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Created January 3, 2015 18:11
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Python Command Line Interface Twitter Reporter tool
#python twitter example
#last updated December 24 2014
#James Campbell
# @jamescampbell on twitter
# twitter items available:
#contributors, truncated, text, in_reply_to_status_id, id, favorite_count, source, retweeted,
#coordinates, entities, in_reply_to_screen_name, in_reply_to_user_id, retweet_count, id_str, favorited,
#retweeted_status, user, geo, in_reply_to_user_id_str, lang, created_at, in_reply_to_status_id_str, place, metadata
# all user related data available:
#{u'follow_request_sent': False, u'profile_use_background_image': True, u'profile_text_color': u'333333',
#u'default_profile_image': False, u'id': 571096081,
#u'profile_background_image_url_https': u'',
#u'verified': False, u'profile_location': None, u'profile_image_url_https': u'',
#u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'DDEEF6', u'entities': {u'description': {u'urls': []}}, u'followers_count': 216,
#u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'C0DEED', u'id_str': u'571096081', u'profile_background_color': u'C0DEED', u'listed_count': 1,
#u'is_translation_enabled': False, u'utc_offset': -18000, u'statuses_count': 1566,
#u'description': u'Only talking about the important stuff. Stoolie', u'friends_count': 277, u'location': u'',
#u'profile_link_color': u'0084B4', u'profile_image_url': u'',
#u'following': False, u'geo_enabled': True, u'profile_banner_url': u'',
#u'profile_background_image_url': u'',
#u'name': u'Devin Brosnan', u'lang': u'en', u'profile_background_tile': True, u'favourites_count': 1412,
#u'screen_name': u'DevinMBrosnan', u'notifications': False, u'url': None, u'created_at': u'Fri May 04 19:36:11 +0000 2012',
#u'contributors_enabled': False, u'time_zone': u'Eastern Time (US & Canada)', u'protected': False, u'default_profile': False, u'is_translator': False}
from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI
import sys
import csv
import codecs
from twitter import * # package used to retrieve all tweets for a user (easier implementation than TwitterAPI)
from twitterkeys import * # twitter keys files for OAUTH for TwitterAPI package and twitter package
t = Twitter(auth=OAuth(a_key, a_secret, c_key, c_secret))
# set colors in the command line output
class color:
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
# If you are behind a firewall you may need to provide proxy server
# authentication.
proxy_url = None # Example: 'https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PROXYSERVER:PORT'
#global defaults
tsearch = 'Hello'
fquery = ''
uname = 'jamescampbell'
# functions ----------
# this function asks the user what type of twitter query they want to run
def firstquestion():
fquery = raw_input('What would you like to do: (press number and return key) \n 1: User report \n 2: Twitter search \n 3: List of Following for user \n 4: All tweets for a user \n ?: ')
return fquery
# this function fixes unicode/ascii issues VERY IMPORTANT
def normalize(s):
if type(s) == unicode:
return s.encode('utf8', 'ignore')
return str(s)
# this function gets the search term from an input
def get_search_term():
tsearch = raw_input('Enter a search term: ')
return tsearch
# this funcion gets the username for the report
def get_username():
uname = raw_input('Enter username (no @ sign / leave blank to exit) \n ?: ')
return uname
# this function spits out the user ids for any twitter user that the user is following (twitter calls it friends)
def get_user_friends():
uname = get_username()
r = api.request('friends/ids', {'screen_name': uname})
i = 0
resultfilename = uname + '_friends.csv'
resultfile = open(resultfilename,'wb')
wr = csv.writer(resultfile, delimiter=',',lineterminator='\n')
for item in r:
for id in item['ids']:
print (id)
i = i + 1
print('\nQUOTA: %s' % r.get_rest_quota()['remaining'] + ' remaining')
exit('printed all %s ids' % i)
# this function gets all available user data for specific user and prints it as a report and CSV
def get_user_report(u):
r = api.request('users/show', {'screen_name': u})
for item in r:
resultfilename = u + '.csv'
resultfile = open(resultfilename,'wb')
wr = csv.writer(resultfile, delimiter=',',lineterminator='\n')
#print (item) # prints all raw array data for user
followers = item['followers_count']
location = item['profile_location']
website = item['url']
description = normalize(item['description']) # to normalize in case of encoding issues
created = item['created_at']
geod = item['geo_enabled']
realname = normalize(item['name'])
timezone = item['time_zone']
defaultprofile = item['default_profile']
defaultimage = item['default_profile_image']
protected = item['protected']
lang = item['lang']
backgroundimage = item['profile_use_background_image']
