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Last active March 22, 2024 04:28
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Configuring Kazoo

This guide assumes you've installed Kazoo via one of the supported methods and are now ready to create devices, users, carriers, etc.

API Basics

Kazoo requires an auth-token for most API usage. You can create a token via a number of ways but we'll just use the username/password we created in the installation guide.

# User/Pass credentials hash
echo -n "{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}" | md5sum
{MD5_HASH}  -

# Copy the {MD5_HASH} and create an Auth Token
curl -v -X PUT -H "content-type:application/json" \
     -d '{"data":{"credentials":"{MD5_HASH}","account_name":"{ACCOUNT_NAME}"}}' \ | python -mjson.tool

# Export the "auth_token" and "account_id" for easy use in later API requests

Now your shell will have an auth token and account id to use (please export the real values and not the {…} placeholders.

Create a device


# Create a base device
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '{"data":{"name":"Device1"}}' \$ACCOUNT_ID/devices | python -mjson.tool

# capture the "id" of the device

# Add a terrible username and password
curl -X PATCH -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '{"data":{"sip":{"username":"device_1","password":"password_1"}}}' \$ACCOUNT_ID/devices/$DEVICE_ID | python -mjson.tool

Using the realm of the account, you should now be able to register a phone using the credentials created.

Via MonsterUI

Use SmartPBX - Screenshots welcomed

Create a callflow for the device


# create a callflow for extension 1001 to ring the device
# note: we need to escape the quotes to use $DEVICE_ID in the JSON data
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d "{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Device1 Callflow\", \"numbers\":[\"1001\"], \"flow\":{\"module\":\"device\",\"data\":{\"id\":\"$DEVICE_ID\"}}}}" \$ACCOUNT_ID/callflows | python -mjson.tool

You should now be able to create a second device and call 1001 to ring the first device

Create an outbound carrier

This assumes you have an upstream carrier that uses username/password to authenticate your calls.

# Create a "resource" representing the carrier
# "rules" is a list of regexes to match numbers for this carrier
# "gateways" is a list of JSON objects representing the gateway(s) to use
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '{"data":{"rules":[".{5,}"],"name":"Carrier Foo","gateways":[{"realm":"","server":"","username":"your_username","password":"your_password","enabled":true}]}}' \$ACCOUNT_ID/resources | python -mjson.tool

# capture the id of the resource

# Now create a callflow to use this account resource
# This uses the "no_match" special number
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '{"data":{"name":"Offnet Callflow","numbers":["no_match"],"flow":{"module":"resources","data":{"use_local_resources":true}}}}' \$ACCOUNT_ID/callflows | python -mjson.tool

If you use the regex above, any number 5 digits or more will route to your carrier.

Route numbers to your setup

Getting numbers to route in Kazoo requires a few steps. This guide will use the defaults in the system (read: mostly US-based numbers) to make this fast. Alternative documentation should be created for handling other areas of the world.

  1. Add the carrier to the ACLs

    sup ecallmgr_maintenance allow_carrier CarrierFoo

    You can set the IP as a raw IPv4 IP address or in CIDR notation.

  2. Add a number that you expect your carrier to route to you

    curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
         -d '{"data":{}}' \
         "$ACCOUNT_ID/phone_numbers/+15551234567" | python -mjson.tool
    # Activate the number
    curl -v -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
         -d '{"data":{}}' \
         "$ACCOUNT_ID/phone_numbers/+15551234567/activate" | python -mjson.tool
  3. Create a callflow for that DID. You could also amend the callflow created for the first device, adding the number to its "numbers" array.

    curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
         -d "{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Main Callflow\",\"numbers\":[\"+15551234567\"],\"flow\":{\"module\":\"device\",\"data\":{\"id\":\"$DEVICE_ID\"}}}}" \$ACCOUNT_ID/callflows | python -mjson.tool

Create a PBX

If you have existing PBXes and want to provide them with SIP trunks, create a "connectivity" doc. Be sure any DIDs you add here have been added in the above method (or similar).

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '{"data":{"account":{"auth_realm":"{ACCOUNT_SIP_REALM}"},"servers":[{"DIDs":{"+12125554321":{}},"options":{"inbound_format":"e164"},"auth":{"auth_method":"password","auth_user":"{USERNAME}","auth_password":"{PASSWORD}"}}]}}'$ACCOUNT_ID/connectivity
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Is there a document available that shows how to create a global offnet carrier using IP Auth instead of username / password?

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ruhnet commented Aug 10, 2019

wmmarcus you do it the same way but just leave out the username/password fields. jamesaimonetti Thanks for posting this GIST; it's very helpful.

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