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Last active June 28, 2023 12:22
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Steamdeck ssh key and ssh key generation

On your deck open up desktop mode and go into konsole:you still need to setup user with a password passwd and enter a password for the deck user

Generate ssh keypairs

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

-t ed25519 : specifies the algorithm for the encryption, ed25519 is fast and not part of NIST/NSA if that matters

-b 4096 : specifies the key strength in this case 4096 bit encryption (default is 2048)

-f xxxxx : specifies the filename/pathThis will also prompt you for a password, choose a strong one that you`ll remember

Install ssh key

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys This appends your public key to your authorized keys##Copy private ssh key over to windows/mac/linux/templeOS

Copy ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 over to your machine with a usb or your favorite method. Note this is the private key and needs to be kept secure. You may need to enable viewing hidden folders in dolphin to view .ssh in your deck`s home folder

Edit ssh config

sudo vim +/PasswordAuthentication /etc/ssh/sshd_config

This jumps directly to PasswordAuthentication in the ssh config. Hit i to enter insert modeinstead of yes set it to noif the line starts with a # remove the #

Hit Escape

Type /PubkeyAuthentication

If this is not set to yes hit i change to yes.

If its not there add PubkeyAuthentication yes under PasswordAuthentication no

If the line starts with a # remove the #

Hit Escape type :wq to save file and quit

Start sshd

sudo systemctl start sshd pageant and also be used for winscp to be able to copy/transfer files

Using private key on windows

You will need an ssh client and agent. Most common is putty grab the installer.Install the application(note where it`s installed you will need to browse there)

Open puttygen.exe, go to load, select your private key, enter the password you set for it earlierputty uses .ppk file format for private keys, so hit save private key and remember where you put it.

Now we are done with conversion processTo load key into memory start pagent.exe

This should add an icon to your windows taskbar tray, right click the authorization agent, add key, browse to the .ppk you converted, enter passwordyou will need to start pageant every time you want to connect to the deckstart putty.exe

Enter your steamdeck`s IP address port 22, hit connectyou can get your deck`s ip in konsole with
ip addr or the steam sidebar menu probably has it somewhere (i don`t have a deck yet)when it prompts you for userenter deck

Using WSL on Windows

Copy from your windows files which show up under /mnt/c/ for your C drive

cp /mnt/c/<Path on C drive where you copied your ssh key> ./.ssh/

Set permissions on ssh key within your desktop's linux shell

sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/<ssh key>

Then ssh add

ssh-add ~/.ssh/<ssh key>

Then remember to ssh onto the deck as the deck user, since your desktop's linux shell user won't exist there. This uses the password you set at the very start.

ssh deck@<decks ip address>

Using private key on Linux/??Possibly mac??

Copy private key to ~/.ssh

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 then use

ssh [decks ip without the brackets]

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