listed = item['listed_count']
favorites = item['favourites_count']
statuses = item['statuses_count']
friends = item['friends_count']
print (color.CYAN + '\n TWITTER REPORT FOR @%s \n' % u + color.END)
print ('Real Name: %s' % realname)
wr.writerow(['Real Name: %s' % realname])
print ('Geo turned on? %s' % geod)
wr.writerow(['Geo turned on? %s' % geod])
print ('Protected profile? %s' % protected)
wr.writerow(['Protected profile? %s' % protected])
print ('Language in profile: %s' % lang)
wr.writerow(['Language in profile: %s' % lang])
print ('Followers: %d' % followers)
wr.writerow(['Followers: %d' % followers])
print ('Following: %s' % friends)
wr.writerow(['Following: %s' % friends])
print ('Total tweets: %s' % statuses)
wr.writerow(['Total tweets: %s' % statuses])
print ('Total Favs: %s' % favorites)
wr.writerow(['Total Favs: %s' % favorites])
print ('Total lists: %s' % listed)
wr.writerow(['Total lists: %s' % listed])
print ('Location: %s' % location)
wr.writerow(['Location: %s' % location])
print ('Website: %s' % website)
wr.writerow(['Website: %s' % website])
print ('Description: %s' % description)
wr.writerow(['Description: %s' % description])
print ('Created: %s' % created)
wr.writerow(['Created: %s' % created])
print ('Timezone: %s' % timezone)
wr.writerow(['Timezone: %s' % timezone])
print ('Default Profile? %s' % defaultprofile)
wr.writerow(['Default Profile? %s' % defaultprofile])
print ('Default Image? %s' % defaultimage)
wr.writerow(['Default Image? %s' % defaultimage])
print ('Has Background Image set? %s' % backgroundimage)
wr.writerow(['Has Background Image set? %s' % backgroundimage])
print (color.CYAN + '\n report saved as csv for %s \n exiting now... \n' % u + color.END)
def iterated(maxid,u):
resultfilename = u + '_tweets.csv'
resultfile = open(resultfilename,'a')
wr = csv.writer(resultfile, delimiter=',',lineterminator='\n')
rr = t.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=u,count="200",max_id=maxid)
for item in rr:
tweet = normalize(item['text'])
dated = normalize(item['created_at'])
tweetid = item['id']
maxid = tweetid
print tweet
return maxid
# this function is for option 4, get a user's tweets
def get_user_tweets():
uname = get_username()
countset = '200'
maxid = ''
rr = t.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=uname,count=countset)
#print [s.text for s in statuses]
#r = api.request('statuses/user_timeline', {'screen_name': uname}, {'count': countset} )
i = 0
resultfilename = uname + '_tweets.csv'
resultfile = open(resultfilename,'wb')
wr = csv.writer(resultfile, delimiter=',',lineterminator='\n')
tweetid = 0
for item in rr:
tweet = normalize(item['text'])
dated = normalize(item['created_at'])
tweetid = item['id']
maxid = tweetid
#print tweet
print maxid
while i < 17:
maxid = iterated(maxid, uname)
i = i + 1
print('\nQUOTA: %s' % r.get_rest_quota()['remaining'] + ' remaining')
exit('only returned 200 max, will be working fully soon')
# this function returns tweets for a specific search term
def perform_search(searchterm):
resultfile = open("tweetoutput.csv",'wb')
wr = csv.writer(resultfile, delimiter=',',lineterminator='\n')
#stringed = (words.text_content()).encode('utf-8')
r = api.request('search/tweets', {'q': searchterm})
for item in r:
tweet = item['text']
user = item['user']['geo_enabled']
tweet = normalize(tweet)
#print ', '.join(tweet)
print (tweet, user)
print('\nQUOTA: %s' % r.get_rest_quota())
# Using OAuth 1.0 to authenticate you have access all Twitter endpoints.
# Using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate you lose access to user specific endpoints (ex. statuses/update),
# but you get higher rate limits.
api = TwitterAPI(
#api = TwitterAPI(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, auth_type='oAuth2', proxy_url=proxy_url)
r = api.request('application/rate_limit_status')
# Print HTTP status code (=200 when no errors).
tstatus = r.status_code
print ('current status %s' % tstatus)
#main start of code
if tstatus == 200:
fquery = firstquestion()
if fquery == '1':
print (color.RED + '\nYou selected User Report' + color.END)
uname = get_username()
if uname != '':
print (color.BOLD + 'username blank, exiting now dingus... \n' + color.END)
elif fquery == '2':
tsearch = get_search_term()
elif fquery == '3':
print (color.RED + '\nYou selected Get User\'s Friends' + color.END)
elif fquery == '4':
print (color.RED + '\nYou selected Get User\'s Tweets' + color.END)
elif tstatus != 200:
exit('hit API limit or other error, sorry')
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Just simply download and run "python" in your terminal / command line and it will ask you what you want to do next. It will automatically save user reports and all of a user's tweets to CSV files based on the options you choose. Have fun!

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