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import json
import logging
import math
from contextlib import contextmanager
from import call_command
from import CommandError
from django.db import transaction
from morango.models import Filter
from morango.models import InstanceIDModel
The Hangout on Air is not yet active. Please try again after 8am on Monday.
jamalex /
Created January 17, 2019 07:14
Notion task manager toy example
import datetime
import random
import time
from multiprocessing import Lock
from notion.client import *
from notion.block import *
mutex = Lock()
import smpplib2.gsm
import smpplib2.client
import smpplib2.consts
import smpplib2.exceptions
# TODO: update these based on the address/credentials for the SCSM server
SMSC_PORT = 1234
SMSC_SYSTEM_ID = 'pavel'
import requests
import tempfile
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from ricecooker.classes.nodes import ChannelNode, HTML5AppNode, TopicNode
from ricecooker.classes.files import HTMLZipFile, ThumbnailFile
from ricecooker.utils.caching import CacheForeverHeuristic, FileCache, CacheControlAdapter, InvalidatingCacheControlAdapter
from ricecooker.utils.html import download_file
from import create_predictable_zip
jamalex /
Created April 15, 2015 04:14
Handlebars.js vs Django templates benchmark
import time
from django.template import Template, Context
from django.conf import settings
source = """<p>Hello, my name is {{name}}. I am from {{hometown}}. I have {{kids|length}} kids:</p>
<ul>{% for kid in kids %}<li>{{}} is {{kid.age}}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>"""
jamalex / gist:96123943baff9b3e7362
Created February 11, 2015 00:38
New videos and exercises between versions 0.12 and 0.13 of KA Lite
old_vids = set(["C-2Ln0pK3kY", "01c12NaUQDw", "ZD8THEz18gc", "5lmHzAHbtzg", "qVPtT8CX1eM", "ER49EweKwW8", "gzm-uhj06q8", "EA0LkCkvUeU", "TEfyIsDRGCk", "1C4ETKeTMq8", "LXi5FUMNTjE", "GW8ZPjGlk24", "_NWc3C3cTNA", "vAW9t5uBr08", "EvvxBdNIUeQ", "hGMwMlksZlM", "8GhjZn2W8ns", "-FtlH4svqx4", "ouAFk0Jy6TY", "Qp87Z4m8R-w", "wBCowBiXV7A", "MNUVuZu6heA", "HwSszh3L358", "W2NnNKtquaE", "P6PEf9WtEvs", "0CIn1_M-BoY", "nLY2bzRfQyo", "RouNXdkC0do", "KRFiAlo7t1E", "3cVSSiuiwsQ", "lOIP_Z_-0Hs", "CDvPPsB3nEM", "TErJ-Yr67BI", "M_ADc9jkBig", "TbaltFbJ3wE", "H5w55UbIZTw", "uqyLOuAzbvo", "-sA-vI2a2mM", "N06Jy-gQog8", "VrflZifKIuw", "z45UEiPaE8c", "QkepM8Vv3kw", "Sc6zc8KR_NU", "a-e8fzqv3CE", "I8BLj7cRM7c", "47JRs6hF_ic", "cTveNRjWQYo", "73eSiVcg4tQ", "9M-B5qU7ezY", "LhrGS4-Dd9I", "V7H1oUHXPkg", "EKKe7DBZVhI", "SZF5K8epWko", "Ncg1HB5uVLc", "Eh0j5nHhS6I", "h72iwhmB6zc", "DK1lCc9b7bg", "Y6JsEja15Vk", "kGrk6V8tWDY", "-h3Oqhl8fPg", "0isM0GF-rMI", "vbGwcvXgDlg", "NIG3l8oWKYE", "tbQ_7zvRoN4", "oUgDaEwMbiU", "aOSlXuDO4UU", "3zU90x0OZ0Y", "12
jamalex / gist:5997735
Created July 15, 2013 05:46
Counter-example to the two (otherwise very good) generalizations about Python that "assignment never makes new values, and it never copies data" and "Lots of Python data structures [e.g. object attributes] hold values, and each of those is a reference. All of the rules here about names apply exactly the same to any of these references." (see htt…
from copy import deepcopy
class MagicSetter(object):
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
super(MagicSetter, self).__setattr__(name, deepcopy(value))
m = MagicSetter()
m.a = ["this", "is", "the", "original", "list"]