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grunt file that includes S3
module.exports = function (grunt) {
* Load required Grunt tasks. These are installed based on the versions listed
* in `package.json` when you do `npm install` in this directory.
* This is the configuration object Grunt uses to give each plugin its
* instructions.
* The directory to which we throw our compiled project files.
distdir: 'dist',
builddir: 'build',
buildtempdir: 'build/tmp',
aws: grunt.file.readJSON('aws.json'),
* We read in our `package.json` file so we can access the package name and
* version. It's already there, so we don't repeat ourselves here.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
environment: grunt.option('e') ||
grunt.option('environment') || 'development',
* The banner is the comment that is placed at the top of our compiled
* source files. It is first processed as a Grunt template, where the `<%=`
* pairs are evaluated based on this very configuration object.
meta: {
banner: ''
* This is a collection of file definitions we use in the configuration of
* build tasks. `js` is all project javascript, less tests. `atpl` contains
* our reusable components' template HTML files, while `ctpl` contains the
* same, but for our app's code. `html` is just our main HTML file and
* `less` is our main stylesheet.
src: {
js: [
atpl: [ 'src/**/*.tpl.html' ],
tpljs: [ 'build/tmp/**/*.js' ],
html: [ 'src/index.html', 'src/account.html' ],
less: [
unit: [ 'src/**/*.spec.js' ],
mock: [ 'mock/**/*.js' ]
* This is also a collection of file definitions we use in the
* configuration of build tasks, but it differs from the `src` property in
* that these values are entirely user-defined. While the `src` property
* ensures all standardized files are collected for compilation, it is the
* user's job to ensure non-standardized (i.e. vendor-related) files are
* handled appropriately.
* The `vendor.js` property holds files to be automatically concatenated
* and minified with our project source files.
* Note that these will end up in the main app file, not in the lib.js file.
vendor: {
js: [
* The directory to delete when `grunt clean` is executed.
clean: [ '<%= distdir %>', '<%= buildtempdir %>' ],
* `grunt copy` just copies files from A to B. We use it here to copy our
* project assets (images, fonts, etc.) into our distribution directory.
copy: {
assets: {
files: [
src: [ '**' ],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/assets/',
cwd: 'src/assets',
expand: true
* `grunt concat` concatenates multiple source files into a single file.
concat: {
* The `dist` target is the concatenation of our application source code
* into a single file. All files matching what's in the `src.js`
* configuration property above will be included in the final build.
* In addition, the source is surrounded in the blocks specified in the
* `module.prefix` and `module.suffix` files, which are just run blocks
* to ensure nothing pollutes the global scope.
* The `options` array allows us to specify some customization for this
* operation. In this case, we are adding a banner to the top of the file,
* based on the above definition of `meta.banner`. This is simply a
* comment with copyright informaiton.
dist: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>'
src: [
'<%= src.js %>',
'<%= src.tpljs %>',
'<%= vendor.js %>',
dest: '<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.js'
* The `libs` target is for all third-party libraries we need to include
* in the final distribution. They will be concatenated into a single
* `libs.js` file. One could combine this with the above for a single
* payload, but then concatenation order will obviously be important to
* get right.
libs: {
src: [
dest: '<%= distdir %>/assets/libs.js'
* Use ng-min to annotate the sources before minifying
ngmin: {
dist: {
src: [ '<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.js' ],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.annotated.js'
* Minify the sources!
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>'
dist: {
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.min.js': [
'<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.annotated.js'
* recess handles our LESS compilation and uglification automatically. Only
* our `main.less` file is included in compilation; all other files must be
* imported from this file.
recess: {
build: {
src: [ '<%= src.less %>' ],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/assets/<%= %>.css',
options: {
compile: true,
compress: true,
noUnderscores: false,
noIDs: false,
zeroUnits: false
* `jshint` defines the rules of our linter as well as which files we should
* check. This file, all java script sources, and all our unit tests are
* linted based on the policies listed in `options`. But we can allow
* specify exclusionary patterns for external components by prefixing them
* with an exclamation point (!).
jshint: {
src: [
'<%= src.js %>',
'<%= src.tpljs %>',
'<%= src.unit %>',
test: [
'<%= src.unit %>'
gruntfile: [
options: {
curly: true,
immed: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
boss: true,
eqnull: true
globals: {}
* HTML2JS is a Grunt plugin originally written by the AngularUI Booststrap
* team and updated to Grunt 0.4 by me. It takes all of your template files
* and places them into JavaScript files as strings that are added to
* AngularJS's template cache. This means that the templates too become part
* of the initial payload as one JavaScript file. Neat!
html2js: {
* These are the templates from `src/app`.
app: {
src: [ '<%= src.atpl %>' ],
base: 'src',
dest: '<%= buildtempdir %>/templates-app.js'
* These are the templates from `src/directives`.
