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Created March 18, 2021 21:34
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Two coordinate systems with a 1-D boost in special relativity.
\documentclass[crop=true, border=10pt]{standalone}
:Title: Standard coordinate systems
:Author: J A Miller, UAH Physics & Astronomy,
The basic scenario of a primed coordinate system moving along the $x$ axis with a speed $v$
Figure caption
\caption{Our standard setup for the unprimed and primed reference frames. The primed frame moves along the $x$ axis with a velocity $v$ (which can be $>0$ or $<0$) relative to the unprimed frame, and the orientation of all axes is the same as in the unprimed frame.}
\definecolor{plum}{rgb}{0.36078, 0.20784, 0.4}
\definecolor{chameleon}{rgb}{0.30588, 0.60392, 0.023529}
\definecolor{cornflower}{rgb}{0.12549, 0.29020, 0.52941}
\definecolor{scarlet}{rgb}{0.8, 0, 0}
\definecolor{brick}{rgb}{0.64314, 0, 0}
\definecolor{sunrise}{rgb}{0.80784, 0.36078, 0}
% ----------------------- parameter specifications ------------------------
% graph boundaries
% x and y scales
% some calculations now ...
% ------------------------ other functions ------------------------------
% ------------------------ begin figure ------------------------------
minor gridlines/.style={cornflower!30,step=0.2,thin},
major gridlines/.style={cornflower!60,step=1.0,thin},
axes/.style={cornflower,thick,axisarrow}, % unprimed axes
primed axes/.style={scarlet,thick,axisarrow}, % primed axes
primed major gridlines/.style={scarlet!60,thin},
double primed axes/.style={chameleon,thick,axisarrow}, % double primed axes
double primed major gridlines/.style={chameleon!60,thin},
LOS/.style={cornflower,thick,dashed}, % line of simultaneity in unprimed frame
LOS primed/.style={scarlet,thick,dashed}, % line of simultaneity in primed frame
LOS double primed/.style={chameleon,thick,dashed}, % line of simultaneity in primed frame
light ray/.style={sunrise,thick,axisarrow},
textnode/.style={inner sep=0pt}, % for a text only node
dot/.style={circle,draw=scarlet!70,fill=scarlet!20,inner sep=1.5pt}
% In case we need to increase the font size because of a large diagram
\tikzset{every node/.style={scale=1.2}};
% some coordinates
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
% Draw the grid for the unprimed frame
%\draw [minor gridlines] (\xa,\ya) grid (\xb,\yb);
\draw [major gridlines] (\xa,\ya) grid (\xb,\yb);
% Draw unprimed axes
\draw[axes,name path=taxis] (0,\ya) -- (0,\yb);
\node[textnode] at (0.3,\yb-0.5) {$t$};
\draw[axes,name path=xaxis] (\xa,0) -- (\xb,0);
\node[textnode] at (\xb-0.5,-0.3) {$x$};
% Draw the grid for the primed frame
%\draw [minor gridlines] (\xa,\ya) grid (\xb,\yb);
\draw [primed major gridlines] (\xb+\spacing,\ya) grid (\xb+\spacing +\xb-\xa,\yb);
% Draw primed axes
\draw[primed axes,name path=tpaxis] (\xb+\spacing+1,\ya) -- (\xb+\spacing+1,\yb);
\node[textnode] at (\xb+\spacing+1+0.3,\yb-0.5) {$t^\prime$};
\draw[primed axes,name path=xpaxis] (\xb+\spacing,0) -- (\xb+\spacing +\xb-\xa,0);
\node[textnode] at (\xb+\spacing +\xb-\xa-0.5,-0.3) {$x^\prime$};
\draw[velocityarrow,ultra thick] ( \xb+\spacing+2,1.5)-- ( \xb+\spacing+5,1.5) node[textnode,label={right:\Large $v$}] (v) {};
\node[textnode,label={right: Unprimed frame}] at (2.2,6.2) {};
\node[textnode,label={right: Primed frame}] at (11.2,6.2) {};
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