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Last active October 2, 2015 21:58
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Yii Framework: Custom authentication
<div class="form">
<?php echo CHtml::form(); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::errorSummary($model); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo CHtml::activeLabel($model, 'login'); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'login', array('maxlength' => 64)); ?>
</div><!-- /.row -->
<div class="row">
<?php echo CHtml::activeLabel($model, 'password', array('maxlength' => 64)); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::activePasswordField($model, 'password'); ?>
</div><!-- /.row -->
<div class="row buttons">
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('ログイン'); ?>
</div><!-- /.row buttons -->
<?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>
</div><!-- /.form -->
class LoginForm extends CFormModel
private $loginLabel;
public $login;
public $password;
public $rememberMe;
* @see CFormModel::init()
public function init()
if (Yii::app()->params['login'] === null) {
$this->loginLabel = 'ユーザ名、またはメールアドレス';
} else if (Yii::app()->params['login'] === 'username') {
$this->loginLabel = 'ユーザ名';
} else {
$this->loginLabel = 'メールアドレス';
return parent::init();
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
'login' => $this->loginLabel,
'password' => 'パスワード',
'rememberMe' => '次回から自動的にログイン',
public function rules()
return array(
array('login, password', 'loginValidator'),
array('rememberMe', 'boolean'),
* 認証処理
public function loginValidator($attribute, $params)
if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
$identity = new UserIdentity($this->login, $this->password);
if ($identity->errorCode === UserIdentity::ERROR_NONE) {
$duration = $this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0; // 30 days
Yii::app()->user->login($identity, $duration);
} else {
$this->addError(null, 'ログイン情報が正しくありません');
return array(
'params' => array(
'salt' => 'sdc085cn0io8halk2jflv243hv895nc', // 憶測できないランダム文字列
'login' => 'username', // ユーザ名、パスワードでログイン
// or 'login' => 'email', // メールアドレス、パスワードでログイン
// or 何も指定しない場合、ユーザ名またはメールアドレス、パスワードでログイン
class SiteController extends Controller
public function actionLogin()
$model = new LoginForm;
if (isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['LoginForm'];
if($model->validate()) {
$this->render('login', compact('model'));
class User extends CActiveRecord
public function hashPassword($password)
return sha1(Yii::app()->params['salt'] . $password);
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity
private $id;
public function authenticate()
if (Yii::app()->params['login'] !== null) {
$attr = array(Yii::app()->params['login'] => $this->username);
} else if (strpos($this->username, '@')) {
$attr = array('email' => $this->username);
} else {
$attr = array('username' => $this->username);
$model = User::model()->findByAttributes($attr);
if ($model === null) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;
} else if ($model->password !== $model->hashPassword($this->password)) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;
} else {
$this->id = $model->id;
$this->username = $model->username;
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;
return !$this->errorCode;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
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