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Created February 8, 2018 19:19
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A contextual bandit
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2012 Jose Antonio Martin H..
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Jose Antonio Martin H. - Translation to Python from Java
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# package myPolicy;
import datetime
import math
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from numpy import ones, nonzero, prod, minimum, sum, argwhere,array,pi,argsort
from exploChallenge.policies.ContextualBanditPolicy import ContextualBanditPolicy
class MyPolicyPaxP(ContextualBanditPolicy):
def __init__(self):
# Any initialization of your algorithm should be done here.
self.N = 400 # number of features
self.selections = ones((700, self.N), dtype = int)
self.selectionst = ones((700, 13, 32), dtype = int)
self.P = ones((700, self.N), dtype = float)
self.Pday = ones((700, 13, 32), dtype = float)
self.acode = defaultdict(lambda: len(self.acode) + 2) # +2 makes room for global array positions
self.epsilon = 0.00001
self.sigma = 3
self.i = None = None
self.d = None
self.m = None
self.aset = None
# @Override
def getActionToPerform(self, visitor, possibleActions):
# Given a visitor, you have to choose the "best" article in the list.
self.aset = [self.acode[a.yid] for a in possibleActions]
# self.timestamp = visitor.timestamp
visitor.features[0] = 1
self.i = nonzero(visitor.features)[0] = argwhere(array(visitor.features) < 1).flatten()
self.d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(visitor.timestamp).day
self.m = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(visitor.timestamp).month
if random.random() <= self.epsilon:
TOP5 = possibleActions[-5:]
return random.choice(possibleActions + TOP5 + TOP5)
# p = self.preferences(self.aset)
# acts = argsort(-p)#[0:5]
# #best = random.choice(acts)
# n = self.normal_choice(len(possibleActions))
# best = acts[n]
# return possibleActions[best]
p = self.preferences(self.aset)
best = p.argmax()
return possibleActions[best]
def normal_choice(self, maxlen = 30):
i = int(math.floor(abs(random.gauss(0, self.sigma))))
return min(i, maxlen - 1)
def preferences(self, a):
d = self.d
m = self.m
i = self.i
ci =
factor = 0.01#float(self.N) - i.size
Pday = self.Pday[a, m, d] # / amin(self.Pday[a, m, :], axis = 1) #P(x|a)
Px_a = self.P[a, :] # P(x|a)
iPx = self.P[1, i] # P(x)
ciPx = self.P[1, ci] # P(x)
M = (Px_a[:, i] * iPx)
#ordered_M = argsort(M)
#M[ordered_M[20:]] = 0.0
cM = (-0.5 * Px_a[:, ci] * ciPx)
A = ((factor + sum(M, axis = 1)) / (sum(iPx) + factor))
cA = ((factor + sum(cM, axis = 1)) / (sum(ciPx) + factor))
B = Pday
C = prod(Px_a[:, i], axis = 1)
return A#+cA # * C
# @Override
def updatePolicy(self, visitor, action, reward):
# self.history.append((visitor, self.possibleActions, action, reward))
# update your policy given the visitor, the displayed article and
# the associated reward (click or not click)
a = self.acode[action.yid]
m = self.m
d = self.d
i = self.i
self.selections[a, i] = minimum(self.selections[a, i] + 1, 2000)
self.selections[0, i] = minimum(self.selections[0, i] + 1, 2000)
self.selectionst[a, m, d] = minimum(self.selectionst[a, m, d] + 1, 2000)
reward = max(1E-15, reward) * (1 + 1/4)
self.P[a, i] += (reward - self.P[a, i]) / self.selections[a, i] # --> P(a n x)
self.P[0, i] += (reward - self.P[0, i]) / self.selections[0, i] # --> P(x)
self.Pday[a, m, d] += (reward - self.Pday[a, m, d]) / self.selectionst[a, m, d]
self.P[1, :] = 1.0 / self.P[0, :] # --> P(1/P(x)
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