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Last active March 31, 2019 21:10
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[kafka: data manipulations] Data manipulations using kafka docker image #docker #shell #kafka
# Run and connect to the container
docker run --net host -it wurstmeister/kafka: bin/bash
# NOTE: if `kafka-docker` is used and container is already sterted, connecting can be done directly to started container with `docker exec -it <containerId> bash`
# navigate to kafka dir
# listing topics
bin/ --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:2181 --list
# creating a kafka topic
bin/ --create --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <topic_name>
# describing a topic
bin/ --describe --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:2181 --topic <topic_name>
# run producer
bin/ --broker-list <broker_ip>:9092 --topic <topic_name>
# run consumer (for doing it from beginnig add `--from-beginning` flag)
bin/ --zookeeper <zookeeper_ip>:2181 --topic <topic_name>
# NOTE 1: for local kafka service, use:
# `zookeeper` for <zookeeper_ip>
# `localhost` for <broker_ip>
# NOTE 2: if an error happens related to container name resolution, one of ways to solve it is to add a record to `/etc/hosts`, so the machine is recognised
# e.g. line like this needs to be added
# linuxkit-025000000001 linuxkit-025000000001
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