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Last active January 10, 2017 17:37
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A manager for URL query strings
TODO: Allow Query#parseString to correctly parse square brackets.
TODO: Handle nested objects correctly.
var Query = (function () {
"use strict";
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// Checks to see if the given object is an object. Will return true for
// arrays as well.
var isObject = function (object) {
return object !== null && typeof object === "object";
// Converts any element into a string, an empty string for empty values.
var interpretString = function (string) {
return (string === null || string === undefined)
? ""
: String(string);
* class Query
* Parses query strings and allows them to be manipulated. It does not set
* any query string (so if the current URL is used, any changes will still
* need to be set) but it allows the data to be managed.
* [[Query#has]], [[Query#set]], [[Query#get]], [[Query#add]] and
* [[Query.unset]] will allow [[Query#data]] to be manipulated.
* [[Query#parseString]] can be used to load a query string and parse it.
* [[Query#toString]] will convert [[Query#data]] into a query string.
var Query = function () {
return this.init.apply(this, arguments);
Query.prototype = {
* new Query([data])
* - data (String|Object): Optional initial data.
* `data` can be provided as either an object or a string. In either
* case it will be used to populate [[Query#data]].
* var q1 = new Query();
*; // -> {}
* var q2 = new Query({foo: 1, bar: 2});
*; // -> {foo: 1, bar: 2}
* var q3 = new Query("foo=1&bar=2");
*; // -> {foo: 1, bar: 2}
* In the examples gives, `q2` is a short-cut for calling [[Query#set]]
* and `q3` is a short-cut for calling [[Query#parseString]]. See those
* function descriptions for full details.
init: function (data) {
* Query#data -> Object
* The data for the query string. Try not to manipulate this
* directly. Instead, use the helper methods [[Query#set]],
* [[Query#get]], [[Query#add]] and [[Query.unset]]. The data can
* be checked using either [[Query#has]] or [[Query#keys]] and
* [[Query#each]] will iterate over the data.
* In a future version of this object, [[Query#data]] may become
* hidden.
**/ = {};
if (typeof data === "string") {
} else if (isObject(data)) {
/** chainable
* Query#setArrayType(type) -> Query
* - type (Number): Array type.
* Sets the array handling type, changing the way that arrays are
* handled when converting the query into a string. There are currently
* 3 possibilities:
* **[[Query.ARRAY_KEYS_REPEAT]] (default)**
* This setting causes the array keys to simply repeat.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_REPEAT)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo=1&foo=2"
* **[[Query.ARRAY_KEYS_BRACKET]]**
* This setting causes the array keys to include empty square brackets
* after them.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_BRACKET)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo[]=1&foo[]=2"
* **[[Query.ARRAY_KEYS_INDEX]]**
* This setting causes the array keys to include square brackets
* containing the index after them.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_BRACKET)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo[0]=1&foo[1]=2"
* If a value of `type` is given and not recognised,
* [[Query.ARRAY_KEYS_REPEAT]] will be assumed.
setArrayType: function (type) {
* Query#arrayType -> Number
* A flag detailing how to handle array keys when converting the
* query into a string. See [[Query#setArrayType]] for full
* details.
this.arrayType = type;
return this;
* Query#has(key) -> Boolean
* - key (String): Key to check.
* Checks to see if the given key exists in [[Query#data]].
* var q = new Query();
* q.set("foo", "alpha");
* q.has("foo"); // -> true
* q.has("bar"); // -> false
* Be aware that data is decoded from the URL component so a raw key
* should be checked instead of the original query value.
* q.parseString("foo%20bar=bravo");
* q.has("foo bar"); // -> true
* q.has("foo%20bar"); // -> false
has: function (key) {
return, key);
/** chainable
* Query#set(data) -> Query
* Query#set(key[, value]) -> Query
* - data (Object): Key/Value pairs for setting.
* - key (String): Key to set.
* - value (?): Optional value for the `key`.
* Sets information in [[Query#data]]. The instance is returned to
* allow for chaining.
* var q = new Query();
* q.set("foo", "alpha");
* q.has("foo"); // -> true
* q.set("bar", "bravo").set("baz", "charlie");
* q.has("bar"); // -> true
* q.has("baz"); // -> true
* Data can be passed as an object to speed up adding information.
* q.set({
* blip: "delta",
* blop: ["echo", "foxtrot"]
* });
* q.has("blip"); // -> true
* q.has("blop"); // -> true
* If the same data is set again, the value is overridden.
* q.get("foo"); // -> "alpha"
* q.set("foo", "golf");
* q.get("foo"); // -> "golf"
* q.set({
* foo: "hotel"
* });
* q.get("foo"); // -> "hotel"
set: function (key, value) {
if (isObject(key)) {
Object.keys(key).forEach(function (part) {
this.set(part, key[part]);
}, this);
} else {[key] = value;
return this;
* Query#get(keys) -> Object
* Query#get(key) -> ?
* - keys (Array): Array of keys to access.
* - key (String): Key to access.
* Gets the value from [[Query#data]]. If the data cannot be found,
* `undefined` is returned.
* var q = new Query();
* q.set("foo", "alpha");
* q.get("foo"); // -> "alpha"
* q.get("bar"); // -> undefined
* If [[Query#get]] is passed an array, the entries are returned as an
* object.
* q.get(["foo", "bar"]); // -> {foo: "alpha", bar: undefined}
* This means that a shallow clone of [[Query#data]] can be returned
* by combining [[Query#get]] and [[Query#keys]].
* q.get(q.keys()); // -> {foo: "alpha"}
* Be aware that it is possible for a query string to have a key but