// directives: {
// src: [ '<%= src.dtpl %>' ],
// base: 'src/directives',
// dest: 'dist/tmp'
// }
* The Karma configurations.
karma: {
options: {
configFile: 'config/karma_unit.conf.js'
unit: {
background: true
continuous: {
singleRun: true
e2e: {
configFile: 'config/karma_e2e.conf.js',
runnerPort: 10099,
singleRun: false,
browsers: ['Chrome']
replace: {
production: {
options: {
variables: {
'socket-host': '//',
'env': 'production'
prefix: '##'
files: [
{expand: true, src: [
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.js',
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.css',
'<%= distdir %>/index.html'
local: {
options: {
variables: {
'socket-host': '//localhost:4100',
'asset-host##': '',
'js-host##': 'assets/',
'env': 'development'
prefix: '##'
files: [
{expand: true, src: [
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.js',
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.css',
'<%= distdir %>/index.html'
staging: {
options: {
variables: {
'socket-host': '//',
'asset-host##': '',
'js-host##': 'assets/',
'env': 'development'
prefix: '##'
files: [
{expand: true, src: [
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.js',
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.css',
'<%= distdir %>/index.html'
localSecondary: {
options: {
variables: {
'socket-host': '//localhost:5000',
'asset-host##': '',
'js-host##': 'assets/',
'env': 'development'
prefix: '##'
files: [
{expand: true, src: [
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.js',
'<%= distdir %>/**/*.css',
'<%= distdir %>/index.html'
} },
bump: {
options: {
files: ['package.json'],
updateConfigs: ['pkg'],
add: true,
addFiles: ['.'],
commit: true,
commitMessage: 'Release %VERSION%',
commitFiles: ['-a'],
createTag: true,
tagName: '%VERSION%',
tagMessage: 'Release version %VERSION%',
push: true,
pushTo: 'origin'
* config to deploy our static assets to S3.
* This includes everything built to the dist/assets folder.
s3: {
options: {
debug: false,
key: '<%= aws.key %>',
secret: '<%= aws.secret %>',
bucket: '<%= aws.bucket %>',
access: 'public-read',
headers: {
// Two Year cache policy (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 730)
// One day cache policy 86400000
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=86400000, public',
'Expires': new Date( + 86400000).toUTCString()
prod: {
// These options override the defaults
options: {
maxOperations: 30
upload: [
// APP images
src: '<%= distdir %>/assets/**/*',
dest: 'agent/assets/',
rel: '<%= distdir %>/assets',
options: { gzip: true },
verify: true
* And for rapid development, we have a watch set up that checks to see if
* any of the files listed below change, and then to execute the listed
* tasks when they do. This just saves us from having to type "grunt" into
* the command-line every time we want to see what we're working on; we can
* instead just leave "grunt watch" running in a background terminal. Set it
* and forget it, as Ron Popeil used to tell us.
* But we don't need the same thing to happen for all the files.
delta: {
* By default, we want the Live Reload to work for all tasks; this is
* overridden in some tasks (like this file) where browser resources are
* unaffected. It runs by default on port 35729.
options: {
livereload: true
* When the Gruntfile changes, we just want to lint it. That said, the
* watch will have to be restarted if it should take advantage of any of
* the changes.
gruntfile: {
files: 'Gruntfile.js',
tasks: [ 'jshint:gruntfile', 'build' ],
options: {
livereload: false
* When our source files change, we want to run most of our build tasks
* (excepting uglification).
src: {
files: [
'<%= src.js %>',
tasks: [
* When assets are changed, copy them. Note that this will *not* copy new
* files, so this is probably not very useful.
assets: {
files: [
tasks: [ 'copy' ]
* When index.html changes, we need to compile just it.
html: {
files: [ '<%= src.html %>' ],
tasks: [
* When our templates change, we only add them to the template cache.
tpls: {
files: [
'<%= src.atpl %>'
tasks: [
* When the CSS files change, we need to compile and minify just them.
less: {
files: [ 'src/**/*.less' ],
tasks: [ 'recess', 'replace:local' ]
* When a unit test file changes, we only want to linit it and run the
* unit tests. However, since the `app` module requires the compiled
* templates, we must also run the `html2js` task.
unittest: {
files: [
'<%= src.unit %>'
tasks: [ 'html2js', 'jshint:test', 'karma:unit:run' ],
options: {
livereload: false
if (grunt.config.get('environment') === 'mock') {
var concat = grunt.config.get('concat');
concat.dist.src.push('<%= src.mock %>');
grunt.config.set('concat', concat);
var delta = grunt.config.get('delta');
delta.src.files.push('<%= src.mock %>');
grunt.config.set('delta', delta);
* In order to make it safe to just compile or copy *only* what was changed,
* we need to ensure we are starting from a clean, fresh build. So we rename
* the `watch` task to `delta` (that's why the configuration var above is
* `delta`) and then add a new task called `watch` that does a clean build
* before watching for changes.
grunt.renameTask('watch', 'delta');
grunt.registerTask('watch', [ 'default', 'karma:unit', 'delta' ]);
* The default task is to build.
grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'build' ]);
['clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'concat', 'ngmin:dist',
'uglify', 'recess', 'index', 'copy', 'replace:local']);
['clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'concat', 'ngmin:dist',
'uglify', 'recess', 'index', 'copy', 'replace:production']);
['clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'concat', 'ngmin:dist',
'uglify', 'recess', 'index', 'copy', 'replace:localSecondary']);
['clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'concat', 'ngmin:dist',
'uglify', 'recess', 'index', 'copy', 'replace:staging']);
[ 'build:production', 'bump', 's3' ]);
* The index.html template includes the stylesheet and javascript sources
* based on dynamic names calculated in this Gruntfile. This task compiles it.
grunt.registerTask('index', 'Process static html', function () {
grunt.file.copy('src/index.html', 'dist/index.html',
{ process: grunt.template.process });
grunt.file.copy('src/account.html', 'dist/account.html',
{ process: grunt.template.process });
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