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Last active July 22, 2021 18:14
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Lua validate email address
function validemail(str)
if str == nil or str:len() == 0 then return nil end
if (type(str) ~= 'string') then
error("Expected string")
return nil
local lastAt = str:find("[^%@]+$")
local localPart = str:sub(1, (lastAt - 2)) -- Returns the substring before '@' symbol
local domainPart = str:sub(lastAt, #str) -- Returns the substring after '@' symbol
-- we werent able to split the email properly
if localPart == nil then
return nil, "Local name is invalid"
if domainPart == nil or not domainPart:find("%.") then
return nil, "Domain is invalid"
if string.sub(domainPart, 1, 1) == "." then
return nil, "First character in domain cannot be a dot"
-- local part is maxed at 64 characters
if #localPart > 64 then
return nil, "Local name must be less than 64 characters"
-- domains are maxed at 253 characters
if #domainPart > 253 then
return nil, "Domain must be less than 253 characters"
-- somthing is wrong
if lastAt >= 65 then
return nil, "Invalid @ symbol usage"
-- quotes are only allowed at the beginning of a the local name
local quotes = localPart:find("[\"]")
if type(quotes) == 'number' and quotes > 1 then
return nil, "Invalid usage of quotes"
-- no @ symbols allowed outside quotes
if localPart:find("%@+") and quotes == nil then
return nil, "Invalid @ symbol usage in local part"
-- no dot found in domain name
if not domainPart:find("%.") then
return nil, "No TLD found in domain"
-- only 1 period in succession allowed
if domainPart:find("%.%.") then
return nil, "Too many periods in domain"
if localPart:find("%.%.") then
return nil, "Too many periods in local part"
-- just a general match
if not str:match('[%w]*[%p]*%@+[%w]*[%.]?[%w]*') then
return nil, "Email pattern test failed"
-- all our tests passed, so we are ok
return true
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Thanks for the script, but I found one small mistake.
If the symbol "@" is at the end of the address, the script breaks.

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@netSkinner nice catch

Adding check:

if (lastAt == nil) then lastAt = #str + 1 end

should fix it

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I found another error. This string validates:

Add this check:
if string.sub(domainPart, 1, 1) == "." then
return false, "first character in domainPart is a dot"

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itispey commented Jul 22, 2021

The program will stop if string is empty ""
So, I added str:len checker:

if str:len() == 0 then return nil end

One more thing. This code will accept "" but it shouldn't accept it ?

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Added a bunch of checks from all the suggestions. Thanks everyone

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