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Last active April 19, 2018 15:15
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CentOS After Install Script
yum install epel-release
rpm -Uvh
yum update
yum install ntfs-3g epel-release
grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg
yum install vlc
yum install gcc gcc-gfortran gcc-c++
yum install nco ncview
yum install netcdf netcdf-devel netcdf-fortran netcdf-fortran-devel hdf hdf-devel hdf5 hdf5-devel
yum install cmake libtool bison byacc flex
yum install mpich mpich-devel
yum install netcdf-mpich netcdf-mpich-devel netcdf-mpich-static hdf5-mpich hdf5-mpich-devel hdf5-mpich-static hdf5-static
yum install redhat-lsb libXScrnSaver
yum install emacs vim htop tmux
yum install git subversion mercurial
yum install ncl
yum install qgis qgis-grass qgis-python
yum install gdal gdal-devel gdal-python
yum install scipy numpy python-matplotlib netcdf-python pyproj python-basemap python-basemap-data
yum install spyder python-pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install jupyter
yum install inkscape gimp
yum install texmaker
yum install proj proj-devel gsl gsl-devel
yum install lapack lapack-devel
yum install scotch scotch-devel
yum install hwloc hwloc-devel
yum install libxml2 libxml2-devel openssl-devel
yum install libXpm-devel libXmu-devel motif-devel gd-devel
yum install libXaw libXaw-devel Xaw3d Xaw3d-devel giflib giflib-devel libtiff libtiff-devel ncurses-devel
yum install cairo-devel gnutls-devel libotf-devel m17n-lib-devel
yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-
yum install gpm gpm-devel
yum install dos2unix
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