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Created August 12, 2020 20:37
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keepalived selinux module
module keepalived_ping 1.0;
require {
type ping_exec_t;
type ifconfig_exec_t;
type keepalived_t;
class process setcap;
class file { execute execute_no_trans getattr open read };
class capability { setuid net_raw };
class rawip_socket { getopt create setopt write read };
class netlink_socket create;
class netlink_tcpdiag_socket create;
#============= keepalived_t ==============
allow keepalived_t ping_exec_t:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr open read };
allow keepalived_t self:process setcap;
allow keepalived_t ifconfig_exec_t:file getattr;
allow keepalived_t self:netlink_tcpdiag_socket create;
allow keepalived_t self:capability { setuid net_raw };
allow keepalived_t self:netlink_socket create;
allow keepalived_t self:rawip_socket { getopt create setopt write read };
- name: Ensure SELinux packages are installed
- libselinux
- libselinux-devel
state: present
- name: Create directory for compiling SELinux role
path: /tmp/ansible-keepalived-selinux/
state: directory
mode: '0755'
- name: Deploy SELinux policy source file
src: keepalived_ping.te
dest: /tmp/ansible-keepalived-selinux/keepalived_ping.te
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0755"
- name: Compile and load SELinux module
command: "{{ item }}"
creates: /etc/selinux/targeted/active/modules/400/keepalived_ping/cil
chdir: /tmp/ansible-keepalived-selinux
- checkmodule -M -m -o keepalived_ping.mod keepalived_ping.te
- semodule_package -o keepalived_ping.pp -m keepalived_ping.mod
- semodule -i keepalived_ping.pp
- name: Remove temporary directory
path: /tmp/ansible-keepalived-selinux/
state: absent
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