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Last active December 9, 2019 14:45
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Example FortiManager API
# $1 method
# $2 url
# $3 data
fm() {
local json="{'method': '$1', 'id': $id, 'params': [{'url': '$2' ${3:+,'data': $3}}] ${session:+,'session': '$session'}}"
response=$(curl -k -s "$url" -d "$json")
id=$(($id + 1))
# $1 user
# $2 pass
fmlogin() {
local data="{'user': '$user', 'passwd': '$pass'}"
fm exec /sys/login/user "$data"
session=$(echo $response | jq .session)
fmlogout() {
fm exec /sys/logout
unset session
# Proxy a request to FortiGate
# $1 adom
# $2 device name
# $3 action
# $4 resource
# $5 payload
fmproxy() {
local target="['adom/$1/device/$2']"
local data="{'action': '$3', 'resource': '$4', ${5:+'payload': '$5',} 'target': $target}"
fm exec /sys/proxy/json "$data"
fmlogin $user $pass
# Exit if no session
[ -z "$session" ] && exit
# Example 1: Get the hostname and version from the remote FortiGate via FortiManager proxy
fmproxy root FGT60D4613016433 get /api/v2/cmdb/system/global?format=hostname\|version
hostname=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data[0].response.results.hostname)
# hostname=FGT60D4613016433
version=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data[0].response.version)
# version=v6.0.4
# Example 2: Get hostname, platform and version from the FortiManager device database
fm get /dvmdb/adom/root/device/FGT60D4613016433
hostname=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data.hostname)
# hostname=FGT60D4613016433
platform=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data.platform_str)
# platform=FortiGate-60D
os_ver=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data.os_ver)
# os_ver=6
mr=$(echo $response | jq .result[0]
# mr=0
patch=$(echo $response | jq .result[0].data.patch)
# patch=4
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