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Created April 25, 2023 12:06
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Check Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF
import pathlib
import rasterio
from rasterio.env import GDALVersion
import click
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Any
def is_cog(
src_path: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath],
strict: bool = False,
config: Optional[Dict] = None,
quiet: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[bool, List[str], List[str]]:
Validate Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
This script is the rasterio equivalent of
src_path: str or PathLike object
A dataset path or URL. Will be opened in "r" mode.
strict: bool
Treat warnings as errors
quiet: bool
Remove standard outputs
is_valid: bool
True is src_path is a valid COG.
errors: list
List of validation errors.
warnings: list
List of validation warnings.
errors: List[str] = []
warnings: List[str] = []
details: Dict[str, Any] = {}
config = config or {}
if not GDALVersion.runtime().at_least("2.2"):
raise Exception("GDAL 2.2 or above required")
with rasterio.Env(**config):
with as src:
if not src.driver == "GTiff":
errors.append("The file is not a GeoTIFF")
if not quiet:
click.secho("The following errors were found:", fg="red", err=True)
for e in errors:
click.echo("- " + e, err=True)
return False, errors, warnings
if any(pathlib.Path(x).suffix.lower() == ".ovr" for x in src.files):
"Overviews found in external .ovr file. They should be internal"
overviews = src.overviews(1)
if src.width > 512 and src.height > 512:
if not src.is_tiled:
"The file is greater than 512xH or 512xW, but is not tiled"
if not overviews:
"The file is greater than 512xH or 512xW, it is recommended "
"to include internal overviews"
ifd_offset = int(src.get_tag_item("IFD_OFFSET", "TIFF", bidx=1))
# Starting from GDAL 3.1, GeoTIFF and COG have ghost headers
# e.g:
# """
# """
# This header should be < 200bytes
if ifd_offset > 300:
f"The offset of the main IFD should be < 300. It is {ifd_offset} instead"
ifd_offsets = [ifd_offset]
details["ifd_offsets"] = {}
details["ifd_offsets"]["main"] = ifd_offset
if overviews and overviews != sorted(overviews):
errors.append("Overviews should be sorted")
for ix, dec in enumerate(overviews):
# NOTE: Size check is handled in rasterio `src.overviews` methods
# We just need to make sure the decimation level is > 1
if not dec > 1:
"Invalid Decimation {} for overview level {}".format(dec, ix)
# Check that the IFD of descending overviews are sorted by increasing
# offsets
ifd_offset = int(src.get_tag_item("IFD_OFFSET", "TIFF", bidx=1, ovr=ix))
details["ifd_offsets"]["overview_{}".format(ix)] = ifd_offset
if ifd_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-2]:
if ix == 0:
"The offset of the IFD for overview of index {} is {}, "
"whereas it should be greater than the one of the main "
"image, which is at byte {}".format(
ix, ifd_offsets[-1], ifd_offsets[-2]
"The offset of the IFD for overview of index {} is {}, "
"whereas it should be greater than the one of index {}, "
"which is at byte {}".format(
ix, ifd_offsets[-1], ix - 1, ifd_offsets[-2]
block_offset = src.get_tag_item("BLOCK_OFFSET_0_0", "TIFF", bidx=1)
data_offset = int(block_offset) if block_offset else 0
data_offsets = [data_offset]
details["data_offsets"] = {}
details["data_offsets"]["main"] = data_offset
for ix, _dec in enumerate(overviews):
block_offset = src.get_tag_item(
"BLOCK_OFFSET_0_0", "TIFF", bidx=1, ovr=ix
data_offset = int(block_offset) if block_offset else 0
details["data_offsets"]["overview_{}".format(ix)] = data_offset
if data_offsets[-1] != 0 and data_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-1]:
if len(overviews) > 0:
"The offset of the first block of the smallest overview "
"should be after its IFD"
"The offset of the first block of the image should "
"be after its IFD"
for i in range(len(data_offsets) - 2, 0, -1):
if data_offsets[i] < data_offsets[i + 1]:
"The offset of the first block of overview of index {} should "
"be after the one of the overview of index {}".format(i - 1, i)
if len(data_offsets) >= 2 and data_offsets[0] < data_offsets[1]:
"The offset of the first block of the main resolution image "
"should be after the one of the overview of index {}".format(
len(overviews) - 1
for ix, _dec in enumerate(overviews):
with, OVERVIEW_LEVEL=ix) as ovr_dst:
if ovr_dst.width > 512 and ovr_dst.height > 512:
if not ovr_dst.is_tiled:
errors.append("Overview of index {} is not tiled".format(ix))
if warnings and not quiet:
click.secho("The following warnings were found:", fg="yellow", err=True)
for w in warnings:
click.echo("- " + w, err=True)
if errors and not quiet:
click.secho("The following errors were found:", fg="red", err=True)
for e in errors:
click.echo("- " + e, err=True)
is_valid = False if errors or (warnings and strict) else True
return is_valid, errors, warnings
if __name__ == "__main__":
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