr -useb } | iex; get-boxstarter -Force
# Install-BoxstarterPackage -PackageName <RAW-GIST-URL> -DisableReboots
# Most of this was referenced from:
# -
# -
# Temporary
#--- Windows Subsystems/Features ---
choco install Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -source windowsFeatures
choco install Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux -source windowsfeatures
# Fonts
choco install anonymouspro -y
# Install tools
choco install cmder
choco install git -params '"/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /WindowsTerminal"' -y
choco install poshgit
choco install sysinternals -y
choco install vim
# Install apps
choco install googlechrome
choco install docker-for-windows
choco install slack
choco install spotify
choco install intellijidea-ultimate
choco install visualstudiocode
# Privacy / Settings
# Show all files
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions
# Dock preferences
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Dock Bottom -Combine Full -Lock
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Dock Bottom -Combine Full -AlwaysShowIconsOn
# Disable advertising ID
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo -Name Enabled -Type DWord -Value 0
# Disable SmartScreen Filter
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost -Name EnableWebContentEvaluation -Type DWord -Value 0
# Disable Bing Search Results
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search -Name BingSearchEnabled -Type DWord -Value 0
# Disable Telemetry (requires a reboot to take effect)
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -Type DWord -Value 0
Get-Service DiagTrack,Dmwappushservice | Stop-Service | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled
# Change Explorer home to This PC
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name LaunchTo -Type DWord -Value 1
# Disable Explorer Quick Access: Recent Files
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -Name ShowRecent -Type DWord -Value 0
# Disable Explorer Quick Access: Frequent Folders
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -Name ShowFrequent -Type DWord -Value 0
# Disable the Lock Screen (the one before password prompt - to prevent dropping the first character)
If (-Not (Test-Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization)) {
New-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows -Name Personalization | Out-Null
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization -Name NoLockScreen -Type DWord -Value 1
# Other Settings
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name NavPaneExpandToCurrentFolder -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name NavPaneShowAllFolders -Value 1
# Taskbar
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name MMTaskbarMode -Value 2
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name TaskbarGlomLevel -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name NMTaskbarGlomLevel -Value 0
# Uninstall default apps
Get-AppxPackage | where {$ -Match "3dbuilder|windowsalarms|windowscommunicationapps|windowscamera|officehub|skypeapp|getstarted|zunemusic|windowsmaps|solitairecollection|bingfinance|zunevideo|bingnews|onenote|people|windowsphone|photos|windowsstore|bingsports|soundrecorder|bingweather|xboxapp"} | Remove-AppxPackage -ea 0
#--- Uninstall unecessary applications that come with Windows out of the box ---
# 3D Builder
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.3DBuilder | Remove-AppxPackage
# Alarms
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsAlarms | Remove-AppxPackage
# Bing Weather, News, Sports, and Finance (Money):
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingFinance | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingNews | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingSports | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingWeather | Remove-AppxPackage
# Candy Crush
Get-AppxPackage* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Comms Phone
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.CommsPhone | Remove-AppxPackage
# Dell
Get-AppxPackage *Dell* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Dropbox
Get-AppxPackage *Dropbox* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Facebook
Get-AppxPackage *Facebook* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Feedback Hub
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub | Remove-AppxPackage
# Get Started
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Getstarted | Remove-AppxPackage
# Mail & Calendar
Get-AppxPackage microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps | Remove-AppxPackage
# Maps
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsMaps | Remove-AppxPackage
# March of Empires
Get-AppxPackage *MarchofEmpires* | Remove-AppxPackage
# McAfee Security
Get-AppxPackage *McAfee* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Uninstall McAfee Security App
$mcafee = gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | foreach { gp $_.PSPath } | ? { $_ -match "McAfee Security" } | select UninstallString
if ($mcafee) {
$mcafee = $mcafee.UninstallString -Replace "C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSC\mcuihost.exe",""
Write "Uninstalling McAfee..."
start-process "C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSC\mcuihost.exe" -arg "$mcafee" -Wait
# Messaging
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Messaging | Remove-AppxPackage
# Minecraft
Get-AppxPackage *Minecraft* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Netflix
Get-AppxPackage *Netflix* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Office Hub
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub | Remove-AppxPackage
# One Connect
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.OneConnect | Remove-AppxPackage
# OneNote
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Office.OneNote | Remove-AppxPackage
# People
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.People | Remove-AppxPackage
# Phone
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsPhone | Remove-AppxPackage
# Photos
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Photos | Remove-AppxPackage
# Skype (Metro version)
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SkypeApp | Remove-AppxPackage
# Sound Recorder
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder | Remove-AppxPackage
# Solitaire
Get-AppxPackage *Solitaire* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Sticky Notes
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes | Remove-AppxPackage
# Sway
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Office.Sway | Remove-AppxPackage
# Twitter
Get-AppxPackage *Twitter* | Remove-AppxPackage
# Xbox
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxApp | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider | Remove-AppxPackage
# Zune Music, Movies & TV
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.ZuneMusic | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.ZuneVideo | Remove-AppxPackage
# Back to normal
Install-WindowsUpdate -acceptEula
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