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Created February 9, 2021 17:43
Screenshot i3 window by name, including decoration.
# i3 window snapshotting tool
# Screenshot tools can't seem to grab i3 window decorations (even if they grab
# the window borders). So I wrote this piece of shit to do it. It even focuses
# the window before taking a picture! -a bird
type i3-msg xdotool jq import >/dev/null || exit 1
die() {>&2 echo "$*" ; exit 1 ;}
i3-msg -q || die "No i3 socket?"
[ -z "$1" ] && die "$0 window title"
[ -t 1 ] && die "PIPE THIS COMMAND"
ogid=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
read -d '' -r magic <<'EOT'
..|.nodes?|.[]?|select(.window != null)|select(.window_properties.title
< <(i3-msg -t get_tree | jq -r --arg title "$*" "$magic") readarray -t g
wksp="$(i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq --arg output "${g[0]}" \
i3-msg -q "[id=${g[1]}] focus"
g="${g[5]}x$((g[6] + g[2]))+${g[3]}+$((g[4] - g[2]))"
import -silent -window root -crop "$g" png:-
i3-msg -q "workspace $wksp ; [id=$ogid] focus"
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