* not a value. In that situation, `undefined` would also be returned.
* Use [[Query#has]] to ensure that the key exists but is empty.
* q.parseString("baz=&blip=something");
* q.get("blip"); // -> "something"
* q.get("baz"); // -> undefined
* q.has("baz"); // -> true
* q.has("bar"); // -> false
get: function (key) {
var result =[key];
if (Array.isArray(key)) {
result = {};
key.forEach(function (k) {
result[k] = this.get(k);
}, this);
return result;
/** chainable
* Query#add(data) -> Query
* Query#add(key, value) -> Query
* - data (Object): Key/Value pairs for setting.
* - key (String): Key to add.
* - value (?): Value for the `key`.
* Adds a value to [[Query#data]]. Unlike [[Query#set]] which will
* replace an existing value, [[Query#add]] will add the value and
* preserve existing data. Since it will also create data if the data
* does not exist, it can be more useful than [[Query#set]]. The data
* created by [[Query#add]] will always be an array even if there is
* only one value. This is normalised when converted into a string
* using [[Query#toString]].
* var q = new Query();
* q.set("foo", "alpha");
* q.get("foo"); // -> "alpha"
* q.set("foo", "bravo");
* q.get("foo"); // -> "bravo"
* q.add("bar", "alpha");
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["alpha"]
* q.add("bar", "bravo");
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["alpha", "bravo"]
* The instance is returned to allow for chaining.
add: function (key, value) {
if (isObject(key)) {
Object.keys(key).forEach(function (part) {
this.add(part, key[part]);
}, this);
} else {
if (!this.has(key)) {
this.set(key, []);
} else if (!this.isArray(key)) {
this.set(key, [this.get(key)]);
return this;
* Query#unset(key[, index]) -> Boolean
* - key (String): Key to unset.
* - index (Number): Optional index for `key`.
* Unsets data from [[Query#data]]. Unsetting data that does not exist
* will not cause any errors.
* var q = new Query();
* q.parseString("foo=alpha&bar=bravo&bar=charlie");
* q.get("foo"); // -> "alpha"
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["bravo", "charlie"]
* q.unset("foo"); // -> true
* q.has("foo"); // -> false
* q.unset("foo"); // -> false
* q.has("foo"); // -> false
* If `index` is provided, is a number and `key` refers to an array
* then that entry in the array is removed instead of the entire value.
* Attempting to remove an entry in an array that does not exist will
* not cause any errors.
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["bravo", "charlie"]
* q.unset("bar", 1); // -> true
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["bravo"]
* q.unset("bar", 10); // -> false
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["bravo"]
* A boolean is returned that is `true` if data was successfully
* removed and `false` otherwise.
unset: function (key, index) {
var existed = this.has(key);
if (this.isArray(key) && (/^\d+$/).test(index)) {
existed =[key], index);[key].splice(index, 1);
} else {
return existed;
* Query#isArray(key) -> Boolean
* - key (String): Key to check.
* Checks to see if the `key` refers to an array in [[Query#data]].
* var q = new Query();
* q.parseString("foo=alpha&bar=bravo&bar=charlie");
* q.isArray("foo"); // -> false
* q.isArray("bar"); // -> true
* q.set("baz", "delta");
* q.add("blip", "echo");
* q.isArray("baz"); // -> false
* q.isArray("blip"); // -> true
isArray: function (key) {
return this.has(key) && Array.isArray(this.get(key));
* Query#keys() -> Array
* Returns all the keys from [[Query#data]].
* var q = new Query();
* q.parseString("foo=alpha&bar=bravo&bar=charlie");
* q.keys(); // -> ["foo", "bar"]
keys: function () {
return Object.keys(;
* Query#each(handler[, context])
* - handler (Function): Function to execute.
* - context (?): Optional context for `handler`.
* Executes a function on all entries in [[Query#data]]. The `handler`
* function is passed the `key` and the `value` for each entry. Be
* aware that the order of execution is not guarenteed.
* var q = new Query();
* q.parseString("foo=alpha&bar=bravo&bar=charlie");
* q.each(function (key, value) {
* console.log("Query#data[%s] = %o", key, value);
* });
* // Logs: "Query#data[foo] = "alpha"
* // Logs: "Query#data[bar] = ["bravo", "charlie"]
each: function (handler, context) {
this.keys().forEach(function (key) {, key,[key]);
}, this);
* Query#parseString(string[, isOverride = false])
* - string (String): Query string to parse.
* - isOverride (Boolean): Whether a match should be added to (`false`)
* or replaced (`true`).
* Parses the given query string and adds all information to
* [[Query#data]]. Care is taken so that single entries in the `string`
* are not converted into arrays in [[Query#data]]. The keys and values
* are URL decoded. Ampersands are normalised from HTML entities thus
* `&` and `&` are considered the same.
* var q = new Query();
* q.parseString("foo=a&bar=b&bar=c&baz%20blip=d");
* q.keys(); // -> ["foo", "bar", "baz blip"]
* q.get("foo"); // -> "a"
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["b", "c"]
* q.get("baz blip"); // -> "d"
* When parsing a string, if a similar value is found, the value is
* converted into an array (if it is not already) and the second value
* is added to that array. You can see that happening with the `"bar"`
* key in the example above. To change that behaviour so that a second
* key replaces the value of the first, set `isOverride` to `true`.
* var q1 = new Query();
* q1.parseString("bar=1&bar=2");
* q1.get("bar"); // -> ["1", "2"]
* var q2 = new Query();
* q2.parseString("bar=1&bar=2", true);
* q1.get("bar"); // -> "2"
parseString: function (string, isOverride) {
var str = interpretString(string).trim();
if (str) {
str.split(/&(?:amp;)?/).forEach(function (parameter) {
var param = parameter.trim();
var parts = parameter.split("=");
var key = window.decodeURIComponent(parts[0]);
var value = parts.length > 1
? window.decodeURIComponent(
parts[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")
: undefined;
(this.has(key) && !isOverride)
? "add"
: "set"
](key, value);
}, this);
* Query#stringifyKey(key[, index]) -> String
* - key (String): Key to be stringified.
* - index (Number): Optional index for the key.
* Converts the given `key` into a URL-friendly key.
* var q = new Query();
* q.stringifyKey("foo"); // -> "foo"
* q.stringifyKey("bar baz"); // -> "bar%20baz"
* Keys are not checked against [[Query#data]] so an associated value
* does not need to exist for the key to be converted.
* If `index` is included, the key is assumed to be part of an array
* and handled according to the [[Query#arrayType]] that has been set
* (see [[Query#setArrayType]] for full details).
* var q = new Query();
* q.setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_INDEX);
* q.stringifyKey("foo", 0); // -> "foo[0]"
* q.stringifyKey("bar baz", 1); // -> "bar%20baz[1]"
* This function is mainly used in [[Query.stringify]].
stringifyKey: function (key, index) {
var string = window.encodeURIComponent(key);
if (index !== undefined) {
if (this.arrayType === Query.ARRAY_KEYS_INDEX) {
string += "[" + window.encodeURIComponent(index) + "]";
} else if (this.arrayType === Query.ARRAY_KEYS_BRACKET) {
string += "[]";
return string;
* Query#stringifyValue(value) -> String
* - value (String): Value to convert.
* Converts the value into a URL-friendly string and prefixes it with
* `"="` so it can be included in a query string.
* var q = new Query();
* q.stringifyValue("foo"); // -> "=foo"
* q.stringifyValue("bar baz"); // -> "=bar+baz"
* Since there is no key provided, the value does not need to be
* associated with any data.
* This function is mainly used in [[Query#stringify]].
stringifyValue: function (value) {
var string = "";
if (value !== undefined) {
value = window
// Normalize newlines as \r\n because the HTML spec
// says newlines should be encoded as CRLFs.
interpretString(value).replace(/(\r)?\n/g, "\r\n")
// Likewise, according to the spec, spaces should be "+"
// rather than "%20".
.replace(/%20/g, "+");
string += "=" + value;
return string;
* Query#stringify(key[, value]) -> String
* - key (String): Key to convert.
* - value (?): Optional value to convert.
* Converts the given `key`/`value` pair into a URL-ready query string
* component. According to the HTML spec, spaces in the values should
* be converted into `+` rather than `%20` but the same is not true of
* keys.
* var q = new Query();
* q.stringify("foo", "alpha"); // -> "foo=alpha"
* q.stringify("bar", ["bravo", "charlie"]);
* // -> "bar=bravo&bar=charlie
* q.stringify("baz blip", "delta echo");
* // -> "bar%20blip=delta+echo"
* q.stringify("blop"); // -> "blop"
* Whenever `value` is an array, the `key` is modified according to the
* current [[Query#arrayType]] - see [[Query#setArrayType]] for full
* details.
* This function may not be especially useful on its own but it is a
* key component of [[Query#toString]].
stringify: function (key, value) {
return Array.isArray(value)
? value
.map(function (val, i) {
return this.stringifyKey(key, i)
+ this.stringifyValue(val);
}, this)
: (this.stringifyKey(key) + this.stringifyValue(value));
* Query#toString() -> String
* Converts [[Query#data]] to a URL-encoded query string, joined with
* ampersands. Due to the way that query strings are handled, there
* will be no difference between a string value and an array value with
* a single entry.
* Be warned that the order of the query string parameters cannot be
* guarenteed. If the order is important, use [[Query#keys()]] to get
* an array of [[Query#data]] keys, `.sort()` to handle the sorting,
* [[Query#get]] to get the values of [[Query#data]] and
* [[Query#stringify]] to convert the results. You will have to
* manually concatenate the results.
* var q = new Query();
* q.set({
* foo: "a",
* bar: ["b", "c"],
* baz: ["d"],
* "blip blop": "d e",
* }).set("blap");
* q.toString();
* // -> "foo=a&bar=b&bar=c&baz=d&blip%20blop=d+e&blap"
* When converting an array value into a string, the key is converted
* according to the current [[Query#arrayType]] - see
* [[Query#setArrayType]] for full details and examples.
* Because the method name is `toString`, JavaScript will automatically
* execute it if the instance is treated as a string.
* "?" + q; // -> "?foo=a&bar=b&bar=c&baz=d&blip%20blop=d+e&blap"
toString: function () {
var string = [];
this.each(function (key, value) {
string.push(this.stringify(key, value));
}, this);
return string.join("&");
* Query.parseUrl() -> Query
* Creates an instance of [[Query]] with the current URL query string
* parsed.
* // Assume URL is
* var q = Query.parseUrl();
* q.get("foo"); // -> "alpha"
* q.get("bar"); // -> ["bravo", "charlie"]
Query.parseUrl = function () {
return new Query(;
Object.defineProperties(Query, {
* A setting used for [[Query#setArrayType]]. Causes the keys to
* repeat.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_REPEAT)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo=1&foo=2"
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: 0,
writable: false
* A setting used for [[Query#setArrayType]]. Causes the keys to
* include empty square brackets.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_BRACKET)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo[]=1&foo[]=2"
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: 1,
writable: false
* A setting used for [[Query#setArrayType]]. Causes the keys to
* include square brackets containing the index.
* new Query("foo=1&foo=2")
* .setArrayType(Query.ARRAY_KEYS_INDEX)
* .toString();
* // -> "foo[0]=1&foo[1]=2"
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: 2,
writable: false
return Query;
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More notes:

var Query = (function () {

    var Query = function () {
        return this.init.apply(this, arguments);

    Query.prototype = {

        init: function (data, settings) {

            var config = Object.assign({
                arrayType: Query.defaultArrayType,
                joiner: Query.defaultJoiner
            }, settings);

   = {};

            return this;

        get: function (path) {

            var result = {};

            if (typeof path === "string") {
                result = _.get(, path);
            } else if (Array.isArray(path)) {

                path.forEach(function (key) {
                    _.set(result, key, this.get(key));
                }, this);
            } else if (path === undefined) {
                result = this.get(this.keys());

            return result;


        has: function (path) {

            return Array.isArray(path)
                ?, this)
                : _.has(, path);

        set: function (key, value) {

            if (_.isPlainObject(key)) {

                Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) {
                    this.set(k, key[k]);
                }, this);
            } else {
                _.set(, key, value);

            return this;

        unset: function (path) {

            return Array.isArray(path)
                ?, this)
                : _.unset(, path);


        add: function (key, value) {

            var result;

            if (_.isPlainObject(key)) {

                Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) {
                    this.add(k, key[k]);
                }, this);

            } else {

                if (this.has(key)) {

                    result = this.get(key);

                    if (Array.isArray(result)) {
                    } else if (_.isPlainObject(result)) {

                            Object.keys(result).filter(function (key) {
                                return _.isInteger(+key);
                        ] = value;
                    } else {
                        result = [result, value];

                    this.set(key, result);

                } else {
                    this.set(key, value);

            return this;

        keys: function () {
            return _.keys(;

        values: function () {
            return _.values(

        each: function (handler, context) {

            this.keys().forEach(function (key) {
      , key, this.get(key));
            }, this);

        parseString: function (string, arrayType) {

            var parser = Query.parsers[
                arrayType === undefined
                    ? this.arrayType
                    : arrayType

            if (typeof parser === "function") {
      , interpretString(string).replace(/^\??/, ""));